Watchmen: Chapter II

Watchmen: Chapter II 2024


Nite Owl in Silk Spectre sta sumničava glede dogodkov, ki so ujeli njuna nekdanja kolega, zato se vrneta, da jih raziščeta. Medtem ko se spopadata z osebno etiko, notranjimi demoni in družbo, ki se je obrnila proti njima, si prizadevata, da bi razkrila zaroto, ki bi lahko sprožila svetovno jedrsko vojno.



Avtomobili 2006


Strela McQueen je vročekrvni mladi dirkalnik, ki si zelo želi uspeti. Ko pa se nepričakovano znajde v zaspanem Radarskem zavetju ob nekoč slavni Route 66, odkrije, da v življenju ni najpomembnejša ciljna črta, temveč pot do nje. McQueen na poti na veliki pokal Batov v Kaliforniji spozna kopico posebnežev iz tega mesteca - med drugim tudi Doca Hudsona, ki ima skrivnostno preteklost, Neli Carrera, in Dajza - ki mu pomagajo doumeti, da so nekatere stvari v življenju pomembnejše od pokalov, slave in sponzorstva.


Watchmen: Chapter I

Watchmen: Chapter I 2024


Leta 1985 umor superjunaka, ki ga je financirala vlada, njegove prepovedane sodelavce potegne iz upokojitve in jih zaplete v skrivnost, ki grozi, da bo ogrozila njihova osebna življenja in ves svet.


3 dni za uboj

3 dni za uboj 2014


Režiser akcijskih spektaklov Charliejevi angelčki, Terminator: Odrešitev in To je vojna! predstavlja zgodbo agenta tajne službe Ethana, ki skrbi za tihe odstranitve državnih sovražnikov. Ko se želi upokojiti in se posvetiti odtujenima ženi in hčerki, na veliko nesrečo spozna, da bo zaradi smrtonosne bolezni umrl. Šefi mu ponudijo eksperimentalno zdravilo, če za agencijo v treh dneh opravi še zadnjo nalogo. Ethan pristane in pripravi načrt, ki pa se izjalovi, kar povzroči neustavljiv vrtinec oboroženih spopadov, cestnih pregonov in akcijskega kaosa.



Padati 2020


John živi s partnerjem in hčerko v Kaliforniji, daleč od tradicionalnega podeželskega življenja, ki ga je pred leti pustil za sabo. Njegov oče Willis, trmast in nestrpen možakar iz nekega drugega časa, živi na odmaknjeni kmetiji, kjer je John odraščal. Ko sin ostarelega očeta pripelje na zahod, da bi mu poiskal nov dom v svoji bližini, drug ob drugega silovito trčita dva povsem različna svetova.



Cosby 1996


Cosby is an American situation comedy television series broadcast on CBS from September 16, 1996 to April 28, 2000, loosely based on the British sitcom One Foot in the Grave. The program stars Bill Cosby and Phylicia Rashād, who previously worked with Cosby in the 1984–1992 NBC sitcom The Cosby Show. Madeline Kahn portrayed their neighbor, Pauline, until her death in 1999.


Last of the Summer Wine

Last of the Summer Wine 1973


Unencumbered by wives, jobs or any other responsibilities, three senior citizens who've never really grown up explore their world in the Yorkshire Dales. They spend their days speculating about their fellow townsfolk and thinking up adventures not usually favored by the elderly. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse in 1973. The show ran for 295 episodes until 2010. It is the longest running comedy Britain has produced and the longest running sitcom in the world.


Hetty Wainthropp Investigates

Hetty Wainthropp Investigates 1996


Instead of spending her golden years lying down, the indomitable Hetty Wainthropp found her calling late in life. Combining common sense, her husband, and her pocketbook, this senior sleuth takes on all the cases the police deem too minor.


One Foot In the Grave

One Foot In the Grave 1990


One Foot in the Grave is a BBC television sitcom series The series features the exploits of Victor Meldrew and his long-suffering wife, Margaret. The programmes invariably deal with Meldrew's battle against the problems he creates for himself. Living in a typical household in an unnamed English suburb, Victor takes involuntary early retirement. His various efforts to keep himself busy, while encountering various misfortunes and misunderstandings are the themes of the sitcom. The series was largely filmed on location in Walkford, near New Milton in Hampshire, although several clues show that the series may have been set in Hampshire – possibly Winchester. Despite its traditional production, the series supplants its domestic sitcom setting with elements of black humour and surrealism.


Waiting for God

Waiting for God 1990


Refusing to succumb to old age, Tom Ballard and Diana Trent are a pair of seasoned delinquents that cause many headaches. Their uneasy alliance is destined to make life difficult at the Bayview Retirement Village.


Hold the Sunset

Hold the Sunset 2018


Edith's dreams of retirement to the sun with her long-term suitor Phil are shattered when her 50-year-old son Roger arrives home, seeking to recapture his boyhood happiness.


Watchmen: Motion Comic

Watchmen: Motion Comic 2008


When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the outlawed but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion — a disbanded group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers — Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future.


The Real Marigold on Tour

The Real Marigold on Tour 2016


Having road-tested retirement in India, Miriam Margoyles, Wayne Sleep, Bobby George and Rosemary Shrager are reunited to discover what it is like to grow old in other countries around the world.


All About the Washingtons

All About the Washingtons 2018


The wife of a legendary rapper launches her own career, which puts his life into a tailspin.


Next of Kin

Next of Kin 1995


Andrew and Maggie Prentice have taken early retirement and plan to move to France, however when tragedy strikes they are left to care for their three grandchildren: Georgia, Jake and Michael and are going nowhere fast.


The Real Marigold Hotel

The Real Marigold Hotel 2016


A group of famous faces travel to India to see if retiring in India would be better than retiring in England.


You're Only Young Twice

You're Only Young Twice 1977


You're Only Young Twice is a British sitcom set in a retirement home that was made and broadcast on the ITV network by Yorkshire Television from 1977 to 1981.


daily life of a retierd man

daily life of a retierd man 1995


The events revolve around Abu Saleh, the municipal controller who retires from Amma because of his desire to try entrepreneurship. He works with his friend Abu Ahmed on several projects, but they are all failed, and with the succession of events, Abu Saleh decides to return to his previous job.


Uncle Stan

Uncle Stan 1970


Uncle Stan follows Stanley Hudson, who is deep into retired life when he gets a call from his favorite nephew, Lucky, who is a recent widower with two children and runs a motorcycle and flower shop that belonged to his late wife.