Кључна реч Self Reflection
Y tu mamá también 2001
Зеркало 1975
The Tree of Life 2011
Дантеов Пакао 2010
Филм представља Дантеов пут кроз девет кругова пакла у потрази за својом правом љубави – Беатрисом. Подељен је у једанаест поглавља, два пре уласка у пакао и по једно за сваки круг. Свако поглавље има назив и сва су анимирана видно различитим стиловима, између осталог приказујући Дантеа са различитом дужином косе, телесним пропорцијама и оклопом.
Brad's Status 2017
밤의 해변에서 혼자 2017
Shortcomings 2023
Elisa, vida mía 1977
알엠: 라이트 피플, 롱 플레이스 2024
Okie 2024
Red Herring 2024
The Aristo-Cat 1943
A Delicate Balance 1973
ชุมทางรถไฟผี 2007
フード・ラック!食運 2020
Ping Pong the Animation 2014
Makoto 'Smile' Tsukimoto and his friend Yutaka 'Peco' Hoshino have been playing table tennis together since they were kids, but as they enter high school, they find that the game, and how they see it, has changed. Peco, brimming with confidence and energy, wants to be the best in the world, but the reserved Smile has little fighting spirit and doesn't want to sacrifice others' happiness just to win, despite his innate talent. As the two grow, and experience the ups and downs of the sport – and life – they try to figure out exactly who they really are and what drives them to play.