
Togo 2019


Film o vlečnem psu, ki je leta 1925 rešil mesto pred epidemijo davice. Potovanje psa Toga, ki se je boril z ledenimi viharji, je bilo dolgo 420 kilometrov in je vključevalo prečkanje Norton Sounda, kjer je s plavanjem čez zlomljeni led rešil celotno odpravo.


Marley in jaz

Marley in jaz 2008


Po poroki se novinarja John in Jenny preselita na Florido, a zaradi tekmovalne narave dela pri konkurenčnih časopisih se njun zakon znajde v težavah. Da bi se priučila družinskega življenja, si omislita simpatičnega labradorca, a mladiček zraste v razgrajaško mrcino. Kljub temu John s pomočjo pasjih vragolij najde nov navdih za pisanje, štirinožni prijatelj pa mlademu paru na zabaven način pomaga prebroditi rojstvo otrok in številne druge življenjske preizkušnje, ki jih še čakajo.


Mali šef

Mali šef 2017


Ustvarjalci zabavnih animacij Madagaskar in Megaum predstavljajo komično zgodbo o 7-letnem Timu, katerega življenje na glavo obrne novi bratec. Čeprav starši ne opazijo ničesar nenavadnega, se čudaški dojenček zdi Timu ves čas sumljiv in nekega večera res odkrije, da bratec lahko govori, hodi in snuje nenavadne načrte. Mali šef mu razloži, da morata skupaj ustaviti zlobneža Francisa, ki želi človeštvu ukrasti ljubezen. Da bi starše in svet rešila pred temačno prihodnostjo, brata združita moči in s pomočjo brezmejnega otroškega kaosa poskrbita za nepozabno pustolovščino.


Pound Puppies

Pound Puppies 2010


Lucky, Cookie and the rest of the dogs in Shelter 17 have an important secret mission: to help every dog that comes to the pound find a new home.


Pup Academy

Pup Academy 2019


Welcome to a secret world where pups learn to be a human's best friend. Follow three unlikely puppies - and their human friends - as they work together to discover the power of friendship and create everlasting bonds between dogs and humans.


Phantom Pups

Phantom Pups 2022


A young boy and his family move into a haunted home, where he meets three adorable ghost pups and tries to help them turn back into real dogs.


My Pet House

My Pet House 2023


Welcome to the era of "Pet-teriors"! Pet-Friendly home renovation with experts for better and happier cohabitation with furry friends


Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way

Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way 1980


Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way is a British television series presented by Barbara Woodhouse first shown by the BBC in 1980. It was taped in 10 episodes at Woodhouse's home in Hertfordshire, England. The show was also internationally syndicated. In the show she often used two commands: "walkies" and "sit"; the latter of which was parodied in the 1983 James Bond film Octopussy where James Bond does a Woodhouse impersonation, puts his hand up in a command posture, repeats Woodhouse's catch-phrase to a tiger and the animal responds to it by obeying. Her ten-part series had been shown at over one hundred stations in the United States and in Britain it proved so popular it was run twice. In 1982, singer-songwriter Randy Edelman wrote a song about her and her show, "Barbara", which he released in a single 45 rpm record.


Dodge's Pup School

Dodge's Pup School 2024


Join Dodge at Pup School, a place full of mishaps and mayhem! Watch as Dodge and his pup pals turn school days into adventures with singing, silliness and occasional squeaky toys.


Puppy School

Puppy School 2019


It's fun getting a puppy. But not always easy. Set against the spectacular backdrop of Chatsworth House, this show helps new owners navigate puppy parenthood.