Шерлок Холмс

Шерлок Холмс 2009


Шерлока Холмса прославило је проналажење истине у најсложенијим мистеријама. Уз помоћ доктора Џона Вотсона, Холмс хвата злочинце свих врста ослањајући се на своју генијалну моћ запажања, закључивања као и сирову снагу . Но, сада се изнад Лондона спрема пријетња с каквом се Холмс никад пре није суочио и управо изазов којег је цело време тражио. Након низа бруталних убистава, Холмс и Вотсон у последњи час спашавају најновију жртву и разоткривају убицу, лорда Блеквуда… Но ту причи није крај…


Sherlock Hound

Sherlock Hound 1984


Loosely based on the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Hound turns all the classic characters into dogs. The canine Sherlock Holmes, his assistant Watson, and housemaid Mrs. Hudson work together to solve mysteries. The culprit is usually Professor Moriarty and his gang, who use all kinds of wacky contraptions to steal what they want.


Miss Sherlock

Miss Sherlock 2018


Sherlock has a peculiar character flaw. She does not open her heart to strangers. She is Japanese, but was born in Britain. She now works as an investigation consultant for the police department. Wato Tachibana is an excellent surgeon and is guided by the principal of justice. Sherlock and Wato Tachibana get to know each other through a case and begin to rely on each other.


Sherlock: The Russian Chronicles

Sherlock: The Russian Chronicles 2020


This mystery thriller throws a Russian spin on one of the world’s most famous characters, the series follows the esteemed detective from London to stunning St Petersburg, on the trail of a suspected serial murderer. Sherlock Holmes (Maxim Matveyev) is on the hunt for Jack the Ripper. The infamous killer left a bloody trail in London and fled to the Russian Empire, with Sherlock on his tail. With new characters, Dr Kartsev and Sophia supporting Sherlock, and a new nemesis in Znamensky, this is an exciting, glossy action series.