Pamela S. Westmore The Proposal Lust in the Dust Hitrost 2 - Brez zavor The Net Največji šovmen Potovanje skozi spomine Očka v krilu Njuna družina Gigli Gravitacija The Kitchen Hope Floats Čarovnice za vsak dan Terror at London Bridge Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Moj prijatelj Willy The Lake House Lepotica pod krinko Infamous Murder by Numbers Forces of Nature Girls of the White Orchid Velika poteza Izganjalci duhov Dva tedna za ljubezen Palomino Chasing Dreams V.I. Warshawski Čas za ubijanje While You Were Sleeping Drzni par Rambo 2 28 Days Jeklena moč The Parade A Time to Triumph Ugrabljeni Our Brand Is Crisis House of Games The Thing Called Love Two If by Sea Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Superintelligence Bernie Lepotica pod krinko 2: Čudovita in nevarna Secondhand Lions Vamp