Lov za izgubljenim zakladom

Lov za izgubljenim zakladom 1981


Zgodba se dogaja okoli leta 1935. Ameriška vlada Jonesa obvesti, da so nacisti odkrili nahajališče skrinje zaveze, v kateri naj bi bilo zapečatenih deset božjih zapovedi. Indyjeva naloga je, da zgodovinski artefakt, ki naj bi imel čudežno moč, najde pred Nemci. Misija ga popelje na nevarno pot, polno razburljivih dogodivščin, na kateri ga spremlja nekdanja ljubezen Marion.



Matrica 1999


Računalniški heker Neo odkrije pretresljivo resnico: življenje, kakršnega pozna, je digitalna simulacija, ki jo vodi zlobna kiber-inteligenca. Pridruži se odporniškemu gibanju, ki se trudi uničiti iluzijo sveta, v katerem so ljudje sužnji.


Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del

Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del 2011


Harry, Ron in Hermiona se pripravljajo na končno bitko z Mrlakensteinom, ki je odločen uničiti Harryja za vselej. Najti morajo še zadnji Mrlakensteinov skrižvn, preden bi se njegov mračni načrt uresničil.


Maščevalci: Ultronova doba

Maščevalci: Ultronova doba 2015


Po uničenju O.B.O.D.-a in razhodu Maščevalcev želi Tony Stark človeštvu pomagati s pomočjo spečega robotskega programa Ultron. Toda prebujena umetna inteligenca se obrne proti ljudem in jim napove popolno uničenje, zato morajo Iron Man, Stotnik Amerika, Hulk, Thor, Sokol in Črna vdova znova združiti moči in se v vrtincu vratolomnih spopadov soočiti z neizprosnim nasprotnikom.



Terminator 1984


Mišičnjak Arnold Schwarzenegger se v Terminatorju prelevi v nasilno bitje iz prihodnosti, mešanico človeka in robota. V Los Angeles pride z namenom, da bi ubil Sarah Connor, ker ima njen obstoj pomemben vpliv na prihodnost. Nekoč bo rodila Johna Connorja, ki bo nekje v prihodnosti vodil človeštvo v boju proti mehanizaciji. Kmalu za Terminatorjem pride še Kyle Reese, da bi zaščitil ubogo Sarah. Njuno življenje je na nitki, kajti policija Reesovim zgodbam ne verjame, Terminator pa je neuničljiv.


Terminator: Genisys

Terminator: Genisys 2015


Režiser akcijskega spektakla Thor: Svet teme predstavlja eksplozivno nadaljevanje zgodbe o neuničljivem Terminatorju. V apokaliptični prihodnosti vodja človeškega upora proti strojem John Connor pošlje v preteklost svojega pomočnika Kyla. Toda ker so stroji desetletje prej poskusili umoriti Johnovo mamo Sarah, se Kyle znajde v povsem spremenjeni preteklosti. Sarah se s pomočjo preprogramiranega Terminatorja že od malih nog pripravlja na prihod Kyla in drugih Terminatorjev, toda stroji so poskrbeli za nepričakovano presenečenje - v terminatorskega hibrida so spremenili njenega lastnega sina Johna!


Matrica: Reloaded

Matrica: Reloaded 2003


Borci za svobodo Neo, Trinity in Morpheus se še naprej upirajo vojski digitalnih strojev z umetno inteligenco. Da bi preprečili iztrebljenje človeštva, morajo še bolje spoznati Matrico in ključno Neovo vlogo v igri za usodo sveta.


Jaz, legenda

Jaz, legenda 2007


Robert je nadarjen znanstvenik, a ostane brez moči ob izbruhu skrivnostnega virusa, ki mu vzame družino in uniči človeško civilizacijo. Zavoljo redke imunosti Robert ostane edini preživeli v New Yorku, toda v temačnih sencah se skrivajo v krvoločne stvore spremenjeni ljudje, ki ponoči prilezejo na plano in iščejo nove žrtve. Med neprestanim begom pred pošastmi, skuša Robert najti zdravilo proti virusu, toda nekdo (ali nekaj) ga ves čas spremlja in čaka, da stori usodno napako.


Peti element

Peti element 1997


Zgodba o ljubezni in preživetju v 23. stoletju, kakršnega si je zamisli režiser Luc Besson in v katerem človeštvo potuje med zvezde ter širi življenjsko energijo. A vsakih 5000 let, ko se za hip odpro vrata v paralelne razsežnosti, mračna sila napade vesolje. To skuša izkoristiti zlobni Zorg, in edini up človeštva je Leeloo, ki predstavlja peti element, življenjsko silo, pri tem pa ji, sprva po naključju in nehote, pomaga newyorški taksist Korben Dallas.


