Ključna beseda Studies
Mes chères études 2010
Death at a Funeral 2007
Heaven's Gate 1980
Stealing Harvard 2002
Yentl 1983
Vrnitev v Brideshead 2008
Anglija v času dvajsetih let. Charlesu se z odhodom na Oxford prvič v življenju uspe rešiti svojih hladnih staršev. Nenadoma se znajde v tujem svetu aristokracije, mladih intelektualcev in čudakov, med katerimi je tudi Sebastian Flyte. Ko ga ta povabi k sebi domov, je Charles od prvega trenutka očaran nad veličino družinskega posestva in še bolj nad Sebastianovo sestro Julio. Družina ga hitro vzljubi, Charles pa tako pade globoko pod njihov vpliv. Toda pod ugledom in denarjem se skrivajo globoki občutki krivde, ki jih v družini neguje gospodovalna matriarhinja, lady Marchmain. Charles, Sebastian in Julia pa se znajdejo v bolečem ljubezenskem trikotniku, ki dodatno razburka družinske vode.
Va, vis et deviens 2005
Entangled 2021
Intimate Affairs 2002
Just the Ticket 1998
Sortie de route 2013
Berlin am Meer 2007
Magisterphobia 2024
은미 2019
L'Antivirus 2009
Kopf oder Bauch 1970
Totally Spies! 2002
Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives at high school as well as the unpredictable pressures of international espionage. They confront the most intimidating - and demented - of villains, each with their own special agenda for demonic, global rude behavior.
Crash Course Study Skills 2017
Welcome to Crash Course Study Skills! Over the next 10 weeks, Thomas Frank is going to help you learn to be a better student. We'll go over study tips, note taking, getting organized, and so much more!