Jim Morris WWE WrestleMania III WWE Action Zone! WWE Most Amazing Matches! WWE WrestleMania XII WWE WrestleMania 13 WWE Survivor Series 1988 The Wrestling Album II: Piledriver WWE WrestleMania X-Seven WWE SummerSlam 1996 WWE Survivor Series 1996 WWE War to Settle the Score Bob Uecker's Wacky World of Sports WWF Hulkamania 2 The Best of the WWF: volume 11 The Best of the WWF: volume 20 WWF's Biggest, Smallest, Strangest, Strongest WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: April '89 WWE Detroit Wrestling '86 WWE Houston Wrestling: October '87 WWE In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '85 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: December '85 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: March '87 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: June '87 WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: October '88 WWE Wrestling at The Meadowlands: May '89 WWE Hall of Fame 2018 Doctor Yes: The Hyannis Affair The True Story of WrestleMania WWE Royal Rumble 1988 WWE WrestleMania IV WrestleMania II WWE In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies WWE King of the Ring 1996 WWE In Your House 9: International Incident WWE WrestleMania 13 My Way: The Life and Legacy of Pat Patterson WWE Legends' House Raw WWF Wrestling Challenge