
Prihod 2016


Ko po svetu pristane več neznanih letečih predmetov, mora posebna skupina strokovnjakov najti način, kako vzpostaviti stik s povsem neznanim sogovornikom. Pod vodstvom izkušenega polkovnika Weberja se znajdeta tudi matematik Ian in lingvistka Louise, toda prišleki so tako zelo drugačni od nas, da se zdi vsaka komunikacija praktično nemogoča. Louise je kljub temu odločena, da najde skupen jezik in razkrije njihov pravi namen prihoda, preden se zaradi nepremišljenih potez politikov lahko zgodi najhujše. "Prihod je introspektiven, filozofski in se nagiba k eksistencializmu, a se odvije v nepopustljivo vznemirljivem, dih jemajočem tempu. In sredi filma se zgodi razodetje – ne toliko nenaden preobrat kot elegantno raztapljanje vsega, kar mislite, da veste. Razodetje, ki vas bo kar pribilo na sedež.


Pacient ničla

Pacient ničla 2018


Potem ko pandemija brez primere spremeni večino človeštva v nasilna okužena bitja, Morgan, človek obdarjen s sposobnostjo govoriti nov jezik okuženih, vodi zadnje preživele na lov za nultim bolnikom in zdravilom.


History of Swear Words

History of Swear Words 2021


This proudly profane series explores the history and impact of some of the most notorious bad words in the English language.



Lingo 2021


Lingo is a British game show hosted by Adil Ray where pairs of contestants compete to find words across a series of rounds. It is a reboot of the original show of the same name that aired in 1988.


The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer

The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer 2017


A look at the hunt for California's Zodiac Killer, who murdered at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s and early '70s.


Three Minutes for the Greek Language

Three Minutes for the Greek Language 2018


Georgios Babiniotis, professor of linguistics at the University of Athens, explains and comments on words and common linguistic mistakes, helping us to use the Greek language more correctly.


Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish

Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish 1992


Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish, also known simply as Destinos, is an educational television program created by Bill VanPatten, who was, at the time, Professor of Spanish and Second Language Acquisition at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. The show, designed to introduce viewers to the basics of Spanish, had two seasons, beginning in 1992. Its 52 episodes are often used for educational purposes in schools and are still broadcast regularly on many PBS stations, as well as many local channels. Destinos was produced by WGBH Boston and funded by the Annenberg/CPB Project, with additional funding by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.


Let's Learn Japanese

Let's Learn Japanese 1970


A video-based Japanese language study course for English speakers. The show uses a drama called "Yan and the Japanese People" for instruction. This drama consists of scenes which focus on the experiences of a young man named Yan, a foreigner living and working in Japan.


Passez le mot

Passez le mot 2021


A cast of multidisciplinary artists give their interpretations of the language by juggling Quebec’s lively, accessible, and inclusive French. Developed in lexicon format, each episode presents a word from three perspectives: humorous, historical, and artistic.


My Crazy Life

My Crazy Life 2008


"Mi Vida Loca" is an interactive Spanish course for beginners, created by the BBC. It consists of 22 episodes, each around 10 minutes long, which follow an intriguing adventure in Madrid and its surroundings. Through everyday situations, basic concepts of the language are taught, such as ordering in a restaurant, buying tickets and booking a hotel. Each episode includes additional learning sections with vocabulary, grammar and practical activities to reinforce the acquired knowledge.