Osmi potnik: Zaveza

Osmi potnik: Zaveza 2017


Osmi potnik: Zaveza je nadaljevanje filma Prometej (Prometheus), predzgodbe prvega dela franšize Osmi potnik, znanstvenofantastične grozljivke Ridleyja Scotta iz leta 1979. Šesti film franšize bo pripovedoval zgodbo posadke kolonialne ladje Covenant, ki pristane na sicer čudovitem, toda sovražnem planetu, kjer naletijo na androida Davida (Michael Fassbender), enega od dveh preživelih članov odprave Prometej, ki je doživela svoj konec v prejšnjem filmu.


127 ur

127 ur 2010


Resnična zgodba o hribolazcu Aronu, ki se med plezanjem po opustelih gorah znajde v smrtni nevarnosti. Padla skala mu uklešči roko, zato ga v sledečih petih dneh čaka težka odločitev, ali naj svoje življenje prepusti usodi, ali naj si odreže zdrobljeni ud in se poskuša vrniti v civilizacijo. Ob analiziranju svojega življenja in z mislimi na prijatelje skuša zbrati pogum in psihično moč za usodno odločitev brez povratka.


Prvi človek

Prvi človek 2018


Biografska drama predstavlja življenje astronavta Neila Armstronga in legendarno vesoljsko misijo, s katero je Armstrong postal svetovno znan, saj je postal prvi človek, ki je stopil na Luno 20. julija 1969.



Ujeti 2015


Ko strokovnjaku za vodovodne napeljave Jacku pri neki multinacionalki ponudijo dobro plačano službo v jugovzhodni Aziji, ta ne okleva, temveč se s svojo ženo in njunima hčerkama nemudoma preseli na drug konec sveta. Tam se družina že takoj po prihodu sreča s težavami: elektronska oprema ne deluje, na cestah pa skoraj ni avtomobilov.



Plačilo 2003


Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) je briljanten inženir, ki dela na specializiranih projektih za visokotehnološko podjetje. Vsakič, ko konča neko delo, se njegov spomin izbriše, tako da ne more razkriti nobene poslovne skrivnosti. Zelo plačan, Jennings pričakuje, da bo zaslužil 90 milijonov dolarjev za svoj najnovejši projekt, na katerem se ukvarja tri leta. Toda ko je končan, mu namesto čeka povemo, da je sam pristal, da bo zasegel plačilo. Z izbrisanim spominom kot v prejšnjih delih bo Jennings s pomočjo svoje partnerke in ljubimke Rachel (Uma Thurman) poskušal ugotoviti, kaj se je dogajalo v vsem tistem času, ki se ga ne spominja nič?


The Drug Hunter

The Drug Hunter 2018


An educated chemical engineer becomes an undercover officer against drug dealers.



Appare-Ranman! 2020


During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.


A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities

A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities 2018


A Taipei doctor and a San Francisco engineer swap homes in a daring pact, embarking on journeys filled with trials, secrets and unexpected encounters.


A Piece of Your Mind

A Piece of Your Mind 2020


Moon Ha-won is an AI programmer and he is the founder of AH Company. He is a consistent person with a good heart. Meanwhile, Han Seo-woo works as a classical music recording engineer. Her life is unstable without a family or house, but she is a positive person.


We Go Fast On Trust

We Go Fast On Trust 2023


Chen Mo Bai regarded racing as a lifelong dream since he was a child and longed to one day represent China in the "Super Formula" arena. But in the eyes of Chen Mo Bai's family, this was an unsafe and unreliable joke until he met Shen Xi, an engineer who was also obsessed with realizing her dream in life. Shen Xi's rigor and professionalism make Chen Mo Bai believe that his dream can be brought into reality. But at this moment, Shen Xi is at the darkest moment in her life. The confusion of her career and the departure of her family have plunged her into the abyss.


Inside Lapenko

Inside Lapenko 2019


A humorous series, the hallmark of which is that all the characters are played by one person — Anton Lapenko. The bulk of the dialogue is improvisation. The plot is based on the life and adventures of characters from Anton's Instagram. The series is made in the style of Soviet cinema and does not have a clear time reference — it is a kind of Universe in which the 80s and 90s of the XX century intertwine.


Top Secret Together The Series

Top Secret Together The Series 2021


The story of 5 couples in which each of them there are concealed secrets. They have different meanings of love, both secret and love. Which path will they take? And how they will solve their problems?


Building Giants

Building Giants 2018


This documentary series showcases how key technological innovations enable giant superstructures to be built. Footage filmed during construction along with CGI reveal the building process with astonishing detail.


The Tube: Going Underground

The Tube: Going Underground 2016


Carrying nearly five million passengers per day, the London Tube is one of the world's oldest and busiest metro systems in the world. Today the Tube is undergoing a complete overhaul that is long overdue. Take a behind the scenes look into the daily lives of drivers, emergency personnel, operations managers, and many others among the near twenty thousand employees of this massive rail system, as they navigate the evolution of the London Tube.