Ključna beseda Cross
Vampires 1998
Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava 1988
Po romanu Nikosa Kazantzakisa se v svoji drami mojster režije Martin Scorsese poglablja v um in dušo Jezusa Kristusa ter njegovih notranjih bojev, ki jih doživlja, ko odkrije, da je Božji sin. Ob nominirancih Willemu Dafoeju (Kristus) in Harveyju Keitelu (Juda) je za svojo kontroverzno mojstrovino tudi Scorsese prejel nominacijo za oskarja za režijo. Preroški ali bogokleten? To presodite sami, a vendar studio Vanguard Cinema prinaša najbolj kontroverzen film desetletja. Globoko izpovedni in osebni film je režiserju Martinu Scorseseju prinesel nominacijo za najboljšo režijo leta 1988. Willem Dafoe ("Platoon") je Jezus iz Nazareta, ki se bojuje zoper neizbežno usodo. Igrajo tudi Barbara Hershey, Harvey Keitel in David Bowie.
Thelma 2017
Thelma je sramežljivo dekle, ki je pravkar zapustilo svojo verno družino v mestecu na zahodni obali Norveške in se odpravilo v Oslo na študij. Nekega dne med obiskom knjižnice doživi nasilen, nepričakovan napad. Kmalu zatem jo začne močno privlačiti lepa študentka Anja. Bolj ko se semester bliža koncu, bolj je Thelma prevzeta nad svojimi občutki do Anje, čeprav si jih nikoli zares ne prizna. Ob tem postajajo njeni napadi vse hujši in izkaže se, da je to del njenih nerazložljivih, pogosto nevarnih nadnaravnih sposobnosti. Dekle se mora soočiti z grozljivimi posledicami svoje neverjetne moči, a tudi s tragičnimi skrivnostmi iz lastne preteklosti. Film je bil nominiran za oskarja v kategoriji najboljši tujejezični film.
Jeux interdits 1952
Francis of Assisi 1961
Staunton Hill 2009
The Estrogen Gospel 2024
The Christ Slayer 2019
The Confession 2017
Reconciliation 2009
My Head Hurts 2000
Το Ποτάμι 1960
Cross My Heart 2023
Blue Exorcist 2011
Humans live in the world of Assiah, demons in Gehenna. The two dimensions are not meant to interfere with each other, but demons still possess creatures in Assiah in spite of this. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His foster father sacrificed himself to save him from demons. To avenge his foster father's death as well as to prove himself, Rin decides to follow the path of an exorcist and defeat his own father, Satan. To hone his raw skills, Rin enters True Cross Academy to train with other exorcist candidates.
Valley of the Fallen 2024
Much more than just the world's largest Cross: the Valley of the Fallen [Valle de los Caídos] is history carved in stone. It's the Basilica, the abbey, the College-Choir School, the guesthouse. Besides being a place of worship, since 1958 it has been home to about twenty Benedictine monks. Some of the first ones still live there. It also housed, until 1982, the Centro de Estudios Sociales [Center for Social Studies]. All of this is now under threat. This documentary aims to shed light on the history and significance of the Valley of the Fallen, explaining when, how, and why it was built, while debunking the main myths surrounding it.