Troli na svetovni turneji

Troli na svetovni turneji 2020


Dogodivščine majhnih bitij, ki imajo radi glasbo in ples, se nadaljujejo. Tokrat jih bo pustolovščina popeljala dlje od tistega, kar so do sedaj spoznali. Poppi in Branch odkrijeta, da pripadata le enemu od šestih različnih plemen Trolov, ki so razpršeni po šestih različnih deželah, vsako pleme pa je zvesto svoji zvrsti glasbe – funk, country, techno, klasična, pop in rock. In njihov svet bo tako postal veliko večji in precej glasnejši. Članica hard-rock skupnosti, kraljica Barb, ki ji pomaga njen oče kralj Thrash, želi uničiti vse druge zvrsti glasbe, da bi rock lahko kraljeval. Poppi in Branch se bosta s svojimi prijatelji odpravila obiskat vse druge dežele, da bi združili Trole proti Barb, ki si želi vse nadvladati, in da bi rešili glasbo in svet.


Zvezda je rojena

Zvezda je rojena 2018


Zgodba govori o izkušenem glasbeniku Jacksonu Mainea , ki odkrije mlado umetnico Ally in se v njo zaljubi. Ally je tik pred tem, da obupa nad svojimi sanjami o pevski karieri, vendar jo Jackson prepriča v nasprotno. Ker pa se sam bori z lastnimi demoni, njun odnos ob njenem kariernem vzponu začne razpadati.


Brata Blues

Brata Blues 1980


Jake in Elwood sta brata Blues. Ko pride Jake iz zapora, se v starem policijskem avtomobilu potikata po Chicagu, da bi ponovno združila svojo staro R&B skupino, da bi lahko rešila katoliški internat, v katerem sta odraščala.


Hoja po robu

Hoja po robu 2005


Leta 1955 je žilavi, suhljati kitarist, ki si je pravil J.R. Cash vstopil v Sun Studios v Memphisu, ki je kmalu zatem zaslovel. Ta trenutek bo zapustil neizbrisen pečat na ameriško kulturo. S svojimi odločnimi akordi, vnetostjo jeklenih oči in glasom, temačnim in globokim kot noč, je Cash prepeval ganljive skladbe o zlomljenem srcu in preživetju, polne življenja in takšne, kakršnih do takrat ni slišal še nihče.



Ray 2004



Divja Rose

Divja Rose 2019


22-letna Rose-Lynn pride po letu dni iz zapora, vendar se ni spremenila in želi nadaljevati prejšnjo pot – torej postati country pevka. Nekako je pozabila, da ima dva otroka, mlajša od 10 let, za katera skrbi njena mama, ali pa je to skrb preprosto preložila na čas po izpolnitvi svojih sanj. Družinskih zadev seveda ne more urediti brez dogovora z mamo Marion. Srečanje prelaga in prelaga, ampak tako se samo izogiba neizbežnemu. Ko se končno srečata, je njun odnos, milo rečeno, hladen. Rose-Lynn se počuti, kot da je iz enega zapora prišla v drugega. Mama ji govori, naj si najde stalno službo, Rose-Lynn pa želi samo peti. Skleneta kompromis in Rose-Lynn se zaposli kot čistilka pri družini iz bogatega dela mesta. Med delom rada prepeva, slišita jo otroka in na njen talent opozorita svojo mater Susannah. Prijazna gospa z dobrimi zvezami jo poveže s slovitim radijskim voditeljem in uspeh je na vidiku. Ampak do Nashvilla vodi dolga in trnova pot.



Nashville 1975


Komična drama prinaša portret ljudi v glasbenem poslu countryja in gospela v Nashvillu v Tennesseeju. Barbara Jean je nesporna kraljica country glasbe, vendar je tudi na robu živčnega zloma. Linnea in Delbert Reese imata majav zakon ter invalidnega otroka. Opal je britanska novinarka, ki poroča z glasbenih nastopov. Skupno štiriindvajset osrednjih likov, ena ura glasbenih nastopov in množica zgodb se prepletejo v dramatičnem vrhuncu zgodbe, ki jo je režiral sedemkratni nominiranec za oskarja ter dobitnik zlate palme Robert Altman. Film, v katerem igrajo David Arkin, Keith Carradine, Geraldine Chaplin, Jeff Goldblum in drugi, je za fantastično glasbeno podlago prejel oskarja, bafto in zlati globus.


Radijski šov

Radijski šov 2006


Priljubljena radijska oddaja Prairie Home Companion je po čudnem spletu okoliščin po mnogih letih televizijske prevlade še vedno prisotna na radijskih valovih. Toda tudi njen čas se izteka in tako njeni ustvarjalci dočakajo zadnjo oddajo. Med sodelavci oddaje sta tudi priljubljeni country duet Yolanda in Rhonda Johnson ter dva pojoča kavboja. Režiser Robert Altman je poskrbel za kolaž različnih življenjskih zgodb, ki se zlijejo v duhovito celoto s celo vrsto odličnih igralskih imen.



