Dobri, umazani, zli

Dobri, umazani, zli 1966


Revolveraš z močnim občutkom za dostojanstvo, strelec, ki nikoli ne zgreši, in bandit, ki skrbi le zase, na pokopališčih iščejo zlato. Ker ima vsak le delne informacije o bogastvu, so pri tem odvisni drug od drugega. Blondie, revolveraš, ki ščiti človekovo dostojanstvo, je "dobri"; Angel Eyes, sadistični strelec, ki nikoli ne zgreši, je "zli"; Tuco, mehiški bandit, ki skrbi le zase, pa je "umazani". V času državljanske vojne iščejo bogastvo v zlatu, zakopanem v grobovih. Vsak ve le za nekaj lokacij, na katerih ga lahko najdejo, zato so odvisni drug od drugega... "Dobri, umazani, zli" je daleč najbolj ambiciozen, neustrašno slikovit in slogovno vpliven vestern vseh časov. Clint Eastwood se vrne kot "moški brez imena", tokrat mu delata družbo revolveraša (Eli Wallach in Lee Van Cleef), skupaj pa se potegujejo za 200.000 dolarjev ‒ in prav nič jim ne bo stalo na poti do njih, niti državljanska vojna ne.


Sonceve solze

Sonceve solze 2003


Skupina, ki jo vodi veteran enote SEAL poročnik Waters, vstopi v osrčje Afrike z misijo za reševanje dr. Lena Kendrick, lepe ameriške zdravnice na območju konfliktov. Toda ko jo najdejo, noče zapustiti beguncev in prosi Watersa, da jih pospremi skozi nevarno nigerijsko džunglo. Časnik se bo spopadal s konfliktom izbire med naslednjimi prejetimi ukazi ali narekovanjem lastne vesti ...



Kafarnaum 2018


Zain je star komaj dvanajst let, a ga je odraščanje v hudi revščini pripeljalo do spoznanja, da bi bilo bolje, da se sploh ne bi rodil. Ko nekega dne starši v zakon "prodajo" še njegovo enajstletno sestro, Zain pobegne od doma. Spoprijatelji se z etiopsko čistilko, a življenje na ulici ne ponuja nič lepše prihodnosti. Opogumljen s programi, ki opozarjajo na brezupen položaj revnih otrok, se odloči, da bo tožil svoje starše, ker so ga rodili, in se tako maščeval svetu, ki ga je zavrgel tisti trenutek, ko je privekal na svet. Po premierni projekciji v Cannesu je film prejel 15-minutne stoječe ovacije. Naslov filma lahko v arabščini pomeni "kaos". Izraz izhaja iz svetopisemskega mesta, ki ga je Jezus obsodil kot eno od treh mest, v katerih se niso pokorili za svoje grehe niti po tem, ko je ta tam storil čudeže ozdravljenja.



Dogville 2003


Očarljiva Grace se na begu pred skupino gangsterjev zateče v Dogville, samotno naselje sredi Skalnega gorovja. Na pobudo mladega Toma , samozvanega predstavnika malega mesta, ji prebivalci Dogvilla ponudijo zatočišče, Grace pa se zaveže, da bo v zameno delala zanje. A ko se prične policijska preiskava, mala skupnost zahteva ugodnejši dogovor v zameno za tvegano skrivanje nesrečne Grace, ki se sooči s krutim dejstvom, da je dobrota tega mesteca zelo relativna. Toda Grace v sebi nosi skrivnost in to zelo nevarno. Prebivalcem Dogvilla bo morda še celo žal, da so si drznili pokazati zobe. Film je prvi iz nove trilogije Larsa von Trierja na temo Združenih držav Amerike. V primerjavi s prejšnjo serijo, posneto po "zapovedih" gibanja Dogma 95, je Dogville korak naprej v smislu eksperimentiranja, saj se celotno dogajanje odvija na črnem odru s kulisami in na tleh označenimi elementi.



Plavalci 2022


Od vojne razdejane Sirije do olimpijskih iger v Riu leta 2016! Dve mladi sestri se odpravita na mučno pot kot begunki, pri čemer izkoristita svoj pogum in plavalno znanje za reševanje, ko je sredi Egejskega morja odpovedal motor gumenjaka, prenatrpanega z begunci. Samo leto po tej grozljivi izkušnji je Yusra tekmovala na olimpijskih igrah v Riu kot del begunske olimpijske ekipe.


Onkraj utopije

Onkraj utopije 2023


Pogumni pastor s svojim podzemnim omrežjem rešuje in pomaga severnokorejskim družinam, ki tvegajo svoja življenja, da bi dosegle svobodo.


