Кључна реч Debt
Mortdecai 2015
Исповести купохоличарке 2009
У гламурозном свету Њујорка Ребека Блумвуд је девојка која воли да се забавља и која је јако добра у шопингу – у ствари, можда чак и превише. Она сања да ради у свом омиљеном модном часопису, али тамо не може ни да привири све док, иронично, не почне да ради као колумниста у магазину за финансије који издаје иста медијска кућа. И како се њени снови коначно остварују, Ребека почиње да упада у урнебесне и екстремне ситуације како би спречила да њена прошлост потпуно уништи њену светлу будућност.
Лепотица и звер 2014
Након губитка богатства у мору, очајни трговац је приморан да се повуче на село са шесторо своје деце, међу којима је и његова миљеница и најмлађа ћерка Бела. На напорном путовању, трговац открива магично царство Звери. Очаран предивном, али забрањеном ружом коју тамо проналази, одлучује да је украде и однесе на поклон својој најмилијој Бели. Међутим, због овог поступка Звер га осуђује на смрт. Бела, која криви себе због страшне несреће која је задесила њену породицу, одлучује да жртвује сопствен живот у замену за очев. Међутим, није смрт оно што чека Белу, већ чудан живот радости, магије и меланхолије. Бела и Звер се постепено зближавају и граде међусобно поверење. Она открива да се иза дивљег и усамљеног створења крије зачарани згодни принц и наоружана сопственом снагом и срцем успева да ослободи Звер од чини и тако спозна праву љубав.
Небрушени драгуљи 2019
Мистериозна крими-драма доноси причу о харизматичном Хауарду Ретнеру, драгуљару из Њујорка, великог зависника о клађењу, који је у сталној потрази за великим добитком. Међутим, радњу још напетијом чине утеривачи дугова који му дишу за вратом. Ретнер је уједно и породични човек и свој живот мора да балансира између супруге, деце, љубавнице, посла и бројних људи којима дугује новац. Он спас проналази у небрушеним опалима који му стижу из Африке, али ствари ће измаћи контроли када почне да се клади на велике улоге. Међутим, Ретнера ништа не може да спречи у његовом уверењу да велика победа вреба негде иза угла.
The Contractor 2022
Barry Lyndon 1975
The Gambler 1974
The Collector 2009
Get Shorty 1995
Dancer in the Dark 2000
Serena 2014
Школа за младе даме 2007
Хаос и разврат владају у школи за младе даме, зато нови ресорни министар најављује да ће се лично побринути за успостављање реда у школи, не схватајући шта га чека. Због недостатка новца и великих дугова, школи прети затварање. Девојке, које похађају школу, осећају се одговорним за тренутну кризу, па доносе одлуку да преузму ствари у своје руке.
Barbershop 2002
Lucky Numbers 2000
The Tailor of Panama 2001
Црна мачка, бели мачор 1998
На обали Дунава живи ситни шверцер Циганин Матко са сином Заретом. Једног дана долази на идеју да прошверца воз који превози бензин на релацији Београд - Турска, но за тај подухват потребан му је спонзор па одлази код Грге Питића, циганског „Кума“ и старог породичног пријатеља, који прихвата предлог да финанцира подухват, али Матко није на висини задатка - предухитрио га је млади гангстер Дадан. Матко тако постаје Даданов дужник па предлаже да се његов син Заре ожени Дадановом минијатурном сестром Бубамаром. Међутим, Заре воли другу, плаву Циганчицу Иду.
Pistol Whipped 2008
The Quintessential Quintuplets 2019
Fuutarou Uesugi is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Itsuki Nakano. They argue but when Uesugi realizes he is to be her tutor, he tries to get on better terms. While trying to do so he meets four other girls.
Bloodhounds 2023
Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.
Unexpected Falling 2022
Ruan Zhen Zhen has led a simple and happy life under the protection of her financial guru husband. Everything disappears in a flash after the death of her husband. Forced out of her bubble, Ruan Zhen Zhen is left to shoulder a huge amount of debt. Suddenly, lawyer Gao Jun walks into her life. Ruan Zhen Zhen may be innocent but she is not dumb. She keeps her guard up in the face of the sudden intruder and remains skeptical towards his enthusiasm to help. Will she ever open up her heart?
