9/11: After The Towers Fell

9/11: After The Towers Fell 2010


When the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001, thousands were feared trapped beneath the tons of steel and rubble. These are the stories of the rescue workers and civilians who raced to Ground Zero to rescue the buried. Immediately after the collapse, rescue workers are convinced that they will find survivors in the ruins – and, miraculously, a handful are found. As the last survivors are pulled from the rubble, the rescuers shift focus to the monumental task to identify and recover the lost among the ruins. After the Towers Fell is the first in-depth look at the aftermath of the Towers' collapse and the heroes who selflessly took on the monumental task of rescue and recovery of their fellow New Yorkers


Iran: The Next Iraq?

Iran: The Next Iraq? 2005


Long seen as a potential threat to American security, the Islamic Republic of Iran has become an even greater concern since the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001. This program explores the current situation in Iran and assesses what danger it poses. After a decline in power, Iran has caught the attention of the world's superpowers by developing its nuclear capabilities and making bold threats. But what risks are real and which merely rhetoric?


Minute by Minute: The Gulf War

Minute by Minute: The Gulf War 2007


They came in the dead of night. Iraqi troops and tanks - hundreds of them - pouring over the desert border. Americans awoke to the news on August 2nd, 1990: Iraq had invaded Kuwait. The White House responded quickly. By January 17th, 1991, eight F-15 fighter jets swept through the Baghdad sky, raining missiles upon the city below. Operation Desert Storm had begun. Within three days, the allied coalition controlled the Iraqi sky. Six days after the invasion of Kuwait, President Bush announced the deployment of 100 thousand troops to the Persian Gulf.