Кључна реч Blindness And Impaired Vision
Дердевил 2003
Дердевил члан организације за борбу против злочина, заљубљује се у прелепу учитељицу борилачких вештина Електру. Али када она и њена породица постану мета окрутних убица, Дердевил губи једину ствар у животу коју воли.
Rej 2004
The Eye 2008
City Lights 1931
Dancer in the Dark 2000
喋血雙雄 1989
見鬼 2002
霍元甲 2006
Blind Dating 2006
Слепило 2008
Офталмолог се једног јутра буди и схвата да болује од чудног синдрома који му одузима вид стварајући такозвано бело слепило. Заједно са женом шаљу га у специјалну психијатријску установу која служи као карантин да се зараза не би ширила. Слепило се ипак шири и захвата већину становништва, па пацијенти у болници остану без снабдевања и морају да се сналазе. Иако су сви слепи нису равноправни јер један од њих је слеп од раније и сналази се много боље од осталих. То као предност користи један насилник и заводи диктатуру мучећи остале. Када хране понестане, морају изаћи из карантина, у град где су сви, такође, слепи... Одлична драма о људској природи, лошим и добрим особама у необичним околностима.
Jennifer Eight 1992
Johnny Got His Gun 1971
Senseless 1998
The Miracle Worker 1962
The Miracle Worker 2000
फ़ना 2006
Legal Mavericks 2017
Since losing his eyesight in an accident, Man Sun-Hop has been continually harassed and despised. But instead, his determination and perseverance are so reinforced that he has qualified as a barrister. He has also developed an acute sense beyond sight which helps him to gain the status of Blind Legal Knight in the legal profession. However, nobody really knows his true character. Fortunately, Kuk Yat-Ha, his flatmate and private detective, and ChiuChing-Mui, female legal executive with mob connections, are two buddies he can always rely on. The trio are known as Three Sword Fighters who never submit to power and are always ready to seek justice for the underprivileged. Sun-Hop’s provocative style has aroused the fancy of female judge Wong Lai-Fan, who cannot control her amorous feelings for him. Expanded to a quartet, their fate encounters turbulent changes while handling challenging legal cases. Reappearance of Sun-Hop’s father and Tai Tin-Yan, fellow sister from college, further complicates the situation, which Sun-Hop may not be able to unravel with his legal mastery.
Nothing to See Here 2023
When an aspiring blind comedian goes after his dreams, it's him and his best friend with cerebral palsy against the world, no matter what runs them over.
Mr. Magoo 2019
Mr. Magoo, the eponymous kind-hearted fellow is always happy to lend a hand, but often causes disasters instead as without his glasses he makes all kinds of chaotic mix-ups. Despite this, his only enemy is his neighbor Fizz: a megalomaniacal hamster and his human minion, Weasel, who are somehow always accidentally thwarted by Magoo.
Six degrés 2021
The life of Léon, a half-sighted man, was turned upside down when his mother died. Since retrograde skydiving is part of the biological son's family, it is not the same. Fortunately, since you are in Florence, you look at it further and the way more, because just like lazy everything is different.
Pas de panique on cuisine 2017
Chef Bob and Véronique Vézina prepare simple, healthy, and low-cost recipes.
Love's in Sight! 2021
Yukiko Akaza attends a high school for blind. She has amblyopia, which causes her to recognize colors only vaguely and she can recognize large letters with a magnifying glass. When she walks outdoors, she always carries a white cane. Nevertheless, she has a bright personality. One day, Yukiko happens to meet delinquent boy Morio Kurokawa. At first, Yukiko doesn't like him, but she somehow gains an understanding of him. They become attracted to each other.