Добри Вил Хантинг

Добри Вил Хантинг 1997


Двадесетогодишњи младић изузетне интелигенције, која се граничи са генијалношћу, ради као домар на техничком факултету у Масачусетсу, где с’времена на време не може да одоли решавању изузетно компликованих задатака. Уместо да тамо студира, он пати од комплекса ниже вредности, будући да је провео тешко детињство у сиротишту... Радња филма се захуктава када анонимно реши наградни задатак, који је професор Ламбо наменио студентима завршне године. Ламбо поставља још тежи задатак да би пронашао генијалца који га решава, али Вил успева да побегне. Да не би отишао у затвор због напада на човека који га је малтретирао у детињству, Ламбо нуди Вилу да студира математику и иде код психијатра Шон Магвајера. Након неколико неуспешних сеанси, Шон мења тактику и Вил постепено почиње да се отвара и да верује свом терапеуту. У међувремену, Вил упознаје девојку Скајлар, успешну студенткињу на Харварду, у коју се заљубљује, али не жели да је упозна са својим друштвом нити јој покаже крај у коме живи.



42 2013



Брустерови милиони

Брустерови милиони 1985


У овој добро познатој филмској причи коју је режирао Волтер Хил, Монтгомери Монти Брустер је бејзбол играч који је после 15 година бављења спортом дотакао дно. Када добије прилику да заради 300 милиона долара суочава се са необичним проблем: услов у тестаменту је да потроши 30 милиона долара за 30 дана и да о томе никоме не говори.


Формула успеха

Формула успеха 2011


Прича о успешном покушају главног директора Оакланд Атлетика Билија Бејна да окупи бејзбол тим за буџет, тако што ће искористити компјутерски генерисану анализу да изради своје играче.


Није лако бити херој

Није лако бити херој 2006


Младић по имену Јенки Ирвинг се налази на необичној раскрсници: Има шансу да буде херој - и направи разлику у односу на невероватне квоте - или може да игра сигурно. Са вером у себе коју је наследио од његове породице, удружује се са младом девојчицом и још неким другарима и започиње понекад опасно, често смешно, потресно путовање. У том процесу, он враћа част породице, спаја се највећом светском спортском звездом и открива хероја у себи.



Ограде 2016


Тешка, али снажна прича прати Афроамериканца Троја Максона 53-годишњег сакупљача смећа који се бори за преживљавање своје породице током 1950-их, а све недаће које их стижу потичу због расних различитости.



Велики 1988


Припазите шта желите јер би вам се жеље могле остварити, подсећа велики Том Ханкс у једној од најбољих комедија осамдесетих година. Иако не верује у позитиван исход своје жеље, дечак Џош Баскин једног дана од старе машине за испуњавање жеља пожели да буде одрастао. Следећег дана буди се - велик! Изгледа као да има тридесетак година, али је по природи и даље онај стари дванаестогодишњак. Одлази у Њујорк како би машина поправила његову ситуацију, али тамо прво налази посао у фирми која производи играчке, а затим уђе и у љубавну везу. Мора што пре да научи да се понаша као одрастао...


Зли поручник

Зли поручник 1992


Један полицијски поручник наизглед живи животом обичног полицајца који ради на одељењуу за убиства. Ипак, малобројни знају да њим владају његови властити пороци. Створио је огроман дуг кладећи се на бејзбол и кладионичари постају све нестрпљивији. Одлучује искористити свој статус како би брзо дошао до новца и увлачи се у свет из којег ће тешко изаћи.


Ace of Diamond

Ace of Diamond 2013


Eijun Sawamura is a pitcher who joins an elite school with a brilliant catcher named Kazuya Miyuki. Together with the rest of the team, they strive for Japan's storied Koushien championships through hard work and determination.


Mix: Meisei Story

Mix: Meisei Story 2019


Because of the legend left by Tatsuya Uesugi, Meisei Academy High School was well-known for their strong baseball team. But 26 years after their glory, the team has not been able to keep their record and has since lost their fame. Two stepbrothers, Souichirou and Touma Tachibana, aim to revive of the once-strong Meisei Academy baseball team and enter the National High School Baseball Championship. Souichirou and Touma are second years in Meisei Academy Middle School. Both boys are talented baseball players. Souichirou has shown excellent skill as a catcher and batter. Though having an extraordinary skill as a pitcher, Touma no longer pitches due to a certain reason. Once the two enter high school, they pair as a battery and aim to enter the National High School Baseball Championship!


MLB Network Presents

MLB Network Presents 2015


A series of documentaries and profiles on some of baseball's most prominent personalities.



Major 2004


Honda Goro the son of a famous baseball player loves nothing more than baseball itself. His biggest dream is to show his father that he can become the best pitcher in the world despite all the hardships he had to endure he keeps on running towards his goal at full speed.


All American: Homecoming

All American: Homecoming 2022


Follow the journeys of Simone Hicks, a tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills, and elite baseball player Damon Sims from Chicago, as they navigate life at the prestigious HBCU Bringston University.


The Bad News Bears

The Bad News Bears 1979


The Bad News Bears is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from March 24, 1979 until July 26, 1980, consisting of 26 episodes. It was based on the 1976 hit movie of the same name, that was followed by two sequels in 1977 and 1978.


Eastbound & Down

Eastbound & Down 2009


Years after he turned his back on his hometown, a burned-out major league ballplayer returns to teach phys ed at his old middle school.


