
Izvor 2010


Režiser temačnih miselnih izzivov Memento, Insomnia in Vitez teme se poglobi v najbolj srhljive dele človeškega uma, kamor s pomočjo futuristične tehnologije kuka pretkani Dom. Preko sanj vdira v misli drugih ljudi in krade dragocene podatke, zato postane najbolj iskan zločinec na planetu. Da bi zaživel normalno življenje, se odloči za zadnjo akcijo, kjer spominov ne namerava ukrasti, temveč želi namestiti nove in tako izvesti popoln zločin. Toda v nepredvidljivem svetu človeških misli ni pravil in omejitev, zato nepričakovani sovražnik nalogo spremeni v smrtonosno past, polno prevar in preobratov.


xXx: Reaktiviran

xXx: Reaktiviran 2017


Reaktiviran Xander Cage, potem ko bo predčasno zaključil svojo prostovoljno upokojitev, se bo spopadel z novim nevarnim nasprotnikom ter pogumno kljuboval smrti med iskanjem smrtonosne Pandorine skrinjice. Da bi iz njihovih rok iztrgal napravo za upravljanje vseh vojaških satelitov, se neustrašni Xander poveže s sebi podobno skrajnimi družbenimi uporniki. Ko združijo svojo ljubezen do ekstremnih športov in hitrosti z neizmernim talentom za ubijanje, se lahko odpravijo na najbolj vratolomno, smrtonosno in povsem noro avanturo reševanja sveta.


Madagaskar 2

Madagaskar 2 2008


Druščina se znajde v najbolj divjem kraju od vseh: v Afriki. Tam se naše živali, odrasle in vzgojene v živalskem vrtu, prvič srečajo z drugimi svoje vrste. Hitro se izkažejo razlike med betonsko džunglo in osrčjem Afrike.


Vzpon viteza teme

Vzpon viteza teme 2012


V zadnjem delu trilogije o temačnem varuhu pravice se mora Batman spopasti z nadnaravno močnim in nepredstavljivo zlobnim kriminalcem Banom, ki želi uničiti Gotham City. Toda ker je Batman pred osmimi leti sprejel krivdo za zločine, ki jih ni storil, so ga izobčili, zato se mora najprej soočiti z lastnimi demoni in strahovi. Uganke in prevare dodatno preplete skrivnostna pretkanka Selina, toda ko se mesto znajde v primežu sadističnega Bana, Batman več ne pomišlja, temveč se pogumno poda v številne vrtoglave spopade, divje pregone in osupljive boje na življenje in smrt.


Top Gun

Top Gun 1986


Filmska uspešnica Top Gun nas bo očarala z vratolomnimi akcijami pod nebom in odlično glasbo. Glavni junak filma je Tom Cruise, ki ga kot Mavericka srečamo v elitni vojaški letalski šoli. Tam čez noč zaslovi s pogumnim podvigom, ko v zraku posname sliko ruskega letala. Hkrati se med mladimi piloti vname prava bitka za bleščeči naziv 'Top Gun', ki ga dobi najboljši diplomiranec letnika. Maverick je prepričan, da je za njegovo slavo kriv sloves njegovega očeta, izvrstnega pilota, ki je v Vietnamu izginil v nepojasnjenih okoliščinah. Poleg tega se fant zaplete v romanco s prikupno inštruktorico Charlie.


Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko 2001


Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) je problematični najstnik, ki ima veliko težav sam s sabo, z družino in s šolo. Trpi za paranoidno shizofrenijo in ko (za nekaj časa) preneha jesti tablete, se mu prikaže ogromen zajec, ki mu napove konec sveta v roku 28 dni.


Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor 2001


Zgodba se osredotoča na posledice tragičnega napada, zaradi katerega so ZDA vstopile v drugo svetovno vojno. Mlada pilota Rafe in Danny sta najboljša prijatelja že vse od otroških dni. Rafe je zaljubljen v medicinsko sestro Evelyn, vendar njuno mlado ljubezen prekine njegov odhod z vojsko v Evropo. Ko Rafa razglasijo za pogrešanega, se obupana Evelyn zateče po tolažbo k Dannyju. Žalost ob izgubi ljubljene osebe ju združi in postaneta ljubimca. Vendar je Rafe še vedno živ …


Nevarni let

Nevarni let 2023


Pilot Brodie Torrance junaško reši potnike na letalu pred udarom strele tako, da zasilno pristane na otoku, na katerem vlada vojno stanje. A kmalu ugotovi, da je bilo preživetje zasilnega pristanka le začetek. Ko večino potnikov ugrabijo nevarni uporniki, je edina oseba, na katero se Torrance lahko zanese, obtoženi morilec Louis Gaspare. Da bi rešil potnike bo Torrance potreboval Gasparejevo pomoč, kmalu pa bo tudi izvedel, da pri obtoženem morilcu ni vse tako, kot izgleda na prvi pogled.


12 opic

12 opic 1995


Piše se leto 2035 in le del človeštva je preživel v podzemnih bivališčih, potem ko je kar 99 % vsega svetovnega prebivalstva pobil neznani virus, površje planeta pa spremenil v strupeno snežno puščavo. Skupina znanstvenikov proti njegovi volji določi obsojenca Cola za prostovoljca, ki naj bi odpotoval nazaj v čas v leto 1996 – kjer naj bi preprečil smrtonosno globalno epidemijo, še preden bi do nje prišlo. Ko se Cole pojavi v letu 1996, zmedenega in očitno norega moža zaprejo v psihiatrično bolnišnico in tam spozna Jeffreyja Goinsa, neuravnovešenega sina priznanega znanstvenika, ter dr. Kathryn Railly, psihiatrinjo in avtorico, katere opozorila kolegom o apokaliptičnih prerokbah neznanega moža se sčasoma spremenijo v njeno trdno prepričanje, da Cole vendarle ni nor.


Letalo prekletih

Letalo prekletih 1997


Po koncu Zalivske vojne se Cameron Poe (N. Cage) vrača v domačo Alabamo, kjer ga nestrpno pričakuje noseča soproga Tricia (M. Potter). Kmalu po prihodu domov se v lokalnem baru zaplete s trojico nasilnežev, pri čemer med pretepom ponesreči usmrti enega od njih in konča v zaporu.


Čudež na reki Hudson

Čudež na reki Hudson 2016


Režiser z oskarji nagrajenih dram Ostrostrelec, Punčka za milijon dolarjev in Skrivnostna reka predstavlja zgodbo pilota Chesleya Sullenbergerja, ki je po okvari motorjev leta 2009 zaslovel s herojskim pristankom na reki Hudson sredi New Yorka. Čeprav izkušeni Sully kljub neznatnim možnostim uspe rešiti vse potnike, se kmalu po nesreči znajde pod drobnogledom zvedavih novinarjev in preiskovalcev. Ker se na preizkušnji znajdejo njegova kariera, družina in ugled, mora Sully spretno krmariti med trenutnimi pričakovanji in odzivi množic ter trdo realnostjo vsakdanjega življenja.


Super Wings

Super Wings 2014


An action-packed preschool series about an adorable jet plane named Jett who travels the world delivering packages to children. On every delivery, Jett encounters a new problem that the he and his friends the Super Wings must work together to solve!



Departure 2019


Follow the mystery of Flight 716 - a passenger plane that vanishes over the Atlantic Ocean. Following the mysterious crash, recently widowed, brilliant aviation investigator Kendra Malley is called in to investigate by her former boss and mentor Howard Lawson.


The A-Team

The A-Team 1983


A fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces personnel work as soldiers of fortune while on the run from the Army after being branded as war criminals for a "crime they didn't commit."


