Iztrebljevalec 2049

Iztrebljevalec 2049 2017


Iztrebljevalec 2049 je nadaljevanje legendarnega filma iz leta 1982, ki je za ljubitelje znanstvenofantastičnih filmov vedno na seznamu najboljših. Presežke tokrat obljublja odlična igralska zasedba, v kateri najdemo Ryana Goslinga, Harrisona Forda, Robina Wrighta, Davea Bautista in Jareda Leta. Trideset let po dogodkih iz prvega filma novi iztrebljevalec, policist K iz Los Angelesa (Gosling), razkrije dolgo zakopano skrivnost, ki bi utegnila pahniti delček družbe, ki še ostaja, v popoln kaos. To odkritje ga prisili na lov za Rickom Deckardom (Ford), nekdanjim iztrebljevalcem, za katerim so se pred 30 leti izgubile vse sledi.


Osmi potnik

Osmi potnik 1979


Sedemčlanska posadka vesoljske ladje Nostromo se s tovorom vrača na Zemljo. Iz umetne hibernacije jih zbudi ladijski računalnik, ki je zaznal signal, oddan z bližnjega planeta. Signal je šifriran, vendar domnevajo, da gre za klic v sili, zato se trojica s kapitanom Dallasom na čelu odpravi poiskat njegov vir. Na planetu najdejo ostanke ogromnega nezemeljskega plovila, v njem pa velikansko truplo pilota, ki mu je prsni koš eksplodiral od znotraj. Medtem na ladji delno dešifrirajo signal, za katerega se izkaže, da je najverjetneje opozorilo. Globlje v plovilu najde častnik Kane ogromen prostor, v njem pa stotine nenavadnih jajc. Med natančnejšim pregledom iz enega skoči neznano bitje, mu stopi skafander in se mu prisesa na obraz...


Vojna zvezd: Sila se prebuja

Vojna zvezd: Sila se prebuja 2015


Tri desetletja po porazu Dartha Vaderja in galaktičnega Imperija se pojavi novo zlo. Iz ruševin požganega imperija je vstal militantni Prvi red in princesa Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) je zdaj na čelu upornikov, ki se z vojaškimi akcijami zoperstavljajo novim tiranom. Vsi skupaj iščejo jedijevskega mojstra Luka Skywalkerja (Mark Hamill), ki je po porazu imperatorjevih sil izginil neznano kam. Zdaj se pojavijo novi, mladi junaki po sili razmer: med njimi iznajdljiva odpadnica Rey (Daisy Ridley), ki na planetu Jakku v zameno za odmerke hrane zbira staro železje in se ne zaveda svojih moči; nekdanji jurišnik Prvega reda Finn (John Boyega), ki je dezertiral in se sklenil pridružiti borcem za pravičnost; ter Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), najboljši pilot, kar jih ima odporniško gibanje. Na pomoč jim priskočita nihče drug kot stari prekupčevalski maček Han Solo (Harrison Ford) in njegov zvesti kosmati kopilot Chewbacca.


Osmi potnik 2

Osmi potnik 2 1986


Elleno Ripley kot edino preživelo posadke vesoljske ladje Nostromo, odkrije ekipa po 57. letih kroženja po galaksiji v umetni hibernaciji. Korporacija zgodbi o srečanju s smrtonosnim bitjem častnice Ripley ne verjame, dokler ne izgubi komunikacije z naseljeno kolonijo na planetu LV-426. Korporacija najame Ripley kot svetovalko na reševalni misiji, z ekipo neustrašnih kolonijskih marincev.



Chappie 2015


V bližnji prihodnosti nad zločinom drži roko represivna mehanizirana policijska sila. A ljudje se ji začnejo upirati. Ko ukradejo policijskega droida Chappieja in ga na novo programirajo, ta postane prvi robot, ki je sposoben samostojnega razmišljanja in čutenja. Ko mogočna, destruktivna sila na Chappieja začne gledati kot nevarnega za človeštvo in za red, jo prav nič ne more zaustaviti v želji ohraniti status quo in zagotoviti, da bo Chappie zadnji svoje vrste.


Osmi potnik: Zaveza

Osmi potnik: Zaveza 2017


Osmi potnik: Zaveza je nadaljevanje filma Prometej (Prometheus), predzgodbe prvega dela franšize Osmi potnik, znanstvenofantastične grozljivke Ridleyja Scotta iz leta 1979. Šesti film franšize bo pripovedoval zgodbo posadke kolonialne ladje Covenant, ki pristane na sicer čudovitem, toda sovražnem planetu, kjer naletijo na androida Davida (Michael Fassbender), enega od dveh preživelih članov odprave Prometej, ki je doživela svoj konec v prejšnjem filmu.



Iztrebljevalec 1982


Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.