D'Myna Leagues

D'Myna Leagues 2000


Loosely based on the baseball writing of W. P. Kinsella, the series was set in a world populated by anthropomorphic birds, and centred on the minor league baseball team in the town of Mynaville. The baseball games were represented by placing two-dimensional characters in three-dimensional backgrounds. The teams of bird characters were opposed by rival teams like the Weasels, the Pigs, the Beavers and the Elephants.


MLB's 20 Greatest Games

MLB's 20 Greatest Games 2012


MLB Network counts down its version of the 20 greatest games played since about 1950. The network first came up with 50 games and a "blue ribbon panel" -- aided by fan votes -- whittled that to 20. Hosts Bob Costas and Tom Verducci dissect each game, and given the format, with each episode running at least one hour, there's plenty of time to delve into nuances such as pitch selection, defensive alignment, managerial moves and so on. Also making each episode must-see TV for longtime baseball fans is the ex-players and managers who join Costas and Verducci to provide insight. Bucky Dent, for example, talks about his famous home run in the 1978 American League tiebreak game, and Johnny Bench and Fred Lynn reminisce about Game 6 of the 1975 World Series, the No. 1 game on the list.


Home Run Derby

Home Run Derby 1960


Baseball's greatest hitters slug it out in a champ-against-champ duel on a match play basis.


Big Windup!

Big Windup! 2007


Ren Mihashi was the ace of his middle school's baseball team, but due to his poor pitching, they could never win. Constant losses eventually lead to his teammates bullying him and reached the point where his teammates no longer tried to win, causing Mihashi to graduate with little self-esteem. As a result, Mihashi decides to go to a high school in a different prefecture where he has no intention of playing baseball. Unfortunately, upon his arrival at Nishiura High, he is dragged into joining their new team as the starting pitcher. Although unwilling at first, Mihashi realizes that this is a place where he will be accepted for who he is; with help from the catcher Takaya Abe, he starts to have more confidence in his own abilities. Abe, seeing the potential in Mihashi, makes it a goal to help him become a pitcher worthy of being called an ace.


Major 2nd

Major 2nd 2018


Shigeno Daigo is an elementary student whose father, Goro, is a professional baseball player. Inspired by his father, who was once a Major League player, Daigo started playing baseball with the Mifune Dolphins, a youth team. However, he was unable to live up to the expectations of being the son of a professional, and quit baseball after less than a year. Then, in the spring of his sixth-grade year, Daigo's school welcomes a transfer student, Sato Hikaru, whose father is Sato Toshiya, a former Major League player and Goro's close friend. The fate of these two young men begins to move forward!



Touch 1985


Twins Kazuya and Tatsuya, and their neighbor Minami have played together since they were children and built an unbreakable bond. But with puberty, the twins realized something: Minami is a girl, and three is a crowd. As the trio tries to preserve their relationship, Kazuya's pledge to make Minami's dream come true by taking her to Koshien with his baseball pitching skills makes the slackerish Tatsuya wonder about himself, and his own goals. But Minami has another dream she wants fulfilled, and as the twins continue to push themselves, with Minami in the middle, a life-changing tragedy leads one twin down a path he once never would've considered...


The Sounds of Baseball

The Sounds of Baseball 2020


MLB Network showcases the greatest calls and moments from iconic Major League Baseball play-by-play broadcasters.


The Bronx Is Burning

The Bronx Is Burning 2007


In the summer of 1977, New York was a city in crisis. Paralyzed by a citywide blackout, political strife, and the Son of Sam killing spree, the Big Apple was burning. Rising out of this troubled urban landscape to bring hope and inspiration came one of baseball's most storied franchises, The New York Yankees.



H2 1995


Kunimi Hiro is a high school student, who is forced to give up his ambitions as a professional baseball player due to a serious injury. Now at a new high school, Hiro gets involved with Haruko and her goals of reviving that school's baseball team. At first they must overcome the refusal of school principle, who still remembers a dishonorable defeat that the school's baseball suffered some ten years earlier. Even with permission to form a school baseball team, there are still the players to recruit and train, and the challenges of building a reputation of the team within the high school baseball circuit. This is a story of group of high school students and their love of the game of baseball. Hiro is national class pitcher and batter, with his best friend who is a catcher and with Haruko as the team manager, together they struggle to build a baseball team worthy of the national championship.


One Outs

One Outs 2008


Hiromichi Kojima, the star batter of the Lycaons, heads to the southern Japanese island of Okinawa to train and find a new pitcher for the team. There, he meets Toa Tokuchi, a 134-kmph pitcher and the undisputed king of a gambling form of baseball called "One Outs". At Kojima's urging, Tokuchi signs up with the Lycaons under an unusual contract: he gets 5,000,000 yen for every out he pitches, but loses 50,000,000 yen for every point he gives up. A high-level psychological game of baseball, gambling and logic is about to begin..


Back in the Game

Back in the Game 2013


Terry Gannon Jr. was an All Star softball player until life threw her a couple curve balls: a baby, a lost college scholarship and a loser for a husband. After striking out on her own, Terry and her son Danny move in with her estranged father, Terry Sr. aka "The Cannon," an opinionated, beer-guzzling, ex-athlete who never quite made the cut as a single father or professional baseball player. When Terry reluctantly offers to coach Danny and a group of other athletically-challenged hopefuls, her past comes rushing back.


A Clean Sweep

A Clean Sweep 2022


Amateur baseball players go up against legendary pros in a championship to determine the ultimate winning team.


Prison Playbook

Prison Playbook 2017


With his major league baseball debut right around the corner, a star pitcher lands in prison and must learn to navigate his new world.