Ta nora ljubezen

Ta nora ljubezen 2011


Štirideset-in-nekaj-letni Cal Weaver živi ameriške sanje: dobra služba, lepa hiša, pridni otroci in zakon s srednješolsko ljubeznijo. A ko spozna, da ga žena Emily vara in hoče ločitev, se popolno življenje čez noč sesuje v prah. Še huje: v svetu samskih moških se Cal, ki že desetletja ni bil na zmenku, počuti kot riba na suhem. Večere med samopomilovanjem preživlja v lokalnem baru, kjer ga pod okrilje vzame čedni tridesetletni osvajalec ženskih src, Jacob Palmer. Da bi mu pomagal pri težavnem začetku v novo življenje, mu poleg stilske preobrazbe daje tudi nasvete pri spogledovanju, pogovoru in mu pomaga znova odkriti možatosti. Cal in Emily nista edina, ki iščeta ljubezen na napačnih krajih: Calov 13-letni sin je nesrečno zaljubljen v svojo 17-letno varuško Jessico.


50 prvih poljubov

50 prvih poljubov 2004


Henry, morski zoolog na Havajih, preživi ves svoj prosti čas, da privabi ženske, ki pridejo na Havaje na dopust. Nekega dne pa sreča simpatično in ljubko Lucy, v katero se zaljubi na prvi pogled. Vendar Lucy utrpi kratkotrajno izgubo spomina po prometni nesreči. Spominja se le dogodkov nekega dne. Zanjo je vsako jutro jutro po nesreči. Potem Lucy prvič sreča Henryja. In Henry lahko le upa, da ga Lucy znova in znova zanima.



Letalec 2004


Življenjepis večplastnega Howarda Hughesa, ki je nekaj očeta podedoval po očetovem podjetju, da se je preselil v Hollywood, kjer je zbral veliko bogastvo. Bil je eden najvidnejših producentov v ameriški kinematografiji v tridesetih in štiridesetih letih, ki je začel kariero, kot je Jean Harlow's in postal lastnik RKO Radio Pictures. Toda Hughes je bil poleg proizvajalca priznani industrialec in poslovnež, ki je imel svoj pomen tudi v svetu letalstva.


Kaj zenske ljubijo

Kaj zenske ljubijo 2000


Vodja oglaševanja Nick Marshall je aroganten seksist, a kaj se zgodi s seksističnim moškim, ko nenadoma sliši, kaj si ženske mislijo? Nick ni dobil napredovanja, ki ga je vzel za samoumevno, ker ga je dobil ženska: Darcy. Toda po nesreči je sposoben slišati ženske misli in ta talent uporablja za delo proti Darcyju, svojemu novemu šefu.



2046 2004



Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo 1997


Johnny Bravo tells the story of a biceps-bulging, karate-chopping free spirit who believes he is a gift from God to the women of the earth. Unfortunately for Johnny, everyone else sees him as a narcissistic Mama's boy with big muscles and even bigger hair. In short, he is the quintessential guy who 'just doesn't get it.' No matter what he does, or where he finds himself, he always winds up being his own worst enemy.



Nip/Tuck 2003


Hotshot plastic surgeons Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy experience full-blown midlife crises as they confront career, family and romance problems.



Entourage 2004


Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.


Hart of Dixie

Hart of Dixie 2011


New Yorker Zoe Hart has it all figured out - after graduating top of her class from medical school, she'll follow in her father's footsteps and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon. But when her dreams fall apart, Zoe decides to work at a small practice in Bluebell, Alabama.


About a Boy

About a Boy 2014


Will Freeman lives a charmed existence as the ultimate man-child. After writing a hit song, he was granted a life of free time, free love and freedom from financial woes. He's single, unemployed and loving it. So imagine his surprise when Fiona, a needy single mom and her oddly charming 11-year-old son, Marcus, move in next door and disrupt his perfect world. When Marcus begins dropping by his home unannounced, Will's not so sure about being a kid's new best friend, until, of course, Will discovers that women find single dads irresistible. That changes everything and a deal is struck: Marcus will pretend to be Will's son and, in return, Marcus is allowed to chill at Will's house. Before he realizes it, Will starts to enjoy the visits and even finds himself looking out for the kid. In fact, this newfound friendship may very well teach him a thing or two that he never imagined possible - about himself and caring for others.



Casanova 2005


Castle Dux, Bohemia, 1798. Casanova, now a penniless librarian in his seventies, tells Edith, a young kitchen maid in the castle, his remarkable life story, and about falling in love with Henriette.



Bent 2012


Newly divorced lawyer and single mom Alex is raising her 10-year-old, Charlie. Hoping to redo her kitchen, she hires Pete, a recovering gambling addict, surfer and womanizer—and the two soon discover they're able to help one another in surprising ways.


Lady Girls

Lady Girls 2015


Lady Girls is a poignant romantic comedy portrays the lives of three single, 40-year-old women as they search for happiness and love while longing to stay always-a-girl-at-heart regardless their age.


Casanova '73

Casanova '73 1973


Casanova '73 was a short-lived British sitcom broadcast on BBC1 in 1973. It was written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson and starred Leslie Phillips as Henry Newhouse.