Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump 1994


Forrest Gump je preprost možakar, ki se mu v življenju dogajajo osupljive stvari. Kljub temu, da ima nekoliko nižjo inteligenco, ostaja večni optimist. Na neverjetni življenjski poti, ki se razteza čez trideset in več let, Forrest postane športna zvezda ter s tekmovanjem v namiznem tenisu pomaga pri boljšanju odnosov med komunistično Kitajsko in ZDA. Bori se v Vietnamu, kjer reši življenje številnim vojakom. Spozna predsednika Kennedyja in Nixona. Preteče Ameriko, nenazadnje pa najde tudi ljubezen svojega življenja.


Otroci človeštva

Otroci človeštva 2006


V bližnji prihodnosti se človeštvo znajde na robu obstanka, saj ženske ne morejo več zanositi. Možnost odrešitelja sveta pade na plača ravnodušnega Theodorja, ki ga nekdanja žena in zdajšnja voditeljica upornikov prosi za pomoč pri skrivanju mlade noseče begunke Kee. Na žalost imajo preostali uporniki drugačne ambicije in nameravajo Kee uporabiti za prevzem oblasti, toda Theodore se zaveže, da ji bo pomagal in tako morda tudi odkril novo upanje in smisel svojega obstoja.


The Mod Squad

The Mod Squad 1968


The Mod Squad was the enormously successful groundbreaking "hippie" undercover cop show that ran on ABC from September 24, 1968, until August 23, 1973. It starred Michael Cole as Pete Cochren, Peggy Lipton as Julie Barnes, Clarence Williams III as Linc Hayes, and Tige Andrews as Captain Adam Greer. The executive producers of the series were Aaron Spelling and Danny Thomas. The iconic counter-culture police series earned six Emmy nominations, four Golden Globe nominations plus one win for Peggy Lipton, one Directors Guild of America award, and four Logies. In 1997 the episode "Mother of Sorrow" was ranked #95 on TV Guide's 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.


This Is England '90

This Is England '90 2015


Shaun, Harvey, Gadget, Trev and Kelly hit up the nightlife of raves and ecstasy. Woody and Lol are happy, living together with their kids and Combo is still in prison. But things slowly change. This is the year 1990 and This is England.


Until I Kill You

Until I Kill You 2024


A extraordinary true story of Delia Balmer, who survived a near-fatal relationship with murderer John Sweeney. The series narrates the ordeal Delia suffered at the hands of John Sweeney, and her traumatic journey through the police and criminal justice system as they attempt to prosecute him for his crimes.


The Freak Brothers

The Freak Brothers 2021


The escapades of a trio of stoner anti-establishment characters and their cat who wake up from a 50-year nap after smoking a magical strain of weed in 1969, and must adjust to life with a new family in present-day San Francisco.


The Buddha of Suburbia

The Buddha of Suburbia 1993


Karim is 17 years old and lives in a South London suburb with his English mother and Pakistani father, who has become a kind of spiritual guru to his middle-class neighbours. Karim wants to explore his cultural roots, in the hope that he will achieve sexual and racial self-realisation.