June 2023



Ljubezenska pesem

Ljubezenska pesem 2020


Revna country pevka in kantavtorica Shayna Cook je na robu tega, da se odreče karieri in se vrne v domači rodni kraj Silverado, kjer se pripravlja lokalni glasbeni festival, ko naključno srečanje z obetavnim kantavtorjem Gradyjem Connorjem spemeni vse. Ta išče navdih, medtem ko skuša napisati skladbo za country zvezdnika Duka Sterlinga, Shayna pa je pri tem videti kot idealna sodelavka. Shayna in Grady se zbližata in med njima zacveti romanca, ko skupaj delata na novi ljubezenski skladbi; a ko ona spozna Duka, ta v njej prepozna zvezdniški potencial in jo povabi k skupnemu nastopu na festivalu. Čeprav se to zdi kot življenjska priložnost zanjo, težavna preteklost Duka in Gradyja grozi, da bo uničila vse, kar sta dosegla.


Austin City Limits

Austin City Limits 1975


Now the longest-running music series in American television history, ACL showcases popular music legends and innovators from every genre.


CMT Crossroads

CMT Crossroads 2002


Country music stars collaborate with performers from other musical genres and exchange stories about their mutual love for music.



Nashville 2012


Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes face personal and professional challenges as they navigate their paths as artists and individuals. Surrounding them, and often complicating their lives, are their family, friends and, in some cases, lovers, as well as the up-and-coming performers and songwriters trying to get ahead in the business.


Crocodile Shoes

Crocodile Shoes 1994


Crocodile Shoes is a British 7-part television series made by the BBC and screened on BBC One in 1994. The series was written by and starred Jimmy Nail as a factory worker who becomes a country and western singer. A sequel, Crocodile Shoes II followed in 1996 and the theme tune "Country Boy" was a hit for Nail too.


Country Music

Country Music 2019


Explore the history of a uniquely American art form: country music. From its deep and tangled roots in ballads, blues and hymns performed in small settings, to its worldwide popularity, learn how country music evolved over the course of the 20th century, as it eventually emerged to become America’s music.


Transatlantic Sessions

Transatlantic Sessions 1995


Folk musicians from both sides of the Atlantic come together in what have been called “the greatest backporch shows ever.” Collaborative live performances by various leading folk and country musicians playing music from Scotland, Ireland, England and North America.


Nashville Star

Nashville Star 2003


Nashville Star is an American reality television program. It was last produced and transmitted during mid-2008 on NBC, following five seasons on USA Network. It premiered on March 8, 2003, and its five seasons on USA made it the longest-running competition series on cable television. In Canada, the show aired on CMT through season 5, but moved to E! beginning with season 6. CMT in the United States reaired each episode in season 6. It was similar to American Idol, in that performers had to sing to impress both celebrity judges and the public via call-in and/or internet votes. Unlike American Idol, however, the performers were limited to country music. This restriction was relaxed for Season 6, allowing for the finalists to choose from many genres of music, but the songs were arranged to maintain a country sound. On March 13, 2009, it was confirmed that the series had been canceled by NBC and would not be returning for a seventh season.


Dolly Parton's Heartstrings

Dolly Parton's Heartstrings 2019


Eight stories celebrating family, faith, love and forgiveness come to life in this series inspired by Dolly Parton's iconic country music catalog.



Dolly 1987


Dolly is a television variety show that ran on ABC during the 1987-1988 season featuring Dolly Parton.


Lewis & Clark

Lewis & Clark 1981


Lewis & Clark is an American situation comedy that ran on NBC for one season from October 29, 1981 to July 30, 1982. The series stars Gabe Kaplan and Guich Koock.


Malibu Country

Malibu Country 2012


Her life reads like a country music tune: her husband cheated on her and spent all of their money, and after she gets mad, she's going to get even.


The Johnny Cash Show

The Johnny Cash Show 1969


The Johnny Cash Show was an American television music variety show hosted by Johnny Cash. The Screen Gems 58-episode series ran from June 7, 1969 to March 31, 1971 on ABC; it was taped at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. The show reached No. 17 in the Nielsen ratings in 1970. Cash opened each show, and its regulars included members of his touring troupe, June Carter Cash and the Carter Family, The Statler Brothers, Carl Perkins, and The Tennessee Three, with Australian-born musical director-arranger-conductor Bill Walker. The Statler Brothers performed brief comic interludes. It featured many folk-country musicians, such as Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Linda Ronstadt, Kris Kristofferson, Mickey Newbury, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, Merle Haggard, James Taylor and Tammy Wynette. It also featured other musicians such as jazz great Louis Armstrong, who died eight months after appearing on the show.


CMA Awards

CMA Awards 1967


An annual awards show honoring country music artists and broadcasters recognizing outstanding achievement in the country music industry.


Tout simplement country

Tout simplement country 2019


Canada’s best French country music recording artists perform today’s biggest country hits alongside the genre’s most timeless classics.


Mike Judge Presents: Tales From the Tour Bus

Mike Judge Presents: Tales From the Tour Bus 2017


The raucous adventures of some of music’s most legendary artists, as told by those who knew them best. Featuring animated interviews with former bandmates, friends and other erstwhile associates, who share uncensored anecdotes about these artists, brought to life with animated reenactments and woven together with live-action archival performance footage and photos.



Monarch 2022


The Romans, America’s first family of country music, are fiercely talented, but while their name is synonymous with honesty, the very foundation of their success is a lie. When their reign as country royalty is put in jeopardy, Nicky Roman, the heir to the crown, already battling an industry stacked against her, will stop at nothing to protect her family’s legacy.


Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless

Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless 2010


Riveting performances from the 2010 tour, revealing interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and early home videos come together to tell the story of a little girl who dared to dream big, and who fearlessly faced near-insurmountable obstacles to make those dreams come true.