Кључна реч Swordplay
Кука 1991
Питер Бенинг је четрдесетогодишњи адвокат који је сасвим заборавио на свој прави идентитет. Притиснут обавезама, Бенинг је запоставио породицу и потиснуо дубоко у заборав чињеницу да је он заправо - Петар Пан. Кад Бенингови посете Петерову баку Венди у Лондону, адвокатову децу отима зли капетан Кука из Недођије, а бака подсећа Бенинга на његову дечију душу. Охрабрен старичиним речима, Петар Пан креће у мисију спашавања деце, а у помоћ му стиже симпатична вила Звончица...
Убити Била, други део 2004
Други део наставља причу претходника о бившој професионалној убици знаној под надимком Невеста (Ума Турман) која наставља свој крвави осветнички поход на Била (Дејвид Карадин), бившег шефа који ју је оставио да умре након што је организовао масакр на њеном венчању. У првом филму Млада се већ обрачунала са бившим колегама из ВИПЕР-а (Вивика А. Фокс, Луси Лу), а у овом делу јој још само двоје људи стоји на путу до коначне мете – Била!
Монти Пајтон и Свети грал 1975
Овај пројекат је заснован на слободним интерпретацијама прича из Артуријанског периода у веома познатом Монти Пајтон стилу. Краљ Артур регрутује своје витезове, Сера Ланселота, Сера Робина, Сера Бедевира и Сера Галехеда, и заједно са њима креће на мисију на коју их је бог лично послао, да пронађу и врате Свети Грал. На овом путовању очекују их разне опасности и препреке, а публику омнибус урнебесних и бизарних момената који се никада не заборављају.
DragonHeart 1996
Hot Shots! Part Deux 1993
Highlander 1986
Ladyhawke 1985
Army of Darkness 1992
Свемирске лопте 1987
У овој пародији „Ратова звезда“' по сценарију и у режији Мела Брукса, свемирска пропалица помаже да се спаси принцеза од злог владара, уз помоћ добронамерног старца. Лоун Стар (Бил Пулман) и његов копилот, полу-пас, полу-човек, Барф Мог (Џон Кенди) воле да тумарају галаксијом и живе опуштено. Ипак, против своје воље поћи ће у помоћ када друишкој принцези Веспи (Дафни Зунига) запрети зли господар Мрачна Кацига (Рик Моранис), који жели да украде сав ваздух са њене планете Друидије. Заробљени на суровој пустињској планети са Веспом и њеном пратиљом, роботом Дот Матрикс (глас Џоан Риверс), Лоун Стар и Барф не могу да спрече Кацигу да отме девојку. Али у помоћ им стиже Јогурт, чаробњак који прикључује Лоун Стара на тајанствену силу познату као Шворц. Сустижући Кацигу баш када се његов брод претвори у џиновски усисивач у орбити око Друидије, неочекивани јунаци стижу на драматични обрачун.
The Three Musketeers 2011
Конан уништитељ 1984
Зла краљица Тарамис проналази Конана и његовог пријатеља, лопова Малака и обећава Конану да ће оживети његову љубав Валерију уколико јој донесе чаробни кључ из зачараног дворца чаробњака Тот Амона. На путовању им се придружују краљичина нећака принцеза Џена која једина може додирнути дијамантски рог бога Дагота и њен телохранитељ Бомбата. Конан спашава чаробњака Акира и ратницу Зулу који им се придружују на задатку. Док се одмарају на језеру насупрот дворца Тот Амон отима принцезу Џену чија би смрт краљици Тарамис осигурала доживотни престо.
The Three Musketeers 1973
滿城盡帶黃金甲 2006
Неза 2019
Филм заснован на лику из кинеске митологије, који се појављује у неким од најбољих дела кинеске класичне литературе. Незха је дечак-бог, који се нађе на удару својих саплеменика због тога што пророчанство каже да ће донети пропаст свету. Због тога је принуђен да бира између сила добра и зла, али ће успети да се одупре искушењима судбине и постане херој за сва времена.
十面埋伏 2004
Викинг 2016
Из тешких времена мачева и тамних закона крви, када је притисак великог хаоса давао повод за хероје. Из Средњег века долази нам прича која је променила Русију заувек... Сурови предели фјордова и бескрајна снага Леденог океана развијала је у староседеоцима осећај самопоштовања и жеље да буду достојни овог света. Та страст их је одржавала у овим крајевима Земље. Тако су постали Викинзи. Кијевска Русија, крајем 10. века... Након, смрти оца, владара Кијевске Русије, млади кнез је принуђен на изгнанство. У изгнанству окупља војску надајући се да ће поново освојити Новгород, али се на том путу суочава са моћним Византијским снагама.
Арн: Витез темплар 2007
Арн Магнусон је рођен 1150. године на фарми у Арнасу, Западна Готија, у западном делу Шведске. Када одрасте, постаје образован младић и вешт мачевалац. Упознаје Сесилију, љубав свог живота, али сурови и завидни свет их раздваја. Сесилија остаје затворена у манастиру, а Арн одлази као витез темплар у Свету земљу да се бори у рату који бесни између хришћана и муслимана. Обоје се боре за живот и морају да науче како да се супротставе злу и како да превазиђу физичке недаће. Због болне удаљености њихова вера у Бога и у божју доброту се пољуљкава, али се никада не пољуљкава њихова поверење које имају један у другог, као и вера и убеђење да ће једног дана опет бити заједно.
