Največji pivski tek

Največji pivski tek 2022


Film, ki temelji na neverjetni resnični zgodbi, je prisrčna zgodba o odraščanju, prijateljstvu, zvestobi in požrtvovalnosti. Da bi izkazal podporo prijateljem iz soseske, ki služijo v Vietnamu, se Chickie Donohue odloči storiti nekaj povsem nezaslišanega: sam odpotuje v Vietnam na fronto in vojakom prinese košček doma - njihovo najljubšo pločevinko ameriškega piva. Vendar se to, kar se je začelo kot dobronamerno potovanje, hitro spremeni v življenjsko pustolovščino, ko se Chickie sooči z resničnostjo te kontroverzne vojne, srečanja s prijatelji iz otroštva pa ga potisnejo v kompleksnost in odgovornost odraslosti.



Joe 2014


Joe, bivši kaznjenec iz majhnega mesta na ameriškem jugu, se skuša izogniti težavam in živeti preprosto življenje. Podnevi dela kot vodja ekipe ‘zastrupljevalcev dreves’ za veliko gozdarsko podjetje, noči pa preživlja v gostilni ali lokalnem bordelu. Nekega dne mu pot prekriža petnajstletni Gary, ki je s svojim nasilnim, alkoholu vdanim očetom maloprej prispel v mesto in obupano išče delo. Joe fantu ponudi priložnost, ki je sam nikoli ni imel, in med njima se splete neobičajno zavezništvo. S to avtentično zgodbo o iskanju odrešitve, umeščeno v mračno in brutalno ozračje ameriškega juga, se Nicolas Cage uspešno vrača k svojim neodvisnim koreninam.


Brewing Love

Brewing Love 2024


A heart-fluttering love story between Chae Yong-ju, a super passionate sales king at a liquor company who hides her emotions, and Yun Min-ju, a super sensitive brewery owner who is adept at catching people’s emotions.


Brews Brothers

Brews Brothers 2020


Two rival brothers must work together to keep their brewery in business, but shenanigans keep foaming up their company with chaos.


Ça va brasser!

Ça va brasser! 2012


Inside look into Québec’s brewing industry.


Hillbilly Horror Show

Hillbilly Horror Show 2014


Hillbilly Horror Show is a horror/ comedy franchise, that showcases short horror films from up and coming filmmakers, hosted by our favorite Hillbillies Bo, Cephus and their kissing cousin, Lulu.


Pure Brews America

Pure Brews America 2015


Visit the most wonderful microbreweries and brewpubs and meet the talented people that are the driving force behind the unique and delicious beers being produced. They share with us stories, successes, failures, and maybe even a secret or two about how they make the magic happen.



私の美酒を探して・・・。 2011


Fine alcohol is loved by people all over the world, nurtured by various cultures and histories. We introduce this charm, along with the beauty of nature, cityscapes, and gastronomy unique to each region. Enjoy local alcohol and scenery while traveling. This is a program that makes you want to enjoy such elegant and luxurious mood.



Beerland 2017


Follow Golden Road Brewing founder, Meg Gill, as she sets out on a cross-country journey to meet with home-brewers and find the best brews in each city she travels to.


Lachey's Bar

Lachey's Bar 2015


Following Nick and Drew Lachey as they open a bar in their hometown of Cincinnati—because nothing mixes together quite like siblings, construction, and beer.


Brew Dogs

Brew Dogs 2013


James Watt and Martin Dickie, owners of the UK’s fastest-growing brewery, travel across America visiting different American beer towns, celebrating distinctive craft beers and creating their own locally-inspired drafts.


The Busch Family Brewed

The Busch Family Brewed 2020


With a name synonymous with pouring up a good time, no one brings the party like the Busch Family. With approval to break ground on a new brewery on their property the Busches now have a place to continue their family legacy for the next generation.