Polnoč v Parizu

Polnoč v Parizu 2011


Režiser usodnih ljubezenskih zgodb Ljubezen v Barceloni in Zadnji udarec sledi mladima ameriškima zaročencema Gilu in Inez na službeni poti v Parizu. Inez se osredotoča na turistično podobo mesta, pisatelj Gil pa med polnočnimi sprehodi išče navdih za svojo novo knjigo. Nenavadno odkritje ga popelje v osrčje zlate dobe večnega mesta romantike, kjer spozna številne literarne in druge umetniške ikone. Toda nova življenjska spoznanja vedno bolj bremenijo Gilov odnos z Inez.


Jeanne du Barry

Jeanne du Barry 2023


Zgodovinski film o življenju Jeanne du Barry, ki se je rodila kot nezakonska hči obubožane šivilje leta 1743. S svojo inteligenco in privlačnostjo se eno za drugo povzpenja po stopničkah družbene lestvice, dokler ne omreži kralja Ludvika XV.. Ta se ne zaveda njenega statusa kurtizane, mu pa pomaga, da ponovno pridobi voljo do življenja. Bila je njegova zadnja uradna ljubica.



Versailles 2015


The story of a young Louis XIV on his journey to become the most powerful monarch in Europe, from his battles with the fronde through his development into the Sun King. Historical and fictional characters guide us in a world of betrayal and political maneuvering, revealing Versailles in all its glory and brutality.


Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette 2022


Marie Antoinette is just a teenager when she leaves Austria to marry the Dauphin of France. At Versailles, under the complex rules of the French court, she suffers from not being able to live her life the way she wants, under pressure to continue the Bourbon line and secure the Franco-Austrian alliance.


La Commune (Paris, 1871)

La Commune (Paris, 1871) 2000


In this war drama blurring the lines between documentary and fiction, the working class and the bourgeoisie of 19th century Paris are interviewed and covered on television, before and during a tragic workers' class revolt.