Zlobna dekleta

Zlobna dekleta 2024


Elitna skupina priljubljenih deklet, imenovana "The Plastics", ki ji vlada spletkarska alfa kraljica Regina George in njeni služabnici Gretchen in Karen, sprejme medse novo študentko Cady Heron. Toda Cady naredi veliko napako in se zaljubi v Regininega bivšega fanta Aarona Samuelsa, zato postane Reginin plen in žrtev. Medtem ko jo Cady s pomočjo svojih izobčenih prijateljev Janis in Damiana skuša premagati, se mora naučiti, kako ostati zvesta sama sebi, ko krmari po najbolj grozoviti džungli od vseh: srednji šoli.


Lara Croft - Tomb Raider: Zibelka življenja

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider: Zibelka življenja 2003


Predrzna pustolovka in arheologinja Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) je prišla do morda največjega odkritja v zgodovini te vede: našla je skrivnostno kroglo, ki naj bi kot ključ vodila do mitološke Pandorine skrinjice. Krogla na žalost pade v roke zlobnemu znanstveniku Jonathanu Reissu (Ciarán Hinds), ki v laboratoriju izdeluje smrtonosne viruse in si obeta, da bo skrinjico bogato prodal najboljšemu ponudniku kot biološko orožje. Laro najame britanska obveščevalna služba, da bi kroglo izmaknila Reissu, za to nalogo pa bo potrebovala pomoč nekdanjega ljubimca, pripadnika britanskih posebnih enot Terryja Sheridana (Gerard Butler). Dvojica se odpravi na neverjetno pustolovščino po vsem svetu, da bi prišla do svojega cilja nekje v Afriki: prvobitnega kraja, ki mu pravijo Zibelka življenja.


Zvesti vrtnar

Zvesti vrtnar 2005


V odmaknjenem kraju severne Kenije je brutalno umorjena izredno zavzeta aktivistka Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz). Na poti jo je spremljal lokalni zdravnik, ki pa je zbežal, in vse kaže na zločin iz strasti. Sandy Woodrow (Danny Huston), Sir Bernard Pellegrin (Bill Nighy) in drugi člani Britanskega veleposlaništva domnevajo, da bo njihov sodelavec, miren in neambiciozen vdovec Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), zadevo prepustil njim. Izkaže se, da se ne bi mogli bolj motiti ...


The Flame Trees of Thika

The Flame Trees of Thika 1981


Elspeth and her unconventional parents decide to settle down in Kenya and begin a coffee plantation. This is a time of discovery for Elspeth, as she encounters the incredible beauty and cruelty of nature, and new friendships with both Africans and British expatriates. A side plot involves the beautiful and bored British Lettice Palmer who enters into an affair with a handsome safari guide. Eventually, however, the excitement of Elspeth's life is disrupted by the onset of WW I, and the changes it brings.


Joel & Nish Vs The World

Joel & Nish Vs The World 2017


Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves in the lives of the toughest, strongest, fittest people in the world.


Born Free

Born Free 1974


The adventures of two married game wardens in Kenya. George Adamson and Diana Muldaur live with their adopted lioness Elsa the Lioness, where they protect the animals in the surrounding area from all sorts of danger, both natural and human.


This Wild Life

This Wild Life 2015


The cameras follow the lives of human and animal families living in Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve. They also follow the story of a safari camp run by wildlife expert Saba Douglas-Hamilton and an elephant conservation charity run by her husband Frank Pope.


Life of Samantha

Life of Samantha 2019


The survival of the fittest is the primary rule in the African wild of Maasai Mara in Kenya. In the land of the jungle of the law, the survival story of Samantha, a single-mother cheetah, is revealed. Samantha struggles with all the hardships for the survival of herself and her offspring. In spite of the adverse condition where she has to find ways to protect her three offspring all by herself from threats of predatory beasts like lions and hyenas, she never gives up easily.