
Dunkirk 2017


Maj 1940, druga svetovna vojna. Nacisti so zaokrožili francosko pristaniško mesto Dunkirk (Dunkerque), z letaki tamkajšnjim prebivalcem in vojakom napovedujejo njihov na videz brezupen položaj. Zaradi sovražne vojske na eni strani in morja na drugi strani, se zdi, kot da ni možnosti za preživetje. Toda v Veliki Britaniji pripravljajo drzno reševalno akcijo, v uspeh katere sprva verjame zelo malo posameznikov. Kljub temu pa se nekaj pogumnih moških poda v boj, da bi rešili svoje tovariše. Na plažah pred Dunkirkom namreč 400.000 mož čaka na njihovo pomoč. Christopher Nolan je film režiral po lastnem scenariju in ga tudi produciral skupaj z Emmo Thomas. Izvršni producent je Jake Myers.


Gospodar in bojevnik

Gospodar in bojevnik 2003


1805. Napoleon prevladuje v Evropi. Le Anglija se mu upira. To so časi Napoleonovih vojn, zdaj pa so morja in oceani postali ključno in strateško bojišče. V Atlantskem oceanu angleško vojaško ladjo Presenečenje, ki jo je vodil "Lucky" Jack Aubrey (Crowe), nenadoma napade sovražna bojna ladja, ki je nad njo veliko boljše. Nato Aubrey sprejme spominsko odločitev: kljub resni škodi, ki sta jo utrpeli Surprise in njena zvesta posadka, vključno s kirurgom Stephenom Maturinom (Bettany), se odloči, da bosta, resno tvegana, odplula čez dve morji, da bi prestregla in ujela svojega sovražnika. To je poslanstvo, ki lahko določi usodo naroda ali uniči kapitana in njegovo posadko, s katerimi se sooča veliko bolje oborožen in neusmiljen zasebnik, v preganjanju po morjih, ki ga odpelje na drugo stran sveta.



Hornblower 1998


Set during the 18th century Napoleonic Wars, Horatio Hornblower, a young and shy midshipman, rises through the ranks to become an admiral.


The Catch

The Catch 2023


The story follows fisherman Ed Collier, who is highly protective over his family, which includes wife Claire and daughter Abbie. However, when a rich young man by the name of Ryan Wilson starts to take an interest in his daughter, Ed feels her becoming increasingly distant and fears he may lose her for good.


Warship: Life at Sea

Warship: Life at Sea 2018


Documentary series exploring everyday life on board various ships in the Royal Navy fleet.



Blackbeard 2006


Drama documentary about Edward Teach, also known as Blackbeard, who terrorised the British colonies in the Americas during the golden age of piracy.


Devonport: Inside the Royal Navy

Devonport: Inside the Royal Navy 2016


Devonport is the largest naval base in Western Europe, home to most of the surface fleet and the navy’s Trafalgar-class nuclear-powered submarines. It’s also an important base for training and it supplies, mends and refits all kinds of naval craft. In this brand new six-part Quest commission we follow the lives of the people who work at Devonport. This series focuses on the people, their relationships and unusual challenges they face day to day running one of the most famous Royal Navy bases in Europe. From organising a VIP Royal visit, to preparing for the Armada Ball which is one of the largest events of the year and the daily maintenance of ships, crews and guns; if you want to see how the navy does its job, come to Devonport.



Sailor 1976


A major BBC television documentary series, first shown in 1976. About the life on board the fourth HMS Ark Royal, a British aircraft carrier. It followed the ship on a five and a half month deployment to North America in 1976 & the follow up years later to find out about some of the characters.


Empire Of The Seas

Empire Of The Seas 2010


Historian Dan Snow charts the defining role the Royal Navy played in Britain's struggle for modernity - a grand tale of the twists and turns which thrust the people of the British Isles into an indelible relationship with the sea and ships.


HMS Ark Royal

HMS Ark Royal 2011


The HMS Ark Royal carried the Harrier and 3 types of helicopter during its active service, these included the Lynx which is currently the fastest helicopter in the world and the Sea King, equipped with an early warning radar system.


Ice Patrol

Ice Patrol 2009


Built especially for the challenging conditions of Antarctica, HMS Endurance is the Royal Navy’s only ice patrol ship and its only one capable of breaking into the icy wastes of Antarctica. We join the elite, 140-person crew as they embark on a four-month expedition in perhaps the most extreme and hostile environment on the planet. Follow the extensive and diverse duties of the Royal Navy and the British Antarctic Survey, and the trials and tribulations that the frozen continent brings. In the first episode, Return to the Ice HMS Endurance prepares for another season in Antarctica. Captain Bob Tarrant has taken her there for the last two years but in 10 days time he must hand over to a new captain and is determined that the ship is ready for the ice before he leaves. Faced with a series of engine problems, can the crew get the vessel ready for both a long and dangerous journey and a new commander? Then bad news from home causes further problems as the ship leaves the Falklands.