Prometej 2012


Mitološki dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Režiser Osmega potnika in Iztrebljevalca Ridley Scott se vrača k žanru, ki ga je proslavil. Loteva se prelomnih odkritij v mitologiji, kjer dokazi o izvoru človeštva na Zemlji usmerijo posadko raziskovalcev proti neraziskanim kotičkom vesolja. Tam pa jih čaka boj za prihodnost človeške rase. Naletijo na nezemeljsko raso vesoljskih popotnikov, ki naj bi bili stvaritelji človeštva in ustvarjalci življenja na Zemlji. Za posadko vesoljske ladje "Prometej" na svoji milijarde dolarjev vredni misiji so to torej nič manj kot bogovi. Tako kot pri mitološkem Prometeju pa je izzivanje bogov zelo tvegano početje. PRIPOROČAMO


Ex Machina

Ex Machina 2015


Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?


Vojna zvezd: Epizoda V - Imperij vrača udarec

Vojna zvezd: Epizoda V - Imperij vrača udarec 1980


Po uničenju Zvezde smrti sile imperija neumorno zasledujejo upornike. Slednji so poraženi v snežni bitki na ledenem planetu Hoth ter vztrajno za petami Hanu in Lei. Luke odpotuje na planet Dagobah, da bi se uril pri jedijevskem mojstru Yodi, ki se tam skriva od padca republike.


Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje

Osmi potnik 4: Ponovno vstajenje 1997


Dvesto let po smrti častnice Ripley jo skupina znanstvenikov klonira, da bi ustvarila popolno orožje. Toda nova Ripleyjeva je polna presenečenj ... kot so tudi novi nezemljani. Ripleyjeva in druščina tihotapcev morajo stvorom preprečiti prihod na Zemljo.


Osmi potnik 3

Osmi potnik 3 1992


Potem ko je z Newtom in Hicksom pobegnila s tujega planeta, Ripley ponesreči pristane na Fiorini 161, planetu zaporu in gostitelju popravne ustanove. Newt in Hicks ne preživita te nesreče, na žalost pa jo preživi bolj nezaželen obiskovalec. Zapor ne dovoljuje kakršnega koli orožja in ker je pomoč dolgo oddaljena, morajo zaporniki preprosto preživeti na kakršen koli način...


A.I. - Umetna inteligenca

A.I. - Umetna inteligenca 2001


V prihodnosti, kjer bo znanstveni napredek mogoč, ljudje vse vidike svojega življenja zaupajo sofisticiranim robotom, imenovanim Meccas. Čustva so zadnja meja v razvoju strojev. Ko pa napredni robotski otrok z imenom David programira ljubezen, ljudje niso pripravljeni na posledice.



Potniki 2016


Režiser z oskarjem nagrajenega filma Igra imitacije nas popelje v vesoljske širjave, na ladji, namenjeni proti oddaljeni koloniji. Med 120-letnim potovanjem pride do računalniške napake, kar povzroči, da se novinarka Aurora in mehanik Jim zbudita iz hibernacije 90 let prezgodaj. Preostanek življenja sta prisiljena preživeti v osami, toda kmalu ugotovita, da plovilo pestijo številne druge težave. Med izogibanjem številnim smrtnim nevarnostim, ki prežijo iz vesolja, se z njima poigrajo tudi ljubezenska čustva, kar jima da novih moči za spopad z neskončno razsežnostjo prostora in časa.


Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z 1989


The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies must defend the planet from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial enemies.


Dark Matter

Dark Matter 2015


The six-person crew of a derelict spaceship awakens from stasis in the farthest reaches of space. Their memories wiped clean, they have no recollection of who they are or how they got on board. The only clue to their identities is a cargo bay full of weaponry and a destination: a remote mining colony that is about to become a war zone. With no idea whose side they are on, they face a deadly decision. Will these amnesiacs turn their backs on history, or will their pasts catch up with them?


Small Wonder

Small Wonder 1985


When genius cybernetics engineer Ted Lawson brings home his top-secret invention, a Voice Input Child Identicant or V.I.C.I., life becomes anything but mechanical for the Lawson Family. With his boss and his nosy family living next door, Ted, his wife Joan and their son Jamie must pass Vicki off as a real child. It is easy for Joan, who cannot help doting on her like a daughter, but harder for precocious Jamie, who uses Vicki to do his homework and to ward off Harriet, the annoying redheaded girl next door.



Westworld 2016


A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged.


Android Kikaider

Android Kikaider 1972


A transforming super-android, on the run from an evil organization, fights rampaging robot monsters and helps his creator's daughter & son find their lost father.


Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss 2017


Located in the center of a remote island, the Abyss is the last unexplored region, a huge and treacherous fathomless hole inhabited by strange creatures where only the bravest adventurers descend in search of ancient relics. In the upper levels of the Abyss, Riko, a girl who dreams of becoming an explorer, stumbles upon a mysterious little boy.


Dimension W

Dimension W 2016


Humanity has found a way to achieve infinite energy by using coils to draw it from the fourth plane: dimension "W". With the production of coils having been monopolized by the New Tesla energy company, freelance collectors are hired to find and remove any illegal, unofficial coils. This is the story of collector Kyōma, who also happens to have a huge hatred towards coils. During one of his missions he stumbles upon a female android that perceives herself as being human, leading the two to enter an unlikely partnership.



