Transformerji 6: Vzpon zveri

Transformerji 6: Vzpon zveri 2023


Ko se v 90. letih pojavi nova grožnja, ki lahko uniči ves planet, se morajo Optimus Prime in Autoboti združiti z močno frakcijo Transformerjev, znano kot Maximali. Ker usoda človeštva visi na nitki, bosta človeka Noah in Elena naredila vse, kar je v njuni moči, da pomagata Transformerjem, ko se podajajo v ultimativno bitko za rešitev Zemlje.


Cesarjeva nova podoba

Cesarjeva nova podoba 2000


Domišljavi razvajeni cesar, ki ni še nikjer bil in ki je vedno mislil le nase, se spremeni v lamo in nenadoma mora preživeti v svetu, ki si ga ni še nikoli pobliže ogledal.


Indiana Jones in kraljestvo kristalne lobanje

Indiana Jones in kraljestvo kristalne lobanje 2008


19 let po zadnji avanturi se najbolj slavni pustolovski arheolog Indiana Jones vrača v razburljivi svet iskanja starodavnih zakladov, do katerih se v času hladne vojne želi dokopati tudi sovjetska vojska pod vodstvom preračunljive agentke Spalko. Na srečo lahko Indiana ob tokratnih vratolomnih avanturah računa na pomoč zvestih prijateljev, med drugim stare ljubezni Marion, neučakanega mladeniča Mutta in preudarnega prijatelja Maca. Skupaj se odpravijo po sledeh legende o kristalni lobanji, ker pa so odgovori skriti v starodavnih majevskih templjih, se skupina hitro znajde v smrtni nevarnosti.


Triple Frontier

Triple Frontier 2019


Nekdanji posebni vojaški vojsko si prizadevajo, da bi se končali s kraji, da bi se ponovno združili zaradi velikega plena: ukradli 75 milijonov dolarjev od južnoameriškega lorda z mamili.


El Dorado

El Dorado 2010


Archeologist Jack Wilder stumbles upon clues to the whereabouts of the fabled Incan city of El Dorado. He finds himself tracked by a deadly mercenary and captured by the corrupt Peruvian army. He is rescued by an ex-lover, Maria Martinez, who joins him on his quest to find the legendary golden city.


High: Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule

High: Confessions of an Ibiza Drug Mule 2021


In 2013, Michaella McCollum from Northern Ireland and Melissa Reid from Scotland were caught at the Jorge Chavez International Airport in Peru trying to smuggle £1.5 million of cocaine into Spain. The pair, also known as the `Peru Two,' were sentenced to almost seven years in one of the most notorious prisons in the world. The series provides a first-hand account from Michaella, a former club hostess in the Spanish nightlife, as she traces her journey from arriving in the foreign country for her first holiday to her downward spiral into the illicit world of drugs and excess.


Raul con Soledad

Raul con Soledad 2020


Raul and Soledad have been married for more than 27 years until she wants the divorce, but the national state of emergency prevents them. Despite not being able to stand another minute, both must continue to live together throughout quarantine under the same roof.


Joel & Nish Vs The World

Joel & Nish Vs The World 2017


Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves in the lives of the toughest, strongest, fittest people in the world.


The Inca: Masters of the Clouds

The Inca: Masters of the Clouds 2015


Dr Jago Cooper travels through Peru and Ecuador to reassess the origins, accomplishments and nature of one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen.