Grand Budapest Hotel

Grand Budapest Hotel 2014


V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. V spreminjajočem se svetu med obema vojnama pripoved spremlja prigode g. Gustava, znamenitega oskrbnika slavnega evropskega hotela Grand Budapest, in postreščka Zera Mustafe, ki postane njegov zaupni prijatelj. Zgodba se suka okrog tatvine in iskanja neprecenljive renesančne slike, neusmiljenega boja za družinsko zapuščino, brezupnega pregona z motocikli, vlakov, sani in smuči ter najbolj prisrčne med vsemi ljubezenskimi zgodbami iz nekega pozabljenega časa.



Sanjači 2003


Gre za film italijanskega režiserja Bernarda Bertoluccija. Zgodba se dogaja v Parizu leta 1968, ko Francijo pretresajo politični nemiri. Isabelle in njen brat Theo sta sama doma, ker so njuni starši odpotovali na počitnice. V tistem času Pariz obišče ameriški študent Matthew. Isabelle in Theo ga vzameta pod svojo streho in v nekaj dneh se med njimi stkejo močne vezi. Postavijo si svoja pravila, spoznavajo lastna čustva in spolnost ter igrajo zahtevne miselne igrice. Na ta način odkrivajo same sebe in preizkušajo drug drugega, da bi ugotovili, kako daleč bodo šli.


Prava stvar

Prava stvar 1993


Clarence in Alabama sta malce neobičajen par. On dela v prodajalni stripov, ona kot dekle na poziv. Po poroki se Clarence odloči "osvoboditi" svojo ženo in ubije njenega zvodnika. Nenadejano naletita tudi na svojevrstno poročno darilo, ki se ga Clarence odloči prodati v Los Angelesu. Začne se pot, polna krvi, krogel in kultnih dialogov. Scenarij je bil delo Quentina Tarantina, vendar je zaradi svoje dolžine v filmu uporabljen le delno. Drugi del je kasneje postal film Rojena morilca.


Barton Fink

Barton Fink 1991


Newyorški intelektualec, pisec nagrajevanih dramskih besedil, raztreseni Barton Fink, se odzove vabilu mogočnega producenta in odpotuje v Hollywood, da bi tam napisal scenarij za prostaško pretepaško dramo. Nastani se v skrivnostnem hotelu, tam pa ga pesti resna kreativna blokada. Njegov sosed, debeli trgovski potnik, mu skuša pomagati, vendar niz bizarnih pripetljajev Bartona vse bolj odvrača od pisanja.


Roald Dahl: Čarovnice

Roald Dahl: Čarovnice 2020


Leta 1967 se osiroteli deček preseli v Alabamo, da bi zanj poskrbela njegova ljubeča in odločna babica. Ko naletita na zavajajoče glamurozne čarovnice, ga babica odpelje v obmorsko letovišče. Toda deček in njegova babica tja prispeta ravno v času, ko se skupina čarovnic zbere na druženju, ki ga je sklicala Velika Vrhovna čarovnica. Film temelji na zgodbi Roalda Dahla.


00:30 - Tajna operacija

00:30 - Tajna operacija 2012


Režiserka z oskarji nagrajenega vojnega trilerja Bombna misija se vrača na območje spopadov, tokrat z osupljivim prikazom ozadja resničnega lova na vodjo teroristov Osamo bin Ladna. Kljub večletnemu neuspešnemu iskanju vodje Al Kaide odločna agentka CIE Maya ne želi vreči puške v koruzo, toda ob iskanju informacij z nečloveškim mučenjem zapornikov se večkrat znajde na robu moralnih dilem. Naposled dobi svežo sled za najbolj iskanim človekom na svetu, vendar mora v pravilnost svojih podatkov najprej prepričati odgovorne, ki lahko odobrijo nepredvidljivo in nevarno vojaško operacijo.



Zavetišče 2023


Zaprta v klavstrofobično hotelsko sobo, se dedič hotelskega imperija in dominanta, ki ga je pripravila do uspeha, ujameta v bitko pameti in volje, ko skuša prekiniti razmerje z njo.


Po soncu

Po soncu 2022


Enajstletna Sophie v poznih devetdesetih z očetom preživlja počitnice v turškem obmorskem letovišču. Potapljata se, igrata biljard in poležavata ob bazenu. Dvajset let pozneje njeni spomini, tako resnični kot namišljeni, zapolnijo vrzeli na domačih videoposnetkih, medtem ko skuša očeta, ki ga je poznala, uskladiti s človekom, ki ga ni.


