Pirati s Karibov: Prekletstvo črnega bisera

Pirati s Karibov: Prekletstvo črnega bisera 2003


Pustolovski kapetan Jack Vrabec potuje po vodah Karibov. Toda njegove dogodivščine se končajo, ko njegov sovražnik, kapetan Barbossa, ukrade njegovo ladjo Črni biser in napade mesto Port Royal, ugrabi Elizabeth Swann, hčerko guvernerja. Will Turner, Elizabetin prijatelj iz otroštva, se pridruži Jacku, da bi jo rešil in najti črni biser. Toda Elizabetin zaročenec Commodore Norrington jih zasleduje na krovu HMS Undaunted. Poleg tega sta Barbossa in njena posadka žrtve uroka, s katerim so obsojene, da živijo večno in da se vsak večer spremenijo v žive okostje, v duhovne bojevnike.


Lawrence arabski

Lawrence arabski 1962


Zgodovinski spektakel Lawrence Arabski je za številne eden najboljših filmov vseh časov. V zadnji anketi uglednega britanskega filmskega časopisa Sight and Sound je bil izbran za četrtega najboljšega vseh časov po izboru anketiranih režiserjev. Leta 1967 je osvojil sedem oskarjev, med drugimi za najboljši film in režijo. Kontroverzni vojak in pustolovec T. E. Lawrence med vožnjo z motorjem umre. Po pogrebu se med prisotnimi odpre razprava o pokojniku. Njegovo ključno obdobje je bilo obdobje prve svetovne vojne. V tem času je bil poročnik britanske vojske v Kairu. Znan je bil kot ljubitelj arabske kulture in svojeglav ter neposlušen častnik. Kljub temu je bil zaradi poznavanja arabskega sveta poslan na misijo, da bi preiskal možnosti arabskega princa Faisala v uporu proti Turkom. Lawrence, izjemno šarmanten in iznajdljiv človek, je postal pomemben udeleženec v dogajanjih, ki so spremenila svet.



Zulu 1964


Januarja 1879 so Britanci napovedali vojno zoper zulujska plemena v Južni Afriki, v pričakovanju, da njihova dobro oborožena in izurjena armada ne bo imela težkega dela. Garnizija 1350 britanskih vojakov se je pod hribovjem Isandlwana spopadla z več kot 4000 zulujskimi vojščaki in ti so pregazili ter močno zdesetkali Angleže. Po zmagi nad Britanci so se Zulujci odpravili po njihovih sledeh do majhnega misijona Rorke's Drift, ki je služil kot oskrbovalna postaja in ga je stražilo še kakšnih 150 vojakov. V enem dnevu in noči, v sredo 22. januarja 1879 ter še naslednje jutro, je v zaporednih napadih Zulujcev potekalo obleganje majhne postojanke, vendar napadalcem ni uspelo vdreti vanjo in so se naposled umaknili.


Štiri peresa

Štiri peresa 2002


Zgodba se dogaja leta 1898 in spremlja britanskega častnika Harryja Fevershama, ki na predvečer predvidene bitke zoper sudanske upornike, t.i. mohamedanske fanatike, zapusti svoj položaj. Prijatelji in zaročenka mu pošljejo štiri bela peresa in tako ga simbolično označijo za strahopetca ter izdajalca. Da bi opral svoje dobro ime in upravičil nerazumljivo odločitev, se preobleče v Arabca in odpotuje v Sudan, kjer naj bi izza sovražnikovih črt deloval kot britanski izvidnik in obveščevalec. Ko napadejo njegov nekdanji regiment, Faversham pod krinko reši življenje tistih, ki so ga zasmehovali in blatili kot strahopetca.



Taboo 2017


Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London from Africa in 1814 along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.


Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu 1986


South Africa, 1823. The Zulu Empire, headed by King Shaka, a brilliant but ruthless military strategist, begin to encroach on the British colony of Cape Town. A volunteer cadre of explorers, mercenaries and professional soldiers are sent to Zululand to try to make contact with Shaka and assess the real threat of his army.


Brideshead Revisited

Brideshead Revisited 1981


Charles Ryder, an agnostic man, becomes involved with members of the Flytes, a Catholic family of aristocrats, over the course of several years between the two world wars.


Seven Ages of Britain

Seven Ages of Britain 2010


Seven Ages of Britain is a BBC television documentary series which is written and presented by David Dimbleby. The seven part series was first aired on Sunday nights at 9:00pm on BBC One starting on 31 January 2010. The series covers the history of Britain's greatest art and artefacts over the past 2000 years. Each episode covers a different period in British history. In Australia, all seven episodes aired on ABC1 each Tuesday at 8:30pm from 7 September 2010.


World War II: The Price Of Empire

World War II: The Price Of Empire 2015


This is the story of two wars fought at the same time on opposite ends of the globe, often mislabeled as a single war: The Second World War. These conflicts remade our world in just a few decades. A story of how the rise and fall of great powers, from Nazi Germany to Imperial Japan, recast nations into those who could afford, and those that could not afford The Price of Empire.



Empire 2012


Empire is a major five-part series presented by Jeremy Paxman. It tells the story of the British Empire in a new way, tracing not only the rise and fall of the empire but also the complex effects of the empire on the modern world – political, technological and social – and on Britain.


The British Empire in Color

The British Empire in Color 2002


The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.


Empire State of Mind

Empire State of Mind 2021


Writer Sathnam Sanghera travels across the country exploring the effects of the British Empire on modern Britain



Rebellion! 1999


As a young reporter, David Dimbleby made three Panorama films on Rhodesia between 1967 and 1968, following its Unilateral Declaration of Independence. This three-part series tells the inside story of white Rhodesia's revolt against the British crown and the long battle to bring full democracy to an independent Zimbabwe.


Zanghat Arreeh

Zanghat Arreeh 2019


The series "Zanghat Arreeh" is a historical social drama, the events of which take place in 1945 in the city of Tripoli in Libya. It highlights the suffering of the Libyan people under the rule of the British administration that was installed in Libya after World War II and the defeat of Italy. In the absence of any media or legal interest, the British military administration facilitated procedures for foreign communities at the expense of the sons of the homeland. The series also highlights the social life, customs and traditions that prevailed among the residents of Tripoli of all religions and ethnicities, united by one city and one homeland, in which they share their joys and sorrows.