Ed Gale O Brother, Where Art Thou? Spaceballs Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Howard the Duck Survival Island Chopper Chicks in Zombietown Santa Preys For X-Mas The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas Tad Pandemonic Zaklad za lepotico Santa, Jr. Stranger Than Love Mikeyboy The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle Lifepod Deadly Attraction Tiptoes Dolly Dearest The Jungle Book The Telling Phantasm II Attack of the 5 Ft. 2 Women Polarni vlak The Amateur Monster Movie Call Me Claus Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90s Flight of the Reindeer The Dreamer of Oz Alaska Child's Play 2 New Nightmare Bride of Chucky Leprechaun 3 Phantasm II Weird Science Baywatch First Monday Grounded for Life Land of the Lost Sabrina, the Teenage Witch My Name Is Earl 3rd Rock from the Sun Bones Just Shoot Me!