Obalna straža

Obalna straža 2017


Mitch Buchannon je predan reševalec iz vode, ki je svoje življenje posvetil zaščiti plaže. Z novim, glasnim rekrutom mora preprečiti kriminalni načrt, ki grozi, da bo ogrozil prihodnost zaliva. Za seboj pustita surfe in gresta pod krinko, ampak ali lahko rešita dan?


Trenutek odlocitve

Trenutek odlocitve 2000


Polkovnik Terry Childer (Jackson), urejeni častnik ter veteran Vietnama in Libana, je vojska obtožila umora. Za svojega zagovornika izbere tovariša Hays Hodgesa (Tommy Lee Jones), tovariša, ki mu dolguje življenje.


Doc Vadeboncoeur contre-attaque!

Doc Vadeboncoeur contre-attaque! 2021


In this groundbreaking science series, Dr. Alain Vadeboncoeur takes us through the processes some of the most deadly threats use to attack the human body, as well as the strategies that doctors and other specialists take in trying to turn the tide and save lives.


Exploring Life - Chamil's Journal

Exploring Life - Chamil's Journal 2019


" Exploring Life - Chamil's Journal " is Chamil Pathirana's effort to visualize people from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds in Sri Lanka, faced with the day-to-day hardships they go through.