Замка за родитеље

Замка за родитеље 1998


Идентичне близнакиње, Ени и Хели, раздвојене при рођењу и одрасле свака с' једним биолошким родитељем, први пут сазнају једна за другу у летњем кампу и праве план како би поново спојиле своје родитеље.


Венчање за умрети

Венчање за умрети 2022


Екстравагантно венчање запосели су криминалци. У процесу спасавања својих породица, они поново откривају зашто су се уопште заљубили.



Син 2022


Успешан адвокат, са новом женом и дететом, пристаје да брине о свом сину тинејџеру из претходног брака након што је његова бивша жена постала забринута због дечаковог својеглавог понашања.


Карта за рај

Карта за рај 2022


Разведени пар се удружује и путује на Бали како би спречили своју кћер да направи исту грешку за коју мисле да су они направили пре 25 година.


Компликовано је

Компликовано је 2009


Џејн (Мерил Стрип) је мајка троје одрасле деце, власница ресторана и има – после десет година развода – „пријатељску“ везу са својим бившим мужем, адвокатом Џејком (Алек Болдвин). Али када се Џејн и Џејк нађу ван града на матури свог сина, ствари почињу да се компликују. Наизглед обични заједнички ручак претвара се у оно незамисливо – аферу. Џејк се жени много млађом Агнес (Лејк Бел), и Џејн је сада друга жена. У сред њихове поново пробуђене романсе налази се Адам (Стив Мартин), архитекта унајмљен да реновира Џејнину кухињу.



Ezra 2024



Мој син

Мој син 2021


Возећи се кроз средиште горја, Едмонд Мареј прима позив од своје уплакане бивше супруге. Њихов седмогодишњи син нестао је из кампа. Убрзо постаје јасно да је дете киднаповано, а родитељи попуштају очају.


Венчање године

Венчање године 2013


Дон и Елие Грифин су већ дуго разведени када су изненада приморани да се претварају да су још увек заједно јер на венчање њиховог усвојеног сина долази његова врло конзервативна биолошка мајка. Грифини ће ускоро схватити да уопште није лако глумити срећан брачни пар, што такође врло тешко пада и Доновој девојци Беб. Њихова деца се усред те шараде суочавају са сопственим проблемима. Лyла се бори са тајном коју крије од своје породице, Џаред размишља о свом љубавном животу, или тачније непостојању таквог, Алехандро покушава да надгледа све шта се догађа и да одржи породицу на окупу, укључујући и своју будућу жену Мисy која, желећи да удовољи својим родитељима, пристаје да их свештеник венча према традиционалном католичком обреду.


That Winter, the Wind Blows

That Winter, the Wind Blows 2013


Circumstances condemn Oh Soo and Oh Young to loveless lives. After the untimely death of his first love, Oh Soo turns to an ambitionless life as a derelict gambler. The gorgeous Oh Young should be leading the perfect life as an heiress, but when her parents’ divorce crumbles the family, she faces the reality of living life alone—particularly in light of her increasingly impaired vision. When these two heavy souls cross paths, fate delivers a chance meeting that will change their lives forever.


Gary Unmarried

Gary Unmarried 2008


A recently divorced couple shares custody of their two children while starting new relationships.


The Millers

The Millers 2013


A divorced reporter, looking forward to the single life, finds his parents' marital problems derail his plans.


Growing Up Fisher

Growing Up Fisher 2014


It's not every family that's brought closer together by divorce, but then again, the Fishers are anything but typical.


So Little Time

So Little Time 2001


So Little Time is an American sitcom starring Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen that aired on Fox Family. The first half of the series aired from June 2, 2001, to August 15, 2001. The series then went on a four-month hiatus owing to network management changes. By December 2001, Fox Family had become ABC Family, and the remaining episodes aired until May 4, 2002.



Blueming 2022


Si-won has worked hard and diligently to raise his popularity in college after being a victim of childhood bullying. But will he lose his composure once he meets Da-woon, who was born with the popularity Si-won has worked so hard to attain?



Pendlerkids 2012


Kasper's parents are divorced. Every other weekend he takes the train between Jutland and the capital with a group of other children. Kasper finds it difficult to make friends, but he has a talent for rapping and it gives him a strong connection with another outsider Tobias, who makes music on his computer. On the train the two boys make a rap CD for a pretty girl named Marie. It turns out that her father is a famous judge on a popular talent show on television. That opens up new opportunities for boys, but it also creates jealousy among the popular kids in the railway car.


Love Me

Love Me 2017


After being disappointed by her husband, Anna decides to put an end to their marriage and tries to get her life back on track. But how should she continue with her life and her children, Lou and Vic, through which she'll be connected with her ex forever?


6-second Trajectory: Fireworks Expert Mochizuki Seitaro's Melancholy

6-second Trajectory: Fireworks Expert Mochizuki Seitaro's Melancholy 2023


This drama focuses on the fireworks industry, which is suffering from a decline in events due to the coronavirus pandemic. "Mochizuki Fireworks Store" is a fireworks store that has been running for generations. Mochizuki Kou is the fourth generation owner who passes away at the age of 80, leaving his son Seitaro alone and at a loss for words. Few months later, Kou, who was supposed to be dead, appears in front of Seitaro as if he is still alive. This is a heartwarming fantasy, depicting the mysterious daily life of the father and son fireworks masters.


The Stones

The Stones 2004


The Stones is a sitcom television series that starred Robert Klein, Judith Light, Lindsay Sloane and Jay Baruchel as the Stone family that are divorced but still live under the same house. The show premiered on CBS on March 17, 2004 and was canceled after 3 episodes due to low ratings. It was supposed to begin in 2003 but was delayed. It was produced by David Kohan, Max Mutchnick and Jenji Kohan.


Gray Shelter

Gray Shelter 2024


Cha Soo-Hyuk is focused only on his survival, without any grand goals. He reunites with Lee Yoon-dae, who he was very close with. Yoon-Dae was living with his girlfriend but now has nowhere to go. They end up living together.


My 50/50 Life

My 50/50 Life 2016


Child of divorced parents, Louis 12 years old, has two of everything - two homes, two sets of parents, two step siblings, two rooms and soon two personalities, because life feels pretty schizophrenic.


My Fantastic Funeral

My Fantastic Funeral 2015


Though Mi Soo received treatment for her brain tumor three years ago, it’s back. Soon, she becomes a terminally ill patient. After her parents divorced, her mother remarried and her father passed away from a car accident. Her aunt raised her, but they’re on bad terms. She’s single and without any close friends, so there’s no one to arrange a funeral for her. Mi Soo decides to find someone who can make arrangements after her death. She runs into Dong Soo who becomes obsessed with her, constantly following her everywhere she goes like a stalker. Ten years ago, Dong Soo fell hard for Mi Soo but now has miraculously crossed paths with her again.


Speed and Love

Speed and Love 1970


After her parents' divorce, Jiang Mu reunites with her adopted brother Jin Chao, now a hardened young man living a dangerous life in Thailand. Despite their growing distance, Jiang Mu's unwavering love helps bridge the gap between them, leading to a journey of healing and redemption as they fight to rebuild their bond and face their struggles together.