Sveta dirka

Sveta dirka 2019


Vsako leto se skupina francoskih upokojencev z avtodomi in počitniškimi prikolicami odpravi po poteh slavne dirke Tour de France: od Ardenov do Col d'Izoarda, po departmajskih cestah in strmih pobočjih, od koder prežijo na udeležence kolesarske prireditve. Kamera režiserjev Méryla Fortunat-Rossija in Valéryja Rosiera jih beleži med pogostimi, običajno zelo zabavnimi razpravami. Od zakonskih prepirov in vsakodnevnih prizadevanj, da bi ulovili kar najboljši signal satelitske televizije, do pričakovanja srečanj s kolesarji, medtem ko se pritožujejo nad mlajšimi gledalci dirke, ki jim preprečujejo dober razgled. Zabavne prigode v srcu mladih se odvijajo med veličastjem Ravelovega Bolera. Observativni dokumentarec "Sveta dirka" sijajno ujame trenutke pristnosti, ki bi se komu utegnili zdeti kot dolgočasen izlet, ter jih naredi vznemirljive in duhovite.


Being Jan Ullrich

Being Jan Ullrich 2022


Winning the Tour de France in 1997 made Jan Ullrich a star. But soon after, the downfall of road cycling's biggest talent begins. The five-part documentary series follows the stages of his life and his career.


Eat. Race. Win.

Eat. Race. Win. 2018


EAT. RACE. WIN. is a behind-the-scenes adventure into the biggest annual sporting event on the planet: The Tour de France. The Queen of Performance Cooking, Chef Hannah Grant, takes you on her race within the race as she sources performance food for Australia's pro cycling team, Orica-Scott. Hannah shows us exactly what it takes to perform at the edge of human endurance for 21 race days.


De Avondetappe

De Avondetappe 2005


De Avondetappe is a daily television program during the Tour de France that discusses the stage of that day. From 2003 to 2014, the presentation was in the hands of Mart Smeets. In 2015, the program was replaced by NOS Studio Tour, but since 2016 De Avondetappe has returned to the screen, now with presenters Dione de Graaff and Herman van der Zandt.


Second to None

Second to None 2024


The world’s best female cyclists take on the sport’s toughest challenge - the Tour de France Femmes.


All on yellow

All on yellow 2024


The four-part documentary series follows the German team Bora-Hansgrohe on its way to the Tour de France 2024. The team wants to finally win the overall title, which is why they have recruited the Slovenian Primoz Roglic. He has won everything but the Tour de France. Both are hungry for victory. But the competition is fierce.