Краљ Артур

Краљ Артур 2004


Након више година ратовања, Артур (Клајв Овен) једва чека да се из Британије врати у мир и спокој Рима, али пре него што му то буде омогућено, он и његови витезови округлог стола - Ланселот, Галахад, Борс, Тристан и Гавин, мораће да крену у још једну, последњу мисију. На том путу Артур и његови витезови схватају да ће Британцима бити неопходан вођа, неко ко ће ујединити све староседеоце, помоћи им да избегну ужас безвлашћа након повлачења римске војске са Острва и спасти их од инвазије и уништења Саксонаца. У пратњи Мерлина, бившег непријатеља, и Гиневре (Кира Најтли), прелепе, храбре принцезе ратнице, Артур у себи проналази снагу да промени ток историје.


Gwanggaeto, The Great Conqueror

Gwanggaeto, The Great Conqueror 2011


Gwanggaeto, The Great Conqueror is an alternate title for King Gwanggaeto the Great, a historical drama based on the life of the nineteenth monarch of Goguryeo, Gwanggaeto the Great. The drama was based on two sources, Gwanggaeto the Great by Jeong Jip, and Great Conquests of Gwanggaeto by Hyeong Minu.


The Winter King

The Winter King 2023


Bastard son Arthur returns to the land he's been banished from to find a kingdom in chaos. Seeking the aid of his oldest confidants, Arthur aims to right Britain's path as he faces the most unexpected of obstacles.



Roar 1997


Roar is an American television show that originally aired on the Fox network in July 1997. In the year AD 400, a young Irish man, Conor, sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans, but in order to accomplish this, he must unite the Celtic clans.



Camelot 2011


Camelot is a historical-fantasy-drama television series based on the Arthurian legend, was produced by Graham King, Morgan O'Sullivan and Michael Hirst.


Arthur of the Britons

Arthur of the Britons 1972


This series strips away the elaborate medieval view of Camelot, and presents Arthur as the chief of a small Celt tribe in Dark-Ages Britain, a century or two after the withdrawal of Rome. Arthur struggles to weave the scattered tribes of Celts, Jutes, etc. into a union that can effectively oppose the Saxon invaders who are arriving in Britain in growing numbers. He is aided by his adoptive father, Llud, and his foster brother, Kai, who is himself a Saxon foundling.