
Žlehtnoba 2024


Zlobna čarovnica iz Oza bo razkrila svojo zgodbo. Elphaba kot mlada ženska, ki jo zaradi zelene barve kože mnogi napačno razumejo, bo odkrila svojo resnično moč, medtem ko privilegirana mlada ženska Glinda še ni odkrila svojega pravega srca. Mladi ženski se spoznata na univerzi Shiz v čudoviti Deželi Oz in postaneta dobri prijateljici. Ko pa srečata Čarovnika iz Oza, se njuno prijateljstvo znajde na razpotju in njuni življenji ubereta različni poti, saj obe začneta uresničevati svojo usodo kot Glinda Dobra in Zlobna čarovnica z Zahoda.


Preden se stegneva

Preden se stegneva 2007


Edward Cole je milijarder, ki je zbolel za rakom in trenutno prebiva v bolnišnici. Sobo si deli z mehanikom Carterjem Chambersom, s katerim na prvi pogled nimata prav nič skupnega, razen dejstva, da sta oba hudo bolna. Toda vsakdanji pogovori razkrijejo marsikaj in tako se izkaže, da imata oba na zalogi obsežen seznam ciljev, ki bi jih rada dosegla, še preden se stegneta oziroma poslovita od tega sveta. Ker jima ležanje v bolnišnici to preprečuje, pobegneta in se še zadnjič odpravita v svet.


Ti, ti lažnivec

Ti, ti lažnivec 1997


Gre za duhovito in čustveno zgodbo o človeku, ki je razdvojen med materialnimi dobrinami in ljubeznijo do svojega sina.Fletcher Reede je gostobesedni odvetnik in notorični lažnivec. Ko njegov sin Max upihne svečke na torti za peti rojstni dan, si zaželi le nečesa: da njegov oče vsaj štiriindvajset ur ne bi izrekel nobene laži. Maxova želja se čudežno uresniči in Fletcher odkrije, da se je njegova največja poklicna prednost, laganje, nenadoma spremenila v njegovo največjo šibko točko. Obeta se pravna in čustvena katastrofa, medtem ko se Fletcher trudi pod nadzorom obdržati službo in svoj odnos z nekdanjo ženo Audrey, preden bi se ona s sinom odselila v Boston.



Pogum 2012


Pogum prikazuje junaško dogodivščino princese Meride, izurjene lokostrelke in trmaste hčere kralja Fergusa in kraljice Elinor. Merida je odločena, da se bo podala na svojo pot v življenju in se tako upre starodavnemu običaju, ki je svet za neposlušne in uporniške lorde: mogočnega lorda MacGuffina, čemernega lorda Macintosha ter nergavega lorda Dingwalla. Meridina nepremišljena dejanja povzročijo v kraljestvu zmešnjavo in sprožijo val besa. Ko se po pomoč obrne na čudaško čarovnico, ji je izpolnjena usodna želja. Zaradi nevarnosti, ki sledi, mora Merida uporabiti vse svoje sposobnosti in spretnosti (pri tem ji pomagajo tudi njeni prebrisani in nagajivi bratje trojčki), da pravočasno izniči vražje prekletstvo in odkrije pomen pravega poguma.



Aladin 1992


Princesa Jasmine se naveliča biti prisiljena ostati v palači, zato se izmuzne na tržnico, kjer sreča pouličnega Aladina. Par se zaljubi, čeprav se Jasmine laho poroči le s princem. Potem ko ga vržejo v ječo, se Aladin zaplete v zaroto, da bi našel skrivnostno svetilko, s katero zlobni Jafar upa, da bo zavladal deželi.



Želja 2023


Želja je povsem nova Disneyeva glasbena komedija, ki vas vabi v čarobno kraljestvo Rosas, kjer si Asha, bistro zasanjano dekle, zaželi željo tako močno, da jo usliši kozmična sila – mala kroglica z brezmejno energijo, po imenu Zvezda. Asha in Zvezda se morata skupaj soočiti z najmočnejšim nasprotnikom – vladarjem kraljestva Rosas, kraljem Magnificom – da bi rešili Ashino skupnost in dokazali, da se lahko zgodijo čudovite stvari, ko se volja enega pogumnega človeka združi s čarobnostjo zvezd.


The Fairly OddParents

The Fairly OddParents 2001


The zany, fast-paced adventures of a 10-year-old boy and his fairy godparents, who inadvertently create havoc as they grant wishes for their pint-sized charge.


I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie 1965


While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing that will forever change his life. On a deserted South Pacific island, Captain Nelson happens upon a bottle containing a beautiful two-thousand-year-old female genie named Jeannie. Rescuing her from the bottle nets Tony the requisite three wishes, and then some, when Jeannie pledges total devotion to her new "master".


Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2011


She has a loving family and best friends, laughs and cries from time to time... Madoka Kaname, an eighth grader of Mitakihara middle school, is one of those who lives such a life. One day, she had a very magical encounter. She doesn't know if it happened by chance or by fate yet. This is a fateful encounter that can change her destiny. This is a beginning of the new story of the magical witch girls.