Kakegurui 2018
Children from influential families in politics and businesses attend the Hyakkaou Private Academy. There, the hierarchy of the students are classified by a series of games. Students that win the games are on the ruling side and the students who lose become slaves. One day, a mysterious girl, Yumeko Jabami (Minami Hamabe), is transferred to Hyakkaou Private Academy. She looks pure and pretty, but she is actually a compulsive gambler and seeks out the thrill of taking calculated risks.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Crossroads 2016
A drama about a family which the father was in debt. After they lost everything they move in Bodrum where the parents born. They struggle to save the father from the police.
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse 2023
The series is about an incident that takes place when the owners of the boarding house called 'Guest Summer Palace', which breaks stereotypes, and boarders with secrets gather to find Lee Seol who disappeared 13 years ago.
Ouran High School Host Club 2006
Ouran High is a school for the extremely wealthy or, in Haruhi's case, the extremely talented. But no amount of talent will help when Haruhi accidentally drops an eight million yen vase in a music room. The vase was the property of Ouran High School Host Club, a group of attractive young men who, for a fee, provide their time and affections for their lovesick clientele: the female students. Fascinated by this strange new specimen, a poor and clumsy commoner, they force Haruhi to work for them until the debt is repaid; but they get a lot more than they bargained for...
Nao Kanzaki, a student, was blackmailed into joining a "Liar Game" and ended up losing 100 million yen. In order to repay the debt, she enlists the help of Shin'ichi Akiyama, a genius swindler who was only recently released from jail for bankrupting one of Japan's largest scam companies.
The Sound of Magic 2022
An enigmatic magician living in an abandoned amusement park introduces magic into the life of a high schooler struggling with harsh realities.
The Eddy 2020
The owner of a Paris jazz club gets tangled up with dangerous criminals as he fights to protect his business, his band and his teenage daughter.
Peua Mae Pae Bor Daai 2023
Koi is a young woman who has grown up in a rubber tree plantation her entire life, and now has dreams of improving it. Unfortunately, the powerful millionaire who is the plantation's creditor has plans to seize it for himself, but Koi refuses to allow that to happen. Trin is a young businessman who owns a rubber mattress factory and makes an offer to buy her family's plantation. Because Koi has no intention of letting anyone take her plantation, the two enter into a rivalry.
Robber 2008
Romance blossoms between a single mom and a womanizing bad boy.
Hunting 2020
You Make Me Dance 2021
Song Shi On is an aspiring contemporary dancer who has recently been thrown out of the house by his family, while Jin Hong Seok gave up on his dream to dance and now lives off his investments as a mortgage collector. These two wind up sharing a place and the action unfolds from there.
Who's By Your Side 2021
Directed by Peter Ho, the ten-part show with 60-minute episodes, explores relationship issues and marital challenges, and depicts painful dilemmas for the characters through a unique lens on their daily lives. The screenplay is by Ho and Chiang Yu-Chu.
Octogenarian and The 90s 2021
"Sunshine Home" is a home for the aged founded by Grandma Lin. In a small space that's full of warmth reside a group of elderly people with different personalities. As Grandma Lin suffers from the late stages of liver cancer, she entrusts the nursing home to her granddaughter Ye Xiaomei. At this time, Guo Sanshuang arranges for his grandpa to enter the facility. Being a slick salesman, he wanted to gain access in and out of the nursing home in order to sell health products to the old and earn easy money. Ye Xiaomei and Guo Sanshuang immediately take a dislike for each other. Their post-90s thinking breathes in new vitality into the lives of their elderly counterparts but also gives rise to numerous conflicts. Nonetheless, the touching stories behind each of them brings everyone closer.
Honeys 2021
Three beautiful sisters work at “Dark Money” Honey's Loan in a multi-tenant building in Tokyo recovering a debt brilliantly from a vicious debtor.
Friends Games 2017
High school student Katagiri Yuichi cares about friendship more than money because of his mother’s teachings. One day, Yuichi and his close friends, Shiho, Tenji, Makoto and Yutori, are suddenly forced to participate in a mysterious game of wits that involves a lot of money. It is supposed to be a simple game. However, friendships are unexpectedly tested under extreme conditions which triggers paranoia. The trick to clearing the game is to trust in friends. But will Yuichi and his friends choose money over friendship?