Zelena meja

Zelena meja 2023


V zahrbtnih in močvirnatih gozdovih, ki sestavljajo tako imenovano »zeleno mejo« med Belorusijo in Poljsko, so begunci z Bližnjega vzhoda in Afrike, ki poskušajo doseči Evropsko unijo, ujeti v geopolitično krizo, ki jo cinično ustvarja beloruski diktator Aleksander Lukašenko. V poskusu provokacije Evrope begunce na mejo zvabi propaganda, ki obljublja lahek prehod v EU. V tej skriti vojni se prepletajo pajdaši, življenja Julije, novopečene aktivistke, ki se je odpovedala udobnemu življenju, Jana, mladega mejnega stražarja, in sirske družine.


Pagan Peak

Pagan Peak 2019


When a gruesomely staged body is found at the German-Austrian border, two detectives investigate. As the ritual-like murders continue, they enter the killer’s sinister world, set in the Alpine wilderness.



Betulot 2014


Sirens is a thriller set in Eilat. It revolves around Shelley Toledano, 32, a policewoman with the Illegal Aliens unit, which is mostly devoted to documenting and following refugees from Africa who infiltrate the city through its border with Egypt. Shelley is rugged and outspoken, and used to the difficult sights that come with the job. But one day, when the body of the person closest to her is found, her life is turned upside down.


Asylum City

Asylum City 2018


Based on the best-selling novel by the same name, "Asylum City" is set in the underworld of refugees and asylum seekers; those looking to help them and those who take advantage of their plight. A young social activist is found dead and the main suspect is an asylum seeker from Africa who was seen leaving her apartment. Police Officer Anat Sitton leads the murder investigation, unravelling a complex world of corrupt politicians, organized crime and illegal arms deals, putting her in the center of a dangerous and parallel universe with its own codes and morals.


Dias Police: Police from Another Country

Dias Police: Police from Another Country 2016


About 150,000 illegal entrants live in Tokyo. They are not recognised as refugees and live in poor conditions. To protect themselves, the illegals create a secret organisation. The organisation has a bank which Japanese Financial Services Agency is not involved with, a hospital that is not authorized by Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare and an illegals police force called "Dias Police." The only police officer in the organisation is Saki Kubozuka. His age and nationality is unknown. Saki Kubozuka does not speak much, but he has a warm heart and strong sense of justice. He takes care of the weak and tries to maintain public order.


Don't Forget the Driver

Don't Forget the Driver 2019


Coach driver and single dad Peter Green leads a life of ordinary routine until the discovery of a dead body on the docile Bognor shoreline and an unsettling meeting with a new arrival in town throws his life into chaos.


The Gathering

The Gathering 2024


A violent attack on a teenager at an illegal beach rave sends shockwaves of suspicion through a Merseyside community. As secrets and lies are laid bare, will the truth emerge?



Eden 2019



Jesus: Refugee, Renegade, Redeemer with Bear Grylls

Jesus: Refugee, Renegade, Redeemer with Bear Grylls 2025


The world's most recognizable adventurer, Bear Grylls, embarks on a journey 2,000 years in the making, retracing the footsteps of Jesus in Israel. Each episode immerses viewers in the raw, untamed landscapes of the Holy Land while exploring the real story of the simple carpenter who changed the course of history. Using his signature survival skills, Bear dives into the life of the Refugee, Renegade, and Redeemer-Jesus of Nazareth.



Cargo 2021


The story of the international refugee crisis, depicting a world where greed, violence and exploitation compete with hopes and dreams amid a constant fight for survival.


The Lost

The Lost 2022


Truck driver Erwin believes that he's helping people when he smuggles refugees, but shocking consequences follow a moment of distraction.


Det finns inga smålänningar

Det finns inga smålänningar 1981


Mini-series done in the style of a docudrama, which transports the Israel-Palestine conflict to the Swedish province of Småland.


Keeping Up with the Khans

Keeping Up with the Khans 2016


"Keeping Up with the Khans" explores the lives and aspirations of new migrants to Britain, and the impact that immigration has on one community: Page Hall in Sheffield



Brothers 2010


Comrades Mano and Sharan (Little Brother) travel from northern Iraq after Sharan's brother is shot by Iraqi militia forces. The Kurdish boys dream of a new life in Norway, but the new start does not turn out quite as they had imagined.


Europe in Chaos

Europe in Chaos 2019


The European Union has been beset by a series of comings and goings over the last few years, each triggering its own brand of crisis. The civil war in Syria created the biggest wave of refugees to hit Europe since World War II, sparking contested debates on how to divvy up tens of thousands of refugees across E.U. countries. Meanwhile, in the U.K., Britain's vote in favor of Brexit added to the turmoil. Go behind the scenes with firsthand accounts of Europe's tumultuous last decade and its impact around the globe.