Državljanska vojna: vsaka vladavina se konča

Državljanska vojna: vsaka vladavina se konča 2024


Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.


Igre lakote: Balada o pticah pevkah in kačah

Igre lakote: Balada o pticah pevkah in kačah 2023


To so desete Igre lakote, dogajanje pa poteka 64 let pred prvim filmom. Coriolanus Snow je mentor Lucy Gray Baird, predstavnici obubožanega 12. okrožja. Kljub začetni zadregi in razočaranju, Coriolanus začne verjeti, da imata z Lucy morda priložnost, da verjetnost zmage obrneta v svojo korist. Z mešanico svoje teatralnosti in novoodkrite politične modrosti, Snow in Lucy tekmujeta s časom, da bi preživela in odkrila, kdo je pevka in kdo je kača.


Igre lakote: Kruto maščevanje

Igre lakote: Kruto maščevanje 2013


Na Victorjevi turneji Katniss Everdeen odkrije nove grožnje, ki jih čakajo pri naslednjih igrah. Tekmovanje bi lahko za vedno spremenilo Panem.



Strelec 2007


Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg) je bil najboljši ostrostrelec v ameriški vojski. Po usodnem dogodku in razočaranju je brez sledi izginil. Vladni agentje ga odkrijejo v gorski koči in ga prepričajo, naj se vrne na dolžnost in jim pomaga preprečiti načrtovani atentat na predsednika ZDA. Medtem ko se Swagger pripravlja na nalogo ugotovi, da so mu nastavili past: obtožen je poskusa umora in prisiljen v beg. Lovijo ga tajne službe iz vse države. Ranjen in sam mora odkriti pravega storilca in razkriti zahrbtno zaroto, preden bo prepozno. Swagger pripravi maščevalni načrt, katerega posledice bo čutiti med nekaterimi najvplivnejšimi pokvarjenimi svetovnimi voditelji.


Sonceve solze

Sonceve solze 2003


Skupina, ki jo vodi veteran enote SEAL poročnik Waters, vstopi v osrčje Afrike z misijo za reševanje dr. Lena Kendrick, lepe ameriške zdravnice na območju konfliktov. Toda ko jo najdejo, noče zapustiti beguncev in prosi Watersa, da jih pospremi skozi nevarno nigerijsko džunglo. Časnik se bo spopadal s konfliktom izbire med naslednjimi prejetimi ukazi ali narekovanjem lastne vesti ...



Hulk 2003


Znanstvenik Bruce Banner se ukvarja z revolucionarno genetsko tehnologijo in ima težave z obvladovanjem besa. Njegovo bivše dekle Betty, prav tako znanstvenica, še naprej sodeluje z njim, v njegovo zasebno življenje pa se ne spušča več. Nekega dne med znanstvenim poskusom pride do napake, zaradi katere se Bruce in njegov sodelavec znajdeta v nevarnosti. Bruce zaščiti sodelavca, pri čemer je njegovo telo izpostavljeno smrtonosnemu sevanju. Kljub temu Bruce nesrečo preživi in se nenadoma počuti bolj zdravega kot kdajkoli prej. In predvsem precej močnejšega. Ko se v njem prebudi bes, se Bruce spremeni v najmočnejše bitje na svetu, velikanskega superjunaka Hulka.



J.F.K. 1991


Državni tožilec Jim Garrison začne na lastno pest raziskovati atentat na Kennedyja, ki se je zgodil 22. novembra 1963 v Dallasu, saj uradni izjavi FBI-ja ne verjame. Svoj nos velikokrat vtakne tja, kamor ne sodi, zato trpi tudi njegova družina. Film je bil nominiran za osem oskarjev, med drugim tudi za najboljši film.


Krojač iz Paname

Krojač iz Paname 2001


Odličen film je posnet po romanu Johna Le Carréja. Dogajanje je postavljeno v leto 1999. Panamski prekop, ki je bil do sedaj pod nadzorom Američanov, je zdaj ponovno v rokah panamske vlade. V Panami se znajde tudi brezobziren angleški vohun Andy Osnard, ki se je v domovini zapletel v škandal, zato so ga izgnali sem. Kmalu spozna angleškega krojača Harryja, ki v Panami živi z ženo Louiso, po rodu Američanko. Andy Harryja reši iz finančne stiske, vendar mu mora Harry v zameno pomagati pri zbiranju informacij o tem, kaj namerava državni vrh storiti s Panamskim prekopom. Andy naredi načrt, kako bo prelisičil britansko vlado in vse okrog sebe



Jackie 2016


Pretresljiva življenjska zgodba o ženi umorjenega predsednika ZDA Johna F. Kennedyja prikazuje Jackiejino postopno sestavljanje koščkov njenega, v tragičnem trenutku uničenega, življenja. Kljub travmatični izkušnji poskuša po atentatu najti moč in vero v življenje, da bi lahko potolažila otroka in nadaljevala zgodovinsko zapuščino moža. Razpeta med pričakovanji javnosti in mučnim soočanjem z lastnimi čustvi in spomini, svoje misli zaupa novinarju Theodoru, ki ji želi pomagati pri iskanju poti iz labirinta razočaranja, žalosti in obupa.



