
Somrak 2008


Film predstavi usodno ljubezensko zgodbo med čustveno najstnico Bello in skrivnostnim lepotcem Edwardom. Ta presenečenemu dekletu razkrije, da pripada družini vampirjev, ki se je odpovedala človeški krvi, a Edward kljub temu živi v strahu, da bi lahko zbližanje z Belle v njem prebudilo krvoločni nagon. Toda ko v mesto pripotuje podivjana trojica nomadskih vampirjev, je resnična ljubezen edino, kar lahko ustavi njihov morilski pohod.


Logan: Wolverine

Logan: Wolverine 2017


V bližnji prihodnosti od vsega utrujeni Logan v skrivališču blizu mehiške meje skrbi za bolehnega profesorja X-a . Toda njegovi načrti, da se skrije pred svetom in zaščiti svojo zapuščino, se obrnejo na glavo, ko se k njima pred temnimi silami zateče mlada mutantka.


Somrak: Mrk

Somrak: Mrk 2010


Kultna ljubezenska saga Somrak se nadaljuje z večnim hrepenenjem med lepo Bello in vampirjem Edwardom. Njuno prepovedano romanco dodatno otežijo skrivnostni umori in grozeča vojna med vampirji in volkodlaki. Krhko ravnovesje je odvisno od Belle, ki se mora dokončno odločiti med ljubeznijo do Edwarda in prijateljstvom z volkodlakom Jacobom. Toda vrnitev maščevalne vampirke Victorie povzroči neizprosen boj na življenje in smrt ter številne težke življenjske odločitve, kjer lahko zmaga le iskrena ljubezen.


Brezčasna Adaline

Brezčasna Adaline 2015


Osupljiva Blake Lively bo ostala večno mlada! Vsaj tako pripoveduje zgodba njenega najnovejšega filma Brezčasna Adaline, v katerem priljubljena lepotica upodablja mlado Adaline Bowman, rojeno leta 1908, katera se po nenavadni avtomobilski nesreči preneha starati in tako v telesu sedemindvajsetletnice preživi skoraj celotno 20. stoletje.


Trgovci s časom

Trgovci s časom 2011


V bližnji prihodnosti denarne valute zamenja trgovanje s časom, saj se ljudje starajo zgolj do 25. leta, nato pa si morajo kupiti vsako sekundo življenja, kar s pridom izkoriščajo bogati in vplivni. Razočarani mladenič Will se zaradi tragične smrti matere, ki ji je zmanjkalo časa, odloči upreti nepravičnemu sistemu. Z iznajdljivo Sylvio izvedeta rop časovne banke in plen razdelita med običajne ljudi. To zmoti sistem zloveščih trgovcev s časom, zato za upornikoma pošljejo neizprosnega agenta Leona, ki na lovu ne izbira sredstev.


Peter Pan & Wendy

Peter Pan & Wendy 2023


Najnovejši film dokaj zvesto sledi izvorni zgodbi; Wendy Darling se boji odrasti in na zadnjo noč, preden stori prvo korak v dobo odraslosti, v družbi svojih dveh bratcev in »večnega dečka« Petra Pana odpotuje v deželo Nije, kjer se sooči z zloveščim kapitanom Kljuko in njegovo piratsko druščino.


The Man from Earth

The Man from Earth 2007


Nenapovedana poslovilna zabava profesorja Johna Oldmana postane skrivnostno zaslišanje. Po upokojitvi učenjak razkrije svojim kolegom, da ima daljšo in skrivnostnejšo zgodovino, kot si jo lahko predstavljajo.


Iz/ sebe

Iz/ sebe 2015


Ko bi le imel več časa, da živim…Vsi tako razmišljamo in vse nas preveva ta občutek. Kaj pa, če bi si ta čas lahko - kupili? V provokativni psihološki znanstveno-fantastični srhljivki Iz/sebe režiser Tarsem Singh raziskuje posledice odvzema življenja nekomu, da lahko nekdo drug živi večno.


