
Chevalier 2023


Film je inspiriran z neverjetno resnično zgodbo skladatelja Josepha Bologna, Chevalierja de Saint-Georgesa. Bologne, nezakonski sin afriške sužnje in francoskega lastnika plantaže, se v francoski družbi povzpne do neverjetnih višin kot slavni violinist, skladatelj in sabljač, skupaj z nesrečno ljubezensko afero ter sporom z Marijo Antoineto in njenim dvorom.


Neuslišana ljubezen

Neuslišana ljubezen 2004


Združeno kraljestvo pred drugo svetovno vojno. Starajoči se sestri Ursula in Janet živita umirjeno, spokojno življenje v svoji hišici na obali Cornwalla. Nekega jutra po silovitem neurju na obali pred svojo hišo opazita napol mrtvega brodolomca. Vzameta ga pod streho in skrbita zanj, dokler si ne opomore. Vmes ugotovita, da je mlad moški Poljak. Sporazumevajo se v polomljeni nemščini in sestri ga nekako učita angleščine. Izvesta, da mu je ime Andrea in da je nadarjen violinist, ki je plul v Ameriko, ker je hrepenel po boljšem življenju. Ne traja dolgo, da se sestri zagledata vanj, še več, začneta ga oboževati. Toda ostali prebivalci Cornwalla niso tako zaupljivi do Andree. In ko se ta spozna še z Olgo iz Rusije, je sumničavosti med ljudmi čedalje več …


Blue Orchestra

Blue Orchestra 2023


In the fall of his third and final year of middle school, Hajime Aono, a violin prodigy, stopped playing violin for his own personal reasons. But it was also that year when he got to know a girl who told him about a high school with a prestigious school orchestra. Suddenly, the gears in the clock of Aono's life began to turn again. This is the story of a youth drama that brings forth the harmony between music and the heart!


Lover or Stranger

Lover or Stranger 2021


After an avalanche, a young violinist loses her memory. Facing her mysterious entrepreneur fiancee and their upcoming wedding, she must find herself again amidst the confusion and secrets.


Do You Like Brahms?

Do You Like Brahms? 2020


A drama about the dreams and love of classical music students who find their own happiness after wandering between talent and reality.


Buzzer Beat

Buzzer Beat 2009


Buzzer Beat is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama, which stars Yamashita Tomohisa, Keiko Kitagawa, and Aibu Saki. The series primarily focuses on two characters, Naoki Kamiya, a professional basketball player, and Riko Shirakawa, an aspiring violinist. Over the course of the series Naoki faces difficulties trying to succeed in the world of basketball, and Riko struggles to become a successful violinist. Eventually the two meet and the series chronicles their relationship and struggles, as well as those of their friends.


Minor March

Minor March 2020


Park Qi Cai has 5 flawless men in her surrounding, with the same surname; including adopted son and cousin. One day, she crosses paths with a young man, named Quan Xi Zheng, because of a cellphone. He may be handsome and excellent at everything, but also has one flaw - sharp tongue that pushes Qi Cai's buttons. To make matters worse, Qi Cai can never beat him at his own game. Qi Cai's older brothers, step in to help her with handling him, but nothing works, until Qi Cai discovers Quan Xi Zheng's secret, that revolves around a musical score, called March Minor.