W. 2008



Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor 2016


Tom Kirkman, a low-level cabinet member is suddenly appointed President of the United States after a catastrophic attack during the State of the Union kills everyone above him in the Presidential line of succession.


John Adams

John Adams 2008


Adapted from David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, this lavish seven-part miniseries chronicles the life of Founding Father John Adams, starting with the Boston Massacre of 1770 through his years as an ambassador in Europe, then his terms as vice president and president of the United States, up to his death on July 4, 1826.


Cory in the House

Cory in the House 2007


It's a brand new life for Cory Baxter when his dad, Victor, becomes the personal chef to the President of the United States. Cory's entrepreneurial scheming reaches new heights as he mingles amongst high-powered Washington D.C. elite.


The Presidents

The Presidents 2005


The show documents each of the Presidents in the union, starting with George Washington, following a chronological order up until George W. Bush. Each President's segment begins with the narrator giving a brief dossier about each one, from their political affiliation, family, and notable traits. The show then highlights the history behind each presidency, linking each one to the following.


Designated Survivor: 60 Days

Designated Survivor: 60 Days 2019


An explosion at the National Assembly kills everyone in the cabinet, leaving Park Mu-jin, the Minister of Environment, to become the next president. Park Mu-jin is a scientist-turned-politician who has no ambitions in politics, but as the acting president for 60 days, he is compelled to investigate the truth behind the attack. Based on the popular American series, Designated Survivor.


A Woman Named Jackie

A Woman Named Jackie 1991


This biographical miniseries, based on the best seller by C. David Heymann, starts when Jackie Kennedy was working after college; and spans her life through the Presidency of John F. Kennedy and her marriage to Aristotle Onassis after the assassination of President Kennedy.


Project Thouser

Project Thouser 2020


Can Amatsu Gai's plans to create ZAIA's ultimate weapon come to fruition? He will use every tool at his disposal to make it 1000% so.



Elkhorn 2024


Theodore Roosevelt is bound for greatness—he's a Harvard graduate from a prominent family, a rising politician, and his wife, Alice, is pregnant. Then his promising future turns tragic. His mother succumbs to typhoid, and Alice dies in childbirth on the same day. Devastated, Teddy leaves his urban world of high rises and high society for the desolate Dakota Territory, where, by facing the harsh reality of surviving life on America’s frontier, he intends to remake himself into something greater.



Sadat 1983


Miniseries based on the life and death of Anwar Sadat, the 3rd President of Egypt.


François Mitterrand : le roman du pouvoir

François Mitterrand : le roman du pouvoir 2000


Jean Lacouture and Patrick Rotman interview the witnesses of François Mitterrand's life. Their testimonies, which both complement and contradict each other, write the story of a life: the youth, the Vichy regime and the Resistance during the Second World War, the Fifth Republic and the Algerian war, the conquest of the Elysée, the backstage of power and the secrets of a president.


Death by Lightning

Death by Lightning 1970


The epic and stranger-than-fiction true story of James Garfield, reluctant 20th president of the United States, and his greatest admirer Charles Guiteau — the man who would come to kill him.


Ordförande Persson

Ordförande Persson 2007


A story from the innermost room of power, a contemporary historical depiction of 10 years of political life. In these interviews, Göran Persson tells with increasing sincerity about his meetings with foreign leaders, how he formed his governments and thought about his ministers. He describes his anger over opposition politicians and his frustration with the media. We must follow him in the triumph as EU President and in the disaster of the EMU elections. He talks about his divorce, about the grief after Anna Lindh and the difficulty of arranging a successor. He shares all thoughts of resigning, and he describes his longing for a farm in the country.



Kekkonen 2017


The whole story of Urho Kekkonen, the most important statesman during Finland's independence.


White House Christmas

White House Christmas 1998


Every year, hundreds of volunteers from across the nation decorate the White House for Christmas in just 72 hours. HGTV documents the process in the annual White House Christmas special — which is hosted by one or two hand-picked HGTV hosts who ensure the First Lady's chosen theme comes to life.