
Konklave 2024


Izvolitev novega papeža je en izmed najbolj skrivnostnih in starodavnih dogodkov na svetu. Kardinal Lawrence je zadolžen za vodenje tega prikritega procesa po nenadni smrti priljubljenega papeža. Ko se najvplivnejši voditelji Katoliške cerkve zberejo iz vsega sveta in so zaklenjeni skupaj v dvoranah Vatikana, Lawrence odkrije sled globokih skrivnosti, ki jih je za sabo pustil pokojni papež – skrivnosti, ki bi lahko pretresle temelje cerkve.


Van Helsing

Van Helsing 2004


Zloglasni lovec na glave se odpravi v Transilvanijo, da bi obračunal z grofom Drakulo, ki se pri svojih novih zločinih poslužuje odkritij dr. Frainkensteina in volkodlakov ...


Papežev eksorcist

Papežev eksorcist 2023


Oče Gabriele Amorth preiskuje grozljivo obsedenost mladega fanta in na koncu odkrije stoletja staro zaroto, ki jo je Vatikan obupno in na vsak način poskušal skriti.


Misija: Nemogoče 3

Misija: Nemogoče 3 2006


Tajni agent in operativec vohunske agencije Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se je upokojil, da bi lahko uril mlade agente IMF. Vendar ga nadrejeni prisilijo v akcijo, kjer se bo moral soočiti s svojim najbolj smrtonosnim nasprotnikom dotlej. Sadistični prekupčevalec z orožjem in prodajalec informacij Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) je človek brez vesti in zmožnosti obžalovanja. Hunt zbere svojo ekipo: starega prijatelja Luthra Strickella (Ving Rhames), strokovnjaka za transport Declana (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), agentko za podporo Zhen (Maggie Q) ter novinko pri vohunski službi Lindsey (Keri Russell). Po vsem svetu bodo morali preganjati Daviana in rešiti Huntovo ljubezen Julio (Michelle Monaghan).


Angeli in demoni

Angeli in demoni 2009


Režiser nepozabnih dram Čudoviti um in Frost Nixon se vrača k junaku Da Vincijeve šifre - poznavalcu simbolov profesorju Langdonu, ki je tokrat na sledi novi srhljivi zaroti svetovnih razsežnosti. Po skrivnostnem umoru znanstvenika se Langdon zaplete v labirint zapečatenih kript, nevarnih katakomb, zapuščenih katedral in nasilnih umorov kardinalov, med tem ko nekje v osrčju Vatikana tiktaka grozljivo orožje maščevalne bratovščine Illuminatov, ki želijo za vedno spremeniti tok človeške zgodovine.


The Two Popes

The Two Popes 2019


Kardinal Bergoglio, razočaran nad vodenjem Cerkve, leta 2012 papeža Benedikta XVI. zaprosi za dovoljenje za upokojitev. Namesto tega se Benedikt spopade s škandalom in dvomi vase, zato vase zagledani papež pokliče svojega najostrejšega kritika in bodočega naslednika v Rim, da bi mu razkril skrivnost, ki bi zamajala temelje Katoliške cerkve.


Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist 2011


Humans live in the world of Assiah, demons in Gehenna. The two dimensions are not meant to interfere with each other, but demons still possess creatures in Assiah in spite of this. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His foster father sacrificed himself to save him from demons. To avenge his foster father's death as well as to prove himself, Rin decides to follow the path of an exorcist and defeat his own father, Satan. To hone his raw skills, Rin enters True Cross Academy to train with other exorcist candidates.


30 Coins

30 Coins 2020


Father Vergara—an exorcist, boxer and ex-convict—lives in a remote village in Spain. Hoping to be lost and forgotten, Vergara’s demons catch up to him.


Warrior Nun

Warrior Nun 2020


After waking up in a morgue, an orphaned teen discovers she now possesses superpowers as the chosen Halo-Bearer for a secret sect of demon-hunting nuns.


The New Pope

The New Pope 2020


As Pope Pius XIII hangs between life and death in a coma, charming and sophisticated moderate English aristocrat Sir John Brannox is placed on the papal throne and adopts the name John Paul III. A sequel series to “The Young Pope.”


The Young Pope

The Young Pope 2016


Lenny Belardo, the youngest and first American Pope in the history of the Church, must establish his new papacy and navigate the power struggles of the closed, secretive Vatican.



Suburræterna 2023


While chaos rules over Rome, established alliances are at risk as tensions rise with emerging criminal clans. The world of "Suburra" takes a new turn.


You, Me and the Apocalypse

You, Me and the Apocalypse 2015


When the news is announced that a comet is on an unavoidable collision course with Earth, the most hilarious and unexpected chain of events imaginable is set in motion.


Exterior Night

Exterior Night 2022


The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists.



Christian 2022


Christian lives in a "city-palace" where he earns his living doing dirty work for LINO, the criminal boss of neighborhood. When stigmata appear on his hands, Christian finds physically impossible to carry out his work, but also discovers he has gained mysterious healing powers to fight against Lino. But MATTEO, a mysterious Vatican postulator in search of signs and confirmations, is tracking him down bringing too close to a truth that could upset his life and that of the whole world.



Revelation 2020


In a world television first, Revelation takes cameras into the criminal trials of notorious Catholic priests accused of sex crimes against children. Through a series of extraordinary interviews filmed during the trials, Revelation uncovers the secret lives and motivations of some of the most reviled men of modern times. How does a man of God become a predator of children? Revelation culminates in the Vatican with the story of a high ranking Cardinal accused of abusing boys in an orphanage in Australia. Across three compelling episodes Revelation presents the deepest portrayal of the culture and system that protected perpetrators of heinous crimes against children.


The Great Popes

The Great Popes 2018


This intimate documentary series examines the lives and the most significant moments of the papacies of John XXIII, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis I.