Kaznilnica odrešitve

Kaznilnica odrešitve 1994


Zgodba govori o bančniku Andyju Dufresneju, ki je leta 1947 obsojen umora svoje žene in njenega ljubimca, zaradi česar se znajde v zaporu Shawshank State Prison, izmišljeni kaznilnici v Maineu. Kljub vsem težavam v krutem okolju zapora, ki ga vodi pokvarjeni nadzornik Samuel Norton, zaradi vztrajnosti ne obupa. Andy, ki vseskozi trdi, da je bil po krivem obsojen umora svoje žene, ohrani upanje s pomočjo svoje iznajdljivosti in sojetnika Ellisa Boyda Reddinga, z vzdevkom Red, s katerim postaneta prijatelja. Tako Andy ugotovi, da Red v zapor lahko pretihotapi tudi stvari, ki jih sicer ni moč dobiti in preko njega si priskrbi geološko kladivce, s katerim nato iz različnih kamnov izdeluje šahovske figure.



Otok 2005



Mojih 200 let

Mojih 200 let 1999


Bicentennial Man je ameriški znanstvenofantastični družinsko komično-dramski film iz leta 1999 z Robinom Williamsom. Zasnovan na romanu Pozitronski človek, ki sta ga napisala Isaac Asimov in Robert Silverberg, sam pa temelji na Asimovem izvirnem romanu z naslovom Dvoletni človek, zaplet raziskuje vprašanja človečnosti, suženjstva, predsodkov, zrelosti, intelektualne svobode, skladnosti, seksa , ljubezen in smrtnost. Film, koprodukcija med Touchstone Pictures in Columbia Pictures, je režiral Chris Columbus. Naslov izhaja iz glavnega junaka, ki je doživel dvesto let.


Purana na begu

Purana na begu 2013


Zabavna animacija predstavlja nenavadno zgodbo o puranu Reggieju, ki mu predsedniška pomilostitev na zahvalni dan omogoči lagodno in brezskrbno življenje. Nato pa Reggie sreča junaškega purana Jaka, ki Reggieja vzame v časovni stroj, namenjen v čas prvega praznovanja zahvalnega dne. Jake namerava poskrbeti, da se purani nikoli več ne bodo znašli na tradicionalnem prazničnem jedilniku. Plemenito dejanje Reggieja potegne v vrtiljak številnih komičnih in bolečih prigod.


Brave Son of India: Maharana Pratap

Brave Son of India: Maharana Pratap 2013


Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap is an Indian television series produced by Abhimanyu Singh of Contiloe Entertainment, based on the life of 16th century Rajput ruler of Mewar, Maharana Pratap Singh. The series premiered on Sony TV on May 27, 2013. The series is introduced by Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan.


Just an Excuse

Just an Excuse 2022


Yoo Jae-suk Welfare Content 🐓Pinggyego (Just an Excuse)🐓 It is a content where Yoo Jae-suk freely chats with his favorite friends for various excuses and provides small stories and laughter.


In a Good Way

In a Good Way 2013


In the summer of 1995, childhood friends Zheng Ren Wei and Lin Jia En took their college entrance exam. Zheng got into a college in Taipei and was ready to start an exciting life in the big city. Lin, unfortunately, failed the test and was stuck in the countryside. Bored out of her mind, Lin decided to go find Zheng and spend her 4th year of high school in Taipei as well.


Sky Rojo

Sky Rojo 2021


On the run from their pimp and his henchmen, three women embark on a wild and crazy journey in search of freedom.



Robozuna 2018


A boy and his homemade robot enter the toughest competition in the universe while attempting to free their oppressed home from an evil empire.


Dear America

Dear America 1999


Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.



Hope 2020


Espionage drama set in 1990's and present-day Russia, with a strong female protagonist. It's the story of complex, dynamic woman, Hope, who has a hidden history rooting back when she was young and who lives now a double life. Mainly she's a loving mother and wife to her unsuspecting family, but she also has an inescapable alter-ego as one of the most ruthless and successful contract killers who is deperately willing to save her family and to find her way out of.


Station Horizon

Station Horizon 2015


The story of an Americana-obsessed Swiss valley community fighting for survival against the threat of modern society. To honor his recently deceased father, Joris returns on parole to the Wild West atmosphere of Horizonville, immediately finding himself face-to-face with demons from his past: his brother, Charly, his childhood rival, Raymond, and Latin beauty, Cheyenne.


The Monument Mythos

The Monument Mythos 2020


In an alternate universe, bizarre events occur near various monuments around the world, most commonly in the United States.


About Freedom: 200 Years Since the Greek Revolution

About Freedom: 200 Years Since the Greek Revolution 2021


200 years after the Greek Revolution, this documentary revisits the key moments that led a nation to be reborn and reclaim its Hellenic identity, from the ideological factors that ignited a revolution to the battles that forever scarred it