До звезда 2019
Војни инжењер кроз галаксију тражи свог оца, који је нестао 20 година раније, у мисији потраге за ванземаљским животом.
Војни инжењер кроз галаксију тражи свог оца, који је нестао 20 година раније, у мисији потраге за ванземаљским животом.
Рода Вилијамс је паметна млада жена која је примљена у МИТ-ов астрофизички програм и жели да истражује космос. Џон Бароус је брилијантни композитор који се управо налази на врхунцу каријере и чека друго дете са својом вољеном женом. На вече открића дупле Земље, дешава се трагедија и животи ово двоје странаца неповратно се преплићу. Отуђени од света и живота који су некад познавали, двоје аутсајдера се упуштају у необичну љубавну аферу и поново откривају живот. Међутим, када се једном укаже шанса да одпутује на другу Земљу и прихвати алтернативну реалност, који ће живот одабрати?
From the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in a wondrous yet deadly adventure through space and time.
Carl Sagan covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspective of our place in the universe.
The story of the discovery and exploration of the planets, revealing the deepest secrets of our neighbors in space.
Professor Brian Cox explores the dramatic lives of the eight majestic planets/worlds that make up our solar system.
In this spellbinding series, Professor Brian Cox visits the most extreme locations on Earth to explain how the laws of physics carved natural wonders across the solar system.
Imagine crashing through the acid storms of Venus, taking a space walk in the magnificent rings of Saturn, or collecting samples on the disintegrating surface of an unstable comet. Seen through the eyes of five astronauts on a six-year mission to the new frontiers that make up our solar system, it reveals the spectacle - and the dangers - they face when landing on and exploring the exotic worlds of our neighbouring planets.
Witness the remarkable story of our universe over billions of years and its inextricable link to life on Earth in this sweeping documentary series.
There's nothing else like it. Chris Packham reveals the epic, four-billion-year story of our home - from its dramatic creation to the arrival of human life... and whatever's next.
Dive into the field of natural science, Discover the Solar System or the various functions of the human body. The information is presented in the "Eyewitness Museum", a computer-generated science museum. Various exhibits are shown, and stock video footage is usually seen through large windows or other depressions in the wall.
See the ultimate guide to the Solar System from the dedicated people who sent spacecraft to explore the sun and the planets, and witness their astonishing tales of discovery as they reveal wonders never seen before.
Voyage across the solar system with Professor Brian Cox and explore the new discoveries, natural wonders and strange mysteries on the diverse worlds that orbit the sun.
Documentary series tracing mankind's exploration of our solar system.
Viewers are taken on a breathtaking journey through the planets in our solar system. In each episode, see stunning images of each planet including highly detailed images captured by today’s ultra high-tech telescopes. Advanced animation takes you up close and personal with these distant worlds, as we plunge through space to get a better look at the neighbors.
The stars of CBeebies take part in stargazing, exploring the amazing spectacle of the night sky.