Jekleni mož

Jekleni mož 2013


V novi filmski priredbi legendarnega Supermana spoznamo mladega novinarja Clarka Kenta, ki se zaradi svojih nadnaravnih sposobnosti nikakor ne more vključiti v človeško družbo. Krušna starša sta ga našla v strmoglavljeni vesoljski ladji in vzgajala kot lastnega sina, toda že kot deček je zaradi svojih posebnih sposobnosti med ljudmi požel tako občudovanje in začudenje kot tudi strah in zavračanje njegove drugačnosti. Po dolgih letih iskanja lastne identitete se Clark spoprijatelji s simpatično novinarko Lois, toda ko svet ogrozi zlobni nezemeljski general Zod, mora Clark zbrati pogum in kot Superman rešiti svet pred uničenjem.


Liga pravičnih Zacka Snyderja

Liga pravičnih Zacka Snyderja 2021


Spektakel, v katerem moči združijo najslovitejši superjunaki stripovske založbe DC Comics – Batman, Superman, Čudežna ženska, Aquaman, Flash in Kiborg. Da Supermanovo žrtvovanje ne bi bilo zaman, Bruce Wayne združi moči z Diano Prince. Skupaj zbereta skupino nadljudi, da bi zaščitili svet pred bližajočo se grožnjo katastrofalnih razsežnosti. Batman, Čudežna ženska, Aquaman, Kiborg in Flash se spopadajo z lastnimi strahovi iz preteklosti, hkrati pa se sprašujejo, ali je morda prepozno, da bi rešili planet pred uničenjem.


Matrica: Revolucija

Matrica: Revolucija 2003


V zaključku trilogije "Matrica" se Neo (Keanu Reeves), Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) in Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) borijo, da bi zadnje človeško mesto Sion ubranili pred ubijalskimi stroji, ki so si podjarmili in zasužnjili človeštvo.


Indiana Jones in zadnji križarski pohod

Indiana Jones in zadnji križarski pohod 1989


Neustrašni arheolog Indiana Jones se odpravi na reševanje svojega očeta, strokovnjaka za srednji vek, ki ga nacisti ugrabijo, da bi jim pomagal najti sloviti sveti gral.


Terminator 3: Vstaja strojev

Terminator 3: Vstaja strojev 2003


Minilo je desetletje, odkar je John Connor - Nick Stahl - človeštvo rešil pred uničenjem. Danes je John star 25 let in živi v skrivanju: dokumentarnih dokazov o njegovem obstoju ni. Tako se izogne, da bi ga zasledili Skynet - prefinjena strojna korporacija, ki je nekoč poskušala končati življenje. Toda zdaj mu je od prihodnosti poslan T-X (Kristanna Loken), Skynetova najrazvitejša naprava za ubijanje kiborgov. Njegova naloga je dokončati delo, ki ga njegov predhodnik T-1000 ni mogel dokončati. T-X je stroj tako neusmiljen, kot je lep v svojem človeškem pogledu. Zdaj je edino upanje za preživetje Connnorja Terminator.



Megaum 2010


Super-zločinec Megaum premaga svojega sovraga Metromana, ... a mu brez tekmecev postane dolgčas. Ko se pojavi nova grožnja in mestu zavlada zmeda, je Megaum edino upanje za svet.


Terminator: Odrešitev

Terminator: Odrešitev 2009


V apokaliptičnem svetu bližnje prihodnosti, kjer stroji pod vodstvom inteligentnega računalniškega omrežja Skynet neusmiljeno iztrebljajo človeštvo, skuša odločni John Connor sprejeti vlogo odrešenika, ki mu je bila usojena. Čeprav med soborci uživa veliko spoštovanje, mu vodje odpora ne zaupajo, vojna z uničujočimi ubijalskimi stroji pa postaja vse bolj brezupna. Za novo negotovost poskrbi skrivnostni Marcus, nekdanji obsojenec na smrt, ki je morda zadnje upanje človeštva, toda svoje poslanstvo lahko opravi šele, ko mu uspe pridobiti zaupanje skeptičnega Johna.





Seth is a boy who seeks to become a great magician, and a group of witches who seek to travel to the Radiant. Radiant is a mythical land that spawns monsters called "Néméses" which fall to the world from the sky. While traveling, they are also hunted by The Inquisition.


Shirt Tales

Shirt Tales 1982


Shirt tales is an American animated series that aired on NBC from September 18, 1982 to January 21, 1984. The series featured animal characters, created in 1980 by greeting card designer Janet Elizabeth Manco, that were among Hallmark Cards' best sellers at the time.


My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia 2016


For his entire life, Izuku has dreamed of being a hero—an ambitious goal for anyone, but an especially challenging one for a boy without superpowers. That’s right: in a world where 80% of the population has some sort of special Gift, Izuku was unlucky enough to be born completely normal. But that won’t stop him from enrolling in one of the most prestigious hero academies in the world to learn what it truly means to be a hero.