Weird Science

Weird Science 1994


Gary Wallace, a teenager who dreams of beautiful women and a cheerful life, and his only friend, the shy and geek Wyatt Donnelly, always serve as a target for ridicule and bullying of violent classmates. Once using a computer and mysterious electrical radiation, they manage to bring to life the "woman of their dreams." Her name is Lisa, and she is ready to fulfill the wishes of her creators ...


Todd and the Book of Pure Evil

Todd and the Book of Pure Evil 2010


Todd and the Book of Pure Evil is a Canadian comedy/horror television series that follows a group of high school students who confront the effects of a demonic book. The series premiered on Space Channel on September 29, 2010 with two back-to-back episodes. The show was created for television by Craig David Wallace, Charles Picco, and Anthony Leo. Todd and the Book of Pure Evil is based on the short film of the same title written by Craig David Wallace and Max Reid, and directed by Wallace. The short film was produced through the Canadian Film Centre’s Short Dramatic Film Programme, and kicked off an international festival tour by premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2003. The series was developed for television through the National Screen Institute's Totally TV Program. A pilot for Todd and the Book of Pure Evil was shot for Space in 2009 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Like the low-budget short film, the series uses supernatural elements, profanity, graphic violence and non-sequitur lines. Sci-fi veteran David Winning directed four episodes. Each episode was produced with two variations of the audio track: a pre-watershed version with "clean" replacement dialogue dubbed in by the actors, and the original uncensored version with profanity.


Pacarku Jinny

Pacarku Jinny 2024


Lila, a beautiful genie, who is accidentally stranded on earth. She loses her bracelet that is her transportation device while she's saving a man's life on a deadly accident. But unfortunately, Lila forget his face and only remember the tattoo in his chest. Lila has to get her bracelet back before 100 days or she will be vanished. During her journey, Lila falls in love with Andra, a producer. Turns Andra is the mystery man that she's been looking for. But If Lila wants to take her bracelet back, Andra will die. Lila is now torn between saving the love of her life, or save her own life.


Kamen Rider Geats

Kamen Rider Geats 2022


The "Desire Grand Prix" is a game to protect the peace of the city from the threat of the mysterious enemy "Jamato", whose origin and purpose are unknown. Each participant transforms into a Kamen Rider and competes to win the game by defeating enemies and saving people. The winner of the Desire Grand Prix will be rewarded with "the right to bring an ideal world to life" as a prize. In other words, only the true heroes who win the competition will be able to realize the world they have wished for.


Wish Kid

Wish Kid 1991


Wish Kid starring Macaulay Culkin is an animated television series that originally aired on Saturday mornings from September 14, 1991, through July 1992 on NBC, although a few repeats aired from 1998, through 2002 on Toon Disney after that. Produced by DIC Entertainment, the series starred pre-teen movie star Macaulay Culkin.


Angel 'N' Devil

Angel 'N' Devil 2014


A group of high school girls is Copper Dimension's last defense against the dark forces. They signed a contract with Xiong Ya, a guardian of light, to protect the innocent with their lives in exchange for having one wish come true. When one of their own is killed in school, their hunt for the devils in human skin brings them face to face with their own inner demon. They soon discover they are not above the influence of evil.


Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball 1986


Long ago in the mountains, a fighting master known as Son Gohan discovered a strange boy whom he named Son Goku. Gohan raised him and trained Goku in martial arts until he died. The young and very strong boy was on his own, but easily managed. Then one day, Goku met a teenage girl named Bulma, whose search for the mystical Dragon Balls brought her to Goku's home. Together, they set off to find all seven and to grant her wish.


Genie, Make a Wish

Genie, Make a Wish 1970


"Genie, Make a Wish" explores the enchanting story of Jinn, a genie who awakens after a thousand years, and Ka-young, his new impassive master.


Queen's Nose

Queen's Nose 1995


Children's series about a magic coin that can grant wishes.


Three Wishes

Three Wishes 1970


Three Wishes is a reality television show that premiered on NBC on September 23, 2005. It featured contemporary Christian musician Amy Grant as she traveled around the country fulfilling the big wishes and dreams of some needy small-town residents. The show comes into a town, takes over the town square to take wishes at their, "Wish Tent", and then films the episode in the following days. During this time, a free concert and carnival are held at which Amy Grant performs. Though Grant's music was heard in most episodes, it was only through brief excerpts of her live performances and the show's theme song, "Believe", as Grant did not want to use the series to promote her own music. Casting is held well in advance of taking wishes in order to determine suitability for filming at the location. The series ended after ten episode due to disappointing ratings. It also aired on CityTV in Canada.


When Evil Calls

When Evil Calls 2006


The mysterious appearance of a text message granting the recipient's wildest desires triggers a series of freak accidents at a remote boarding school.