Пре него што заспим

Пре него што заспим 2014


Кристина Лукас свакога јутра се буди у непознатој соби покрај непознатог мушкарца. Не зна где се налази нити ко је она. Убрзо сазнаје да је непознат човек њезин супруг Бен и да након саобраћајне несреће коју је доживела сваки дан изгуби наново памћење чим заспи. Покушавајући реконструирати прошлост, Кристина копа по стварима и наилази на камеру на којој је сама себи снимила поруку…


Дуг пољубац за лаку ноћ

Дуг пољубац за лаку ноћ 1996


Саманта Кејн, предграђанска домаћица, идеална је мама својој осмогодишњој кћерки Кејтлин. Живи у Хонесдејлу у савезној држави Пенсилванија, ради као учитељица и прави најбоље посластице од Рајс Криспија у граду. Али када добије ударац у главу, почиње да се сећа малих делова свог претходног живота као смртоносна, тајна агенткиња.



Psych-Hunter 2020


Jiang Shuo is in the business of buying haunted houses and selling them. He crosses paths with Qin Yi Heng, a psychologist searching for his father, and Yuan Mu Qing who is the daughter of a warlord. Together, they partner up to fight against mysterious forces. Jiang Shuo suffers from amnesia but is well-versed in the affairs of the occult. Qin Yi Feng receives a letter that contains the countdown to Jiang Shuo's time of death and evidence of his father's abduction when he went missing one year ago, sealed with the six-finger seal. Qin Yi Heng becomes determined to track down the only clue that might lead him back to his father.


I'm Joybo

I'm Joybo 2017


Jiang Xiaobai starts his first ever job as an editor. His new work partner, writer Tong Li, continually gives him a hard time. One day he learns that Tong Li is a long-lost friend from his childhood. Gradually, their past is revealed.


Point Pleasant

Point Pleasant 2005


A series of supernatural events begins in a small coastal New Jersey town after the arrival of a mysterious teenage girl, who apparently has the ability to influence the people and events around her.



9Border 2024


A woman’s teens, 20s and 30s - each decade brings its own level of expectations and anxieties. These watershed life moments tend to highlight issues of employment, love, marriage, childbirth, and parenting, with the added pressure of perceived time limits. Three so-called “9-border” sisters - aged 19, 29, and 39 - gather under one roof after their father's sudden disappearance struggle with love, life, and time issues in this melodrama about finding happiness and moving forward in life.


The Devil Punisher

The Devil Punisher 2020


A baker by day and demon fighter by night, Zhong Kui, a reincarnated deity must jog his amnesiac lover's memory of their millennium-long romance.