Chobits 2002


Tokyo is abuzz with persocoms – humanoid computers that are virtually perfect. The socially and technologically inept Hideki is dying to get his hands on one. When he finds Chii abandoned in the trash, she’s cuter than any current model he’s ever seen before. But when he gets her home and turns her on, she has no data and only a single learning program installed. While Hideki puts his whole heart into teaching Chii the ins and outs of humanity, a mystery unfolds as a dark secret within her awakens.


Cutie Honey

Cutie Honey 1973


One day, Honey Kisaragi's a trendy, class-cutting Catholic schoolgirl. The next, her father's been murdered by demonic divas from a dastardly organization called Panther Claw. When his dying message reveals that she's an android, Honey uses the transformative power of the Atmospheric Element Solidifier - the very thing Panther Claw wanted to steal - to seek revenge against the shadowy clan.


Dragon Ball Z Kai

Dragon Ball Z Kai 2009


Rejoin Goku and his friends in a series of cosmic battles! Toei has redubbed, recut, and cleaned up the animation of the original 1989 animated series. The show's story arc has been refined to better follow the comic book series on which it is based. The show also features a new opening and ending. In the series, martial artist Goku, and his various friends, battle increasingly powerful enemies to defend the world against evil. Can Earth's defender defeat demons, aliens, and other villains?


Raised by Wolves

Raised by Wolves 2020


After Earth is ravaged by a great religious war, an atheistic android architect sends two of his creations, Mother and Father, to start a peaceful, godless colony on the planet Kepler-22b. Their treacherous task is jeopardized by the arrival of the Mithraic, a deeply devout religious order of surviving humans.



Extant 2014


An astronaut returns home from a year long solo mission in space. She tries to reconnect with her husband and son in their everyday life. Her experiences in space and home lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history.


The Peripheral

The Peripheral 2022


Stuck in a small Appalachian town, a young woman’s only escape from the daily grind is playing advanced video games. She is such a good player that a company sends her a new video game system to test…but it has a surprise in store. It unlocks all of her dreams of finding a purpose, romance, and glamour in what seems like a game…but it also puts her and her family in real danger.



Lexx 1997


A Time Prophet predicted that Kai would be the one to destroy the divine order in the league of the 20,000 planets, someday that will happen, but not today. Today a cowardly security guard, an undead assassin, a female with a body designed for sex and a robot head madly in love with her all make up the crew of the spaceship Lexx, the most powerful weapon in the two universes.



PLUTO 2023


When the world's seven most advanced robots and their human allies are murdered one by one, Inspector Gesicht soon discovers that he's also in danger.



Doraemon 1973


Nobita Nobi is so hapless that his 22nd century decendants are still impoverished as a result of his 20th century bumbling. In a bid to raise their social status, their servant, a robotic cat named Doraemon, decides to travel back in time and guide Nobita on the proper path to fortune. Unfortunately Doraemon, a dysfunctional robot that the familly acquired by accident (but chose to keep nonetheless), isn't much better off than Nobita. The robot leads Nobita on many adventures, and while Nobita's life certainly is more exciting with the robot cat from the future, it is questionable if it is in fact better in the way that Doraemon planned.


Miss Monochrome - The Animation

Miss Monochrome - The Animation 2013


Miss Monochrome is an android who decides to try and become a top idol singer in the ever growing competitive market.


The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits 1995


Anthology series of composed of distinct story episodes, sometimes with a plot twist at the end, with occasional recurring story elements that were often tied together during season-finale clip shows.


NieR:Automata Ver1.1a

NieR:Automata Ver1.1a 2023


The distant future, 5012. The sudden aerial invasion of Earth by <Aliens> and their creations <Machine Lifeforms> led mankind to the brink of extinction. The surviving number of humans who took refuge on the moon to organize a counterattack using <android> soldiers to recapture Earth. However, the war reaches a stalemate as the <Machine Lifeforms> continue to multiply infinitely. In turn, humanity deploys anew unit of android soldiers as an ultimate weapon: <YoRHa> Newly dispatched to Earth <2B> joins <9S>, the analyst currently stationed there, where amid their mission, they encounter a myriad of mysterious phenomena... This is the story of these lifeless <androids> and their endless fight for the sake of mankind.


Element Hunters

Element Hunters 2009


In the year 2029, chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon, gold, molybdenum, and cobalt were continually disappearing from Earth. These disappearing elements ultimately disrupted the environment and led to the destruction of various homes, cities, and even entire countries. Researchers discovered that the vanishing elements drained into a planet called Nega Earth, located in another dimension. Element dematerialization was occurring rapidly; thus, to save Earth, three special pre-teens picked by the space colony government formed the Element Hunters. Their job was to transport themselves to Nega-Earth to battle monsters called Q-EXes and retrieve lost elements. However, out of their own concerns, Ren, Chiara, and Homi, three average middle school students from Earth, banded together to also become Element Hunters. With the help of Professor Aimee Carr and Juno, they are able to help save their own planet.