Čas za ubijanje

Čas za ubijanje 1996


Potem ko zakon in red ni kaznoval zločinca, se Carl Lee Hailey odloči vzeti pravico v svoje roke in kaznuje posiljevalca svoje 10-letne hčerke. V takem primeru je pričakovati, da bo oče deležen sožalja in razumevanja, a težava je, ker sta Carl in njegova hči temnopolta, posiljevalec pa je belec. Vse skupaj se dogaja v Mississippiju, ki je znan po rasističnem opredeljevanju in segregaciji. Situacija je še hujša, ker lokali KKK, ki ga vodi Freddie Lee Cobb, postaja vse bolj popularen. Ko Hailey za svojega branilca izbere Jakea, novinca v odvetniškem poslu, izgleda da mu ni rešitve. A Jake poišče nasvet pri svojem profesorju prava Lucienu Willbanksu. Kaj storiti, kadar je pravica slepa, zločinec pa uživa na svobodi? To je ključno vprašanje odlične kriminalistične drame, ki jo je ustvaril izkušeni Joel Schumacher.



Maverick 1994


Bret Maverick je ambiciozen igralec pokra, ki si hoče s stavami priigrati kar največ denarja. Tu sta še prikupna Annabelle, ki mu bo ukradla marsikatero skrito misel, in premeteni odvetnik Zane Cooper, ki v svojem slogu dosega svoje. In prav Maverick, Annabelle in Cooper bodo pri donosnih stavah postali bolj povezani, kot se sprva zdi.



Mud 2013




Life 1999



Resnična zgodba

Resnična zgodba 1999


Film temelji na resnični zgodbi Američana, ki je leta 1994 opravil neverjetno pot po osrčju Amerike. Ko 73-letni Alvin izve, da je njegovega brata zadela kap, se ga odloči obiskati in zgladiti njun dolgoletni spor. Ker pa ga dajejo kolki in mu peša vid ter nima vozniškega dovoljenja, se trmasti Alvin usede na svojo kosilnico, nanjo pripne manjšo prikolico in se odpravi na skoraj 400 kilometrov dolgo potovanje od domačega mesteca Laurens v državi Wisconsin do Mount Ziona v Iowi. Na poti naleti na številne ovire, pa tudi na ljudi, ki mu hočejo pomagati.


Skrivnostno okno

Skrivnostno okno 2004


Triler po romanu Stephena Kinga. Depp je pisatelj, ki preživlja slab čas: ustvarjalno sušo je zapletel proces ločitve od svoje žene. V takšnih okoliščinah se v njegovem življenju pojavi čuden lik, ki ga obtoži, da je plagiral eno od njegovih zgodb.


Huckleberry Finn and His Friends

Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 1980


Huckleberry Finn and His Friends was a 1979 television series documenting the exploits of Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, based on the novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by American writer Mark Twain. The series was made up of 26 episodes and was a Canadian/German coproduction. Huckleberry Finn is played by Ian Tracey who is also the narrator. Tom Sawyer is played by Sammy Snyders. Directed by Jack B. Hively and Ken Jubenvill, this mini-series was broadcast in many countries such as Germany, UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Venezuela and many other Latin American nations. The series was re-shown many times during the 1980s to early 1990s and has grown somewhat of a cult following. Even though Mark Twain originally wrote the books The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as separate units, this mini-series conjures up both literary works as only one story. Therefore, it places greater importance on Huckleberry's character without putting aside Tom Sawyer's. In 2007, the complete series was released as a 4 DVD box set by Fabulous Films in the UK. It contains many extras including a 12 page color booklet and a 30 minute 'making of' documentary featuring interviews with many stars of the series including Sammy Snyders, Ian Tracey, and Blu Mankuma.



Quarry 2016


The story of Mac Conway, a Marine who returns home to Memphis from Vietnam in 1972 and finds himself shunned by those he loves and demonized by the public. As he struggles to cope with his experiences at war, Conway is drawn into a network of killing and corruption that spans the length of the Mississippi River.


The Mississippi

The Mississippi 1983


The Mississippi was a television series which ran for 2 seasons from 1982 to 1984. The series consisted of 27 episodes, 1 pilot, 6 first season episodes and 17 episodes in the second season. The series was written by Aubrey Solomon and starred Ralph Waite, Linda Miller and Stan Shaw. Ralph Waite played Ben Walker, a successful criminal attorney who after retiring his law practice, sought a more simple life on the mighty Mississippi river as a simple stern-wheel river boat captain. But at every port he would stop at he'd find someone who needed a good attorney and he would end up defending them. His "crew" consisted of Stella McMullen and Lafe Tate, both of whom was more interested in helping people, fighting crime and becoming attorneys than running the tug. Filming occurred in several cities along the Mississippi River including Natchez, Mississippi, and Memphis, Tennessee.


In the boots of Lucky Luke

In the boots of Lucky Luke 2024


Relentless sheriffs, trigger-happy gunslingers, steadfast saloon owners and cocky cowboys are all found in the "Lucky Luke" albums, which have influenced entire generations of comic readers. For the three-part series "In the boots of Lucky Luke", the French comic author Jul traveled to the USA to trace the role models of the familiar comic characters.


The Runaway Barge

The Runaway Barge 1975


The Runaway Barge is the pilot for an unsold TV series. Bo Hopkins, Tim Matheson and Jim Davis star as three owners of a Mississippi river tugboat who find themselves neck deep in a kidnapping and hijacking plot.