Frank Collison O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Whole Ten Yards Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Hope Springs The Village The Happening The Last Boy Scout The Blob Into the Homeland Two Yellow Lines Hesher Dollman The Investigator Diggstown Grunt! The Wrestling Movie Wired to Kill Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie The Collector Pirate's Code: The Adventures of Mickey Matson The Compleat Al L.A. Slasher K-PAX Radio Free Albemuth The 4th The Hero Grandma Voodoo Moon Wild at Heart Suspect Zero Buckshot Hidalgo Camouflage S.F.W. You're Gonna Miss Me Buddy Hitchcock A Crack in the Floor Pee-wee's Big Holiday Keep the Change Lifetime Contract It Runs in the Family Backstreet Dreams Amazon Women on the Moon A Formula for Mayhem The Majestic Carnivàle Star Trek: The Next Generation Monk Mr. Pickles Big Shot Young Sheldon Quantum Leap Criminal Minds Moonlighting American Horror Story Night Court Silicon Valley Twin Peaks Carnivàle It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia JONAS L.A. My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Stargate Atlantis 7th Heaven 9-1-1 Momma Named Me Sheriff Good Luck Charlie