Elementi 2023
V mestu, kjer skupaj živijo elementi ognja, vode, zemlje in zraka, bosta ognjevito mlado dekle Žarna in pogumni vodni fant Val odkrila nekaj elementarnega: koliko imata pravzaprav skupnega, ne glede na to, da sta ogenj in voda.
V mestu, kjer skupaj živijo elementi ognja, vode, zemlje in zraka, bosta ognjevito mlado dekle Žarna in pogumni vodni fant Val odkrila nekaj elementarnega: koliko imata pravzaprav skupnega, ne glede na to, da sta ogenj in voda.
V bližnji prihodnosti sonce prične ugašati, zato ljudje ustvarijo posebno vesoljsko plovilo, ki bi z detonacijo močne bombe omogočila preživetje na Zemlji. Na dolgi poti se mora posadka spopadati z osamljenostjo in strahom, skrivnosten signal s plovila, ki je poletelo pred njimi, a ni opravilo svoje naloge, pa njihovo popotovanje spremeni v bitko za življenje in smrt. V neskončni praznini vesolja njihovo usodo in prihodnost vsega človeštva krojijo težke moralne odločitve.
Nadarjena študentka Rhoda nekega večera na nočnem obzorju opazi nov planet, toda zaradi nepazljivosti povzroči nesrečo, v kateri umre nedolžna družina. Preživi zgolj skladatelj John in po dolgoletni zaporni kazni ga Rhoda obišče, vendar si mu ne upa izdati svoje prave identitete. Med njunim negotovim zbliževanjem znanstveniki ugotovijo, da je novi planet popolna kopija Zemlje, zato si Rhoda želi izvedeti, kakšno življenjsko pot je usoda namenila njeni dvojnici na skrivnostnem planetu.
Osupljivo potovanje, ki razkriva veličastno moč sveta narave. V teku enega samega dne sledimo soncu od najvišjih gora do najbolj oddaljenih otokov, od eksotičnih do urbanih džungel. Osupljivi preboji filmske tehnologije nas prestavijo v neposredno bližino zasedbe nepozabnih likov: zebrinega mladička, ki si obupano želi prečkati naraslo reko; pingvina, ki se junaško poda na vratolomno dnevno pot, da bi nahranil svoj zarod; družine kitov glavačev, ki radi dremajo v navpičnem položaju, in lenivca, ki išče ljubezen. Film prinaša spoznanje, da vsak dan vsebuje več nevidenih dram in čudes, kot si jih sploh lahko zamislimo.
David Attenborough celebrates the amazing variety of the natural world in this epic documentary series, filmed over four years across 64 different countries.
David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.
The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. But that they don't know is that they are curious.
A mind-bending, thrilling journey exploring the fragility and wonder of planet Earth, one of the most peculiar, unique places in the entire universe, brought to life by the only people to have left it behind – the world’s most well known and leading astronauts.
The story of life, from the first primitive cells to the plants and animals that now live around us.
This nature series’ new technology lifts night’s veil to reveal the hidden lives of the world’s creatures, from lions on the hunt to bats on the wing.
Millions of years ago, incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating seven extraordinary continents. This documentary series reveals how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there.
This 2022 Taiwanese men's talent show, produced by Wildfire Entertainment, features 80 contestants, mostly from Taiwan, competing to form two 5-member male music groups. Hosted by Chen Jiahua, Zhou Tanghao, and others, the contestants are divided into eight planetary groups, each with its own style. The winning sub-group debuts as the champion group, while another popular group is chosen through audience voting.
Flash Gordon is a 1996 animated television series based on the science fiction comic strip of the same name. The character, who had been around in the comics pages since Alex Raymond created him in 1934, had already starred in several movie serials, a 1980 feature, and two earlier cartoon series — The New Adventures of Flash Gordon and Defenders of the Earth.
Professor Brian Cox goes on a grand tour of the planet to explain how the Earth's beauty is created by just a handful of forces.
Biologist Liz Bonnin and geologist Martin Pepper set out on a global expedition to answer the most thought-provoking questions in earth science today. Throughout history, such geologic events as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, tectonic plate motion, earthquakes, and asteroid impacts have continually reshaped Earth's surface, spreading chaos across the planet. By performing experiments, making observations in the field, and consulting expert scientists, the eight-part series works to uncover Earth's immeasurable capacity to create and destroy.
Cameras in space tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective, revealing new discoveries, incredible colours and patterns, and just how fast it is changing.
In each episode, geologist Dr. Iain Stewart explains the effects and importance of a specific force of nature, such as wind or volcanism. He also examines the various ways in which it shapes planet earth itself and influences life on it, often in conjunction with other natural forces, and sometimes with lifeforms, as in the 'apocalyptically' grave case of global warming.
A fresh look at humankind’s relationship to the planet’s wildest places and most fascinating species. Using advanced filming techniques, this series will provide visuals as stunning as the best natural history programs. Distinguishing itself from nearly all other nature films, however, the series turns the cameras around, showing the world as it really is—with humans in the picture.
From Pete, David and Leila - the creators of History Time, Voices of the Past and Something Incredible. From dust to dinosaurs; come with us as we explore the entire history of our planet. History of the Earth tells the entire story of the Earth, from its formation 4.5 billion years ago to today – covering eye-watering geology and bizarre biology along the way.
Geologist Dr Iain Stewart presents a series showing how the rocks beneath our feet have shaped the human history of the Mediterranean.
Lu Fan, a white-collar urban woman who has always considered herself a more ordinary woman than anyone else, is suddenly abducted by an alien one day. The alien, who claim to be from Saturn, tells the absurd reason for their invasion of Earth, and that the key to the invasion plan is to make Lu Fan fall in love with him and then betray the Earth. In the funny daily life with the Saturnian, aliens from various planets start to appear around Lu Fan one after another! These aliens have their own objectives, but because of their intertwined destinies, they all end up in Beijing. Lu Fan begins to realize that she is not as ordinary as she thought, and she slowly develops a crush on the Saturnian. How will she choose?
In this two-part series, we take a look at the monumental discoveries underway, specifically surrounding black holes and meteorites. Black holes have been revealed as one of the foundations for the basic conditions of life. Through black holes, life is possible in an infinite number of places in space. We also follow how meteorites brought the basic substances of life to our planet, allowing for its creation. The films describe the latest findings concerning cosmic events in relation to the origin of life, providing a grandiose perspective of what makes life possible.
Exploring the natural extremes of the continents.