Bleach 2004
For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as Hollows, he finds his life is changed forever. Now, with a newfound wealth of spiritual energy, Ichigo discovers his true calling: to protect the living and the dead from evil.
InuYasha 2000
Kagome Higurashi is a modern day young girl who lives with her family by the old Higure shrine. Unbeknownst to Kagome, she is the reincarnation of priestess Kikyo and posseses the "Jewel of Four Souls" (the Shikon jewel). One ill-fated day, Kagome locates an ancient well near her home and is abruptly transported through the well and into a feudal Japan, inhabited by demons. There, she encounters Inuyasha, son of a powerful demon father and a human mother, who is pinned to a tree by an enchanted arrow.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018
37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.
Jade Dynasty 2022
Zhang Xiaofan, who turned into an orphan overnight, becomes a disciple of the Qingyun Sect. After five years of training, he performs well in the Seven Peak Martial Arts Competition. He's sent to the Kongsang Mountain to defeat the evil. During the journey, he and his senior, Lu Xueqi, met with an accident, and got to know and save the lady of the cult, Bi Yao. At the same time, new danger is ahead of him.
Peak of True Martial Arts 2021
Nie Feng confronting the eight major sects alone, and was forced into a desperate situation by the martial masters of the eight major sects, and jumped off the cliff of absolute heaven. Unexpectedly, Nie Feng did not die because of this. Instead, he was reborn as a boy when he was seventeen. In this life, although he was born in an ordinary, he has a masterful martial arts and rises rapidly in the martial arts.
Akame ga Kill! 2014
Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.
The Legend of Zorro 1996
Diego Vega returns from his study trip to discover his homeland is under the army's dictatorship. Diego, refusing to watch idly, disguises himself as Zorro to protect the weak and oppressed. Diego is not a coward but he is unable to win the affections of his sweetheart, Lolita, who is attracted to other more noble men. Diego serenades Lolita as Zorro and fights the evils of his homeland, hoping to capture her heart.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2019
It is the Taisho Period in Japan. Tanjiro, a kindhearted boy who sells charcoal for a living, finds his family slaughtered by a demon. To make matters worse, his younger sister Nezuko, the sole survivor, has been transformed into a demon herself. Though devastated by this grim reality, Tanjiro resolves to become a “demon slayer” so that he can turn his sister back into a human, and kill the demon that massacred his family.
Dororo 2019
A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 1997
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other members of the Student Council for the possession of the Rose Bride.
Blood+ 2005
Unable to remember the past, high school senior Saya Otonashi must rediscover her destiny in order to defeat the chiropteran vampires that threaten her loved ones' existence.
Dance in the Vampire Bund 2010
Mina Tepeş, the Princess of the ancient covenant and ruler of all vampires, wants her race to stop hiding from the humans. Using her vast wealth, she has paid off Japan's entire national debt and by doing so, gained the right to create a district off Japan's coast that is to become the future haven to vampires worldwide. But when she finally attempts to make public the existence of vampires to the world some politicians, terrorists and rival factions are plotting to assassinate Mina before she has a chance to get Japan's and international recognition for the Vampire Bund. Now she must rely on her strength, cruelty and those closest to her, while trying to make a normal life.
Noragami 2014
Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.
Eternal Faith 1970
Xie Lian, the crown prince of Xian Le Kingdom, successfully ascends to Heaven during his third trial in spite of successive demotions. However, he accidentally breaks the Gold Palace of heavenly officials. With no human worshiping him, Xie Lian has to descend to the secular world to exorcise ghosts, which may help him sustain his divinity.
.hack 2002
.hack follows several young players as they navigate the vast, mysterious MMORPG known as “The World” – a place, it turns out, that is sometimes impossible to leave.
Baka and Test: Summon the Beasts 2010
Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the Promotion Test strictly for class type. Ranging from A class with the best facilities anyone can offer all the way down to F Class which is composed of low dining tables, rotten tatami mats and other worn out facilities. Students can change classes by competing using the Examination Summons Battle system or ESB. Students summon characters with their equivalent test mark scores and use them to compete with other classes.
The Asterisk War 2015
Invertia was a meteor storm that caused an unprecedented disaster during the 20th century. Because of this disaster, numerous cities around the world were destroyed. However, within the meteor, an unknown element called mana was discovered. It allowed human technology to make rapid strides giving rise to a new species of super-powered humans, the Star Pulse Generation (Genestella). The Festas (Star Warrior Festivals) host battles between Genestella at a city of six academies called “Rikka,” also commonly known as “Asterisk.” Scholarship student Ayato Amagiri transferred into Seidoukan Academy in order to fulfill his own wish, swearing he too will fight in this city.
11eyes 2009
Satsuki Kakeru lost his sister by suicide and has been living a dull life ever since then. One day, he is transported into a bizarre world "Red Night" along with his friend Minase Yuka. In order to survive and escape from Red Night, he fights against Dark Spirits (Ralva) and Black Nights.
The Founder of Diabolism 2018
As the grandmaster who founded the Demonic Sect, Wei Wuxian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. Ultimately, he met his end at the hands of his dear adoptive brother, Jiang Cheng. Over a decade later, he finds himself incarnated into the body of a lunatic and runs into a former classmate, Lan Wangji. The two men with opposing personalities delve into the mysteries of spirits and ghosts, while Jiang Cheng suspects that Wei Wuxian has returned.
Vinland Saga 2019
For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.