Avatar the Last Airbender

Avatar the Last Airbender 2024


A young boy known as the Avatar must master the four elemental powers to save a world at war — and fight a ruthless enemy bent on stopping him.


Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender 2005


In a war-torn world of elemental magic, a young boy reawakens to undertake a dangerous mystic quest to fulfill his destiny as the Avatar, and bring peace to the world.


The Rising of the Shield Hero

The Rising of the Shield Hero 2019


Iwatani Naofumi, a run-of-the-mill otaku, finds a book in the library that summons him to another world. He is tasked with joining the sword, spear, and bow as one of the Four Cardinal Heroes and fighting the Waves of Catastrophe as the Shield Hero. Excited by the prospect of a grand adventure, Naofumi sets off with his party. However, merely a few days later, he is betrayed and loses all his money, dignity, and respect. Unable to trust anyone anymore, he employs a slave named Raphtalia and takes on the Waves and the world. But will he really find a way to overturn this desperate situation?


Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer 2022


Everything about college student Amamiya Yuuhi is average: grades, looks and his blasé outlook on life. So what happens when he awakens one day to a talking lizard, who informs him that there is a gigantic hammer in outer space, poised to split the Earth into pieces, and requests his allegiance in the fight against the forces of evil? Pretend it never happened! Unfortunately for Yuuhi, a little bit of coercion in the form of a super-powered princess prevents him from returning to his mediocre life-as-usual. In the adventure of his lifetime, Yuuhi will join forces with the unpredictable princess and seek out a motley crew of companions to fight back against an evil mage and his horrifyingly powerful homunculus before the Biscuit Hammer destroys the planet!


WorldEnd: What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?

WorldEnd: What are you doing at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us? 2017


The fleeting and sad story about little girls known as fairy weapons and an associate hero that survived. This is a world after it was attacked by unidentified monsters known as beasts and many of the species in the world, including humans, had been destroyed. The species that had managed to survived left the ground and were living on a floating island called Regal Ele. Willem Kmetsch wakes up above the clouds 500 years later and couldn’t protect the ones who he wanted to protect. Actually, he was living in despair because he was the only survivor.


Arata: The Legend

Arata: The Legend 2013


Every 30 years, a new princess is chosen from the Hime family to serve the Hayagami. The time has come again, but over these past years, records state not a single female has been born, save for one, the 15 year old Arata. The only problem is, Arata is actually a male! Forced to disguise himself and take the place of the princess candidate until a formal one can be found, he attends the festival only to witness the current princess, Kokuri-hime, murdered, and his own life is forfeit as well, by the hands of the princess' personal guard, the 12 Shinshou. As he runs for his life, Kannagi of the 12 convinces everyone that Arata is the one who has murdered the princess instead, and now everyone in the Imperial Court is after his head!


Niko and the Sword of Light

Niko and the Sword of Light 2017


A plague of shadows has swept across the land, turning innocent creatures into terrible monsters. One champion remains to battle the darkness and return the world to the light: Niko. Armed with his magic sword and guided by a determined Princess, young Niko journeys to the Curse-ed Volcano to face the evil sorcerer Nar Est and free his people from their magic prison.



Meteor 2009


Following an unparalleled series of meteor fireballs plummeting toward Earth, a renowned scientist, his assistant, and an on-target conspiracy theorist race against time to expose a government cover-up, reveal the truth, and prevent a massive meteor from destroying the planet.


Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills

Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills 1994


Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills is an American television series which was released by DIC Entertainment and aired on the USA Network during the 1994–1995 season. The show was a low-budget attempt to emulate the success of Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The lower budget is evident from the installments having been produced using videotape rather than more expensive film stock.


Deadly Games

Deadly Games 1995


Deadly Games is an American comedy action sci fi show that appeared on UPN as part of its 1995 season. The basic plot of the show is about video game characters that come to life, re-enacting their deadly plans for wanton destruction and world domination in the real world. The series was produced by Viacom Productions.


Code Name: Eternity

Code Name: Eternity 2000


Code Name: Eternity is a Canadian science fiction series that ran for 26 episodes starting in 1999. It was later shown on the Sci Fi Channel in the United States. The plot involves an alien scientist who comes to Earth and assumes human form in order to perfect technology which will radically change Earth's environment to be suitable for habitation by his own species. Another of the aliens, having discovered the true nature of Banning's plans, abandons him and joins up with a human scientist in an attempt to prevent the destruction of Earth and humanity. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was cancelled after a single season and ended on a cliffhanger. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment announced Code Name: Eternity: The Complete series on DVD.