Stari stražar

Stari stražar 2020


Film o skrivni skupini štirih nesmrtnih plačancev – s poudarkom na 'Stari'. Nekateri živijo že stoletja, medtem ko je vodja skupine, apatična in razočarana Andy tako starodavna, da se sploh ne more spomniti, kako dolgo živa je že. Militarizirano farmacevtsko podjetje izve za skrivnost skupine in jih lovi, da bi lahko unovčili vse, kar jim omogoča nenaravno dolgo življenje. Hkrati se pojavi peta nesmrtna oseba in zelo hitro postane član ekipe.


Fontana življenja

Fontana življenja 2006


Skozi tisočletje Tom (Hugh Jackman) išče to drevo oz. njegov dar. Nelinearna zgodba sledi Tomovi duši v treh ločenih reinkarnacijah. Vsaka hoče rešiti njegovo sorodno dušo Izzi (Rachel Weisz) z močjo Drevesa življenja.Film nam najprej predstavi Tomasa, poveljnika v službi kraljice Izabele. Da bi Španijo rešil pred inkvizicijo, dobi nalogo poiskati bajeslovno drevo in z neustrašnimi vojaki odide v skrivnostno majansko džunglo. V sedanjosti se dr. Tom Creo ukvarja z raziskavami učinkom zelišč na možganske tumorje. Ta tema ga zelo zanima, saj pri njegovi ženi Izzy odkrijejo tumor na možganih. Še posebej je zanimiva skorja neznanega drevesa s čudežnimi učinkovinami, ki deluje vsaj pri opicah. Ker ima časa zelo malo, mora Tom kljub klubovanju njegovih sočutnih, a pragmatičnih nadrejenih sodelavcev, pohiteti z raziskavami, da bi razkril skrivnost Drevesa in rešil svojo ženo.Svetlobna leta daleč Tommy prevaža Drevo v skrivnostni krogli. Prevevajo ga spomini na Izzi in na pretekla življenja.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 2023


After the party of heroes defeated the Demon King, they restored peace to the land and returned to lives of solitude. Generations pass, and the elven mage Frieren comes face to face with humanity’s mortality. She takes on a new apprentice and promises to fulfill old friends’ dying wishes. Can an elven mind make peace with the nature of life and death? Frieren embarks on her quest to find out.


Highlander: The Series

Highlander: The Series 1992


Duncan MacLeod cannot die -- he is a 400-year-old immortal, who has seen his share of humanity's history. Still, he risks his life in battle against other immortals and tries to save people from harm.


To Your Eternity

To Your Eternity 2021


In the beginning, an "orb" is cast unto Earth. "It" can do two things: change into the form of the thing that stimulates "it"; and come back to life after death. "It" morphs from orb to rock, then to wolf, and finally to boy, but roams about like a newborn who knows nothing. As a boy, "it" becomes Fushi. Through encounters with human kindness, Fushi not only gains survival skills, but grows as a "person". But his journey is darkened by the inexplicable and destructive enemy Nokker, as well as cruel partings with the people he loves.


The Daily Life of the Immortal King

The Daily Life of the Immortal King 2020


As a cultivation genius who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his control. But now that he’s sixteen, he faces his greatest battle yet – Senior High School. With one challenge after another popping up, his plans for a low-key high school life seem further and further away…



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 2021


After dying of overwork in the real world, I’m reincarnated as an immortal witch, and I spend 300 years enjoying a relaxing life. At some point, though, I end up at level 99! All those years spent killing slimes to make the money to pay the bills gave me a ton of experience points. Rumors of the level 99 witch spread, and soon I’m up to my ears in curious adventurers, duelist dragons, and even a monster girl calling me her mom! I’ve never been on an adventure, but I’m the strongest in the world… What’s going to happen to my relaxing life?!


The Director Who Buys Me Dinner

The Director Who Buys Me Dinner 2022


Hundreds of years ago, a child was named after god and was cursed. After 4 reincarnations he finds his love in the form of an employee of his company, a man! If they don't date, they die! Dong Baek is one of the newest employees at Min Entertainment. His director, Yu Dam, is absolutely perfect in every way. Yet, Dong Baek thinks his director has lost his mind... What do you mean the director has lived three lives and because of that he wants to date? What's going on?



