Банши Инишира

Банши Инишира 2022


Два доживотна пријатеља нађу се у ћорсокаку када један нагло прекине своју везу, са алармантним последицама за обоје.


Прошле ноћи у Сохоу

Прошле ноћи у Сохоу 2021


Психолошки трилер Едгара Рајта о младој девојци, са страшћу према модном дизајну, која на мистериозан начин улази у шездесете године прошлог века где се сусреће са својим идолом, импресивном певачицом у успону. Али Лондон шездесетих година није онакав какав се чини, а време као да се распада са сумњивим последицама…



Мушкарци 2022


Након што је њен бивши муж починио самоубиство, Харпер одлази сама у прекрасно енглеско село како би се опоравила. Иако на први поглед изгледа идилично, то место јој је чудно од самог почетка. Убрзо, неко или нешто почиње да је уходи. Оно што почиње као тињајући страх постаје права ноћна мора, пуна њених најмрачнијих сећања и страхова.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005


Four egocentric friends run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia and try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better.



Starstruck 2021


A drunken New Year's Eve hook-up becomes far more complicated for Jessie when she discovers her one night stand is actually a film star.



Teachers 2001


The chaotic lives, loves and drinking sessions of a group of hapless teachers. They might be qualified to teach, but they've still got a lot to learn...


State of the Union

State of the Union 2019


Tom and Louise meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session. With each successive episode we piece together how their lives were, what drew them together and what has started to pull them apart.


The Prince of Denmark

The Prince of Denmark 1974


Ronnie and Laura Corbett have embarked on a new future - this time in the company of the Prince of Denmark, a public house that she has inherited. Ronnie's initially rather put out by Laura's being technically in charge; something which the brewery's delivery men are swift to pick up on! Her prior experience working behind a bar soon begins to rub off, but it's a slow learning curve for the diminutive busybody as he attempts to keep his pride in tact, his eye over everything, and his hand firmly on the tiller.