Sturm der Liebe

Sturm der Liebe 2005


These are the stories of relationships taking place in the fictional five-star hotel Fürstenhof, located in Feldkirchen-Westerham near Rosenheim with the plot revolving around members of the family room area, the hotel owners, and employees.


American Horror Story

American Horror Story 2011


An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, a cult, the apocalypse and a summer camp.


King the Land

King the Land 2023


Amid a tense inheritance fight, a charming heir clashes with his hardworking employee who's known for her irresistible smile — which he cannot stand.


Hazbin Hotel

Hazbin Hotel 2024


In attempt to find a non-violent alternative for reducing Hell's overpopulation, the daughter of Lucifer opens a rehabilitation hotel that offers a group of misfit demons a chance at redemption.



Dark 2017


A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.


Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction 1963


The Bradley family are proud owners of the Shady Rest Hotel. Kate and her three young daughters do the job of running the hotel.



Hotel 1982


Hotel is an American prime time drama series which aired on ABC from September 21, 1983 to May 5, 1988 in the timeslot following Dynasty. Based on Arthur Hailey's 1965 novel of the same name, the series was produced by Aaron Spelling and set in the elegant and fictitious St. Gregory Hotel in San Francisco. Establishing shots of the hotel were filmed in front of The Fairmont San Francisco atop the Nob Hill neighborhood. Episodes followed the activities of passing guests, as well as the personal and professional lives of the hotel staff.


Smile Again

Smile Again 2010


Raised in America by his mentally handicapped mother Anna, Dong Hae dreams of traveling to Korea to propose to the woman he loves.. After qualifying for a speed skating competition, he smuggles his mother to Korea with him, but his undying devotion to her soon begins causing him problems. Finally reconnecting with his lost love Saewa, Dong Hae finds his affections divided when things don’t work out as he planned in this award-winning daily drama.


Seaside Hotel

Seaside Hotel 2013


At Andersen’s Seaside Hotel by the North Sea dunes, meet three young people as they try to emancipate themselves from the plans other people have made on their behalf.


The Suite Life of Zack & Cody

The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 2005


Meet Zack and Cody, 11 year-old identical twins and the newest residents of Boston's swanky Tipton Hotel. Living in a suite with their mom Carey, the boys treat the Tipton like their own personal playground.


The White Lotus

The White Lotus 2021


Follow the exploits of various guests and employees at an exclusive tropical resort over the span of a week as with each passing day, a darker complexity emerges in these picture-perfect travelers, the hotel’s cheerful employees and the idyllic locale itself.


Hotel Transylvania: The Series

Hotel Transylvania: The Series 2017


Mavis navigates life without her dad, Dracula, around and discovers one of the few common human and monster truths: being a teenager bites.


Hotel Del Luna

Hotel Del Luna 2019


When he's invited to manage a hotel for dead souls, an elite hotelier gets to know the establishment's ancient owner and her strange world.


See You in My 19th Life

See You in My 19th Life 2023


Ban Ji-eum can endlessly reincarnate. But when her 18th life gets cut short, she dedicates the next one to finding her now grown-up childhood love.



Benidorm 2007


Set in the Solana all-inclusive Resort, Benidorm follows the antics of regulars and first-time holiday makers on their journeys abroad.



Broadchurch 2013


The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart.


The Jamie Foxx Show

The Jamie Foxx Show 1996


Texas native Jamie King is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. To support himself, he works at his Aunt Helen and Uncle Junior's Los Angeles hotel, the King's Towers.


Paradise Hotel

Paradise Hotel 2009


Norwegian girls and boys check in at the Paradise Hotel in Mexico, where Triana Iglesias is the hotel manager. The hotel has great views and a fantastic pool. Cameras with a full view of the idyllic site tells the story of what happens when the single boys and girls meet in the hot surroundings of the hotel. The task they have is basically simple: Find a partner or check out.


Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel 2011


A young man arrives at the Grand Hotel, an ideal place in the middle of the wilderness to investigate his sister's disappearance. What he ignores is that he's about to meet his greater love: the pretty and seductive daughter of the Hotel's owner. Between this young couple, of different social classes, a very passionate love will be born. A dangerous romance will be entwined with the mysteries and secrets hidden between the walls of the Grand Hotel. In The Grand Hotel no one is who we think it is, no one is free of hazards or suspicious. A complex web of lies, secrets and betrayal awaits...