Forever 2014


Doctor Henry Morgan, New York City’s star medical examiner, has a secret. He doesn't just study the dead to solve criminal cases, he does it to solve the mystery that has eluded him for 200 years—the answer to his own inexplicable immortality. This long life has given Henry remarkable observation skills which impresses his new partner, Detective Jo Martinez. Each week, a new case and their budding friendship will reveal layers of Henry’s long and colorful past. Only his best friend and confidant, Abe knows Henry’s secret.


New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam 2008


John Amsterdam is a New York homicide detective unlike any other. He is brilliant, mysterious, reckless, and immortal. In 1642 he saved a Native Indian girl during a massacre of her indigenous tribe. In return, the girl cast an ancient spell that conferred immortality upon him. Amsterdam will not age, she told him, until he finds his one true love.


Beyond the Boundary

Beyond the Boundary 2013


The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half Youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is considered heresy among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai.


Highlander: The Raven

Highlander: The Raven 1998


Highlander: The Raven was a short-lived spin-off from the television series Highlander, continuing the saga of a female Immortal. The series followed the character of Amanda, an Immortal who had a recurring role in Highlander: The Series. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Paris, France and was produced by Gaumont Télévision and Fireworks Media in association with Davis-Panzer Productions.



Nymphs 2014


They live among us, forever young and deadly seductive. And unlike vamps, it's not blood they crave from their male, as 17-year-old Didi Tiensuu discovers when she beds her boyfriend for the first time and promptly kills him. The sultry nymphs Kati and Nadia take Didi under their wings in her new life as a divine being and sexual predator.



Baccano! 2007


During the early 1930s in Chicago, the transcontinental train, Flying Pussyfoot, is starting its legendary journey that will leave a trail of blood all over the country. At the same time in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unwilling aide Ennis are looking for missing bottles of the immortality elixir. In addition, a war between the mafia groups is getting worse. On board the Advena Avis, in 1711, alchemists are about to learn the price of immortality. Takes place in the same universe as Durarara (2010).



Helix 2014


Helix is an intense thriller about a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control who travel to a high-tech research facility in the Arctic to investigate a possible disease outbreak, only to find themselves pulled into a terrifying life-and-death struggle that holds the key to mankind's salvation...or total annihilation.



Ajin 2016


17 years ago, immortals first appeared on the battlefields of Africa. Later, rare, unknown new immortal lifeforms began appearing among humans, and they became known as "Ajin" (demi-humans). Just before summer vacation, a Japanese high school student is instantly killed in a traffic accident on his way home from school. However, he is revived, and a price is placed on his head. Thus begins a boy's life on the run from all of humankind.


B: The Beginning

B: The Beginning 2018


In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action unfold in the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Genius investigator Keith Flick rejoins the royal police force just as serial killer “B” emerges. Mysterious youth Koku may be an ally, or a target.


Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne

Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne 2008


Rin Asogi is an immortal private detective with a thirst for vodka and a talent for attracting things that go bump in the night. In a series of nightmarish vignettes spanning sixty-five years, Rin's lush body is sadistically pierced, blown up, and mulched to a bloody pulp. The fiend behind her tortured existence is Apos, an eternal being obsessed with sacrificing Rin to Yggdrasil, the tree of all life. While Rin struggles to unravel the secrets of her endless agony, Apos lurks in the shadows, eager to tear into her ripe body and devour the memories of her countless lives. Rin's no stranger to the realm of the dead, but her next visit could last forever.



ماكلاود 1994


Seven centuries have passed since the Earth plunged into darkness, seven centuries since the Jettator swore to regain from man his lost knowledge and freedom, all the Immortals took the oath, all except one. Who dominates the world, but soon an Immortal will come to confront him, his name is Quentin MacLeod, he is the Highlander. This animated series followed the adventures of Quentin MacLeod, the Last of the MacLeods. Set in a post apocalyptic world almost barren of technology and civilization. The Jettator's or Immmortals oath was to lay down their swords and when Kortan decided not to swear the oath so began the wait for the Highlander.