Edward Tise Full Metal Jacket Lost Angels Lahko noč in srečno The Men Who Stare at Goats James Bond: Dovoljenje za ubijanje Ljubezen in druge droge The Hunted Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer Zapiti dnevnik Ljubezen in milost Ruby Sparks Chaplin A Friend to Die For Eye for an Eye Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story Little Children The Ides of March Vrnitev morilca mehkega srca Rustin No Strings Attached Pokvarjeno predmestje An Unsuitable Job for a Woman Unfrosted Cabin Boy Goldeneye Leatherheads Grumpier Old Men Babylon The Brown Bunny Očiščenje Ed Wood The Road Into the Wild Earthquake Bird The Rupert Bear Story: A Tribute to Alfred Bestall Spenser Confidential Joe Bell Pacific Heights Confessions of a Dangerous Mind In the Bedroom