Last Exile

Last Exile 2003


A richly romantic action-adventure fantasy, set in a world where retro-futuristic vehicles permeate the skies. Against this lavish background are the lives of young and heroic van ship sky porters - Claus and Lavie - who are forced to take on the mission to deliver a mysterious girl, Alvis, to the battle ship Silvana. Before they know it, they become entangled in an aerial adventure between two countries gripped in an eternal war of magnificent air battleships.


The Flying Doctors

The Flying Doctors 1986


The Flying Doctors is an Australian drama series produced by Crawford Productions that revolved around the everyday lifesaving efforts of the real Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia. It was initially a 1985 mini-series based in the fictional outback town of Cooper's Crossing starring Andrew McFarlane as the newly arrived Dr. Tom Callaghan. The success of the mini series led to its return the following year as an on-going series with McFarlane being joined by a new doctor, Chris Randall, played by Liz Burch. McFarlane left during the first season and actor Robert Grubb came in as new doctor Geoff Standish. The series' episodes were mostly self-contained but also featured ongoing storylines, such as Dr. Standish's romance with Sister Kate Wellings. Other major characters included pilot Sam Patterson, mechanic Emma Plimpton, local policeman Sgt. Jack Carruthers and Vic and Nancy Buckley, who ran the local pub/hotel, The Majestic. Andrew McFarlane also later returned to the series, resuming his role as Dr. Callaghan. The popular series ran for nine seasons and was successfully screened internationally.



Hijack 2023


When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accomplished corporate negotiator—tries using his professional skills to save everyone on board. Will this high-risk strategy be his undoing?


Into the Night

Into the Night 2020


When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.


Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep 1976


The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron.


Pan Am

Pan Am 2011


In this modern world, air travel represents the height of luxury and Pan Am is the biggest name in the business. The planes are glamorous, the pilots are rock stars and the stewardesses are the most desirable women in the world. They're trained to handle everything from in-air emergencies to unwanted advances—all without rumpling their pristine uniforms or mussing their hair.


Red Eye

Red Eye 2024


London police officer DC Hana Li is escorting Dr Matthew Nolan back to Beijing where he has been accused of a crime. However, on board flight 357, she finds herself embroiled in an escalating conspiracy and a growing number of murders.


The Airport Diary

The Airport Diary 2012


Small plane Winky dreams of seeing the world while meeting friends at the airport, including the transport plane Gugu and the private jet Force King.


Mile High

Mile High 2003


Mile High is a British television drama based on the lives of the cabin crew members of Fresh!, a budget airline based in London. The name of the show comes from the "Mile High Club". The show was broadcast on Sky1 from 2003 to 2005 and subsequently aired again on Sky Three. In 2012, CBS Drama obtained the rights to the series and began to re-run it from the beginning.



Airline 2004


Airline is an American reality television series that showcases the daily happenings of passengers, ground workers and on-board staff members of Southwest Airlines. The series debuted on January 5, 2004 on A&E and ran for three seasons.


Fly Girls

Fly Girls 2010


A look at the lives of the charismatic jet-setting flight attendants on America's hippest new airline: Virgin America.


Battle Stations

Battle Stations 2000


Battle Stations is a documentary series of 1 hour episodes, which uses archive footage, re-enactments and first-hand accounts from the crews, to follow the machines and technology implemented from the Second World War to the Gulf War in the land, air and sea.


LA to Vegas

LA to Vegas 2018


An ensemble workplace comedy about a group of underdogs trying to find their place in the world, set on the Friday night flight from LAX to Vegas and the returning flight on Sunday, who all share the same goal: to come back a winner in the casino of life.


Ça décolle

Ça décolle 2016


Welcome to Superior Air! Buckle up, put your seat in the upright position, and get ready for the jokes to fly at 30,000 feet. Kim, Clara and Justin, our senior flight crew, will make sure that every flight is unforgettable. On each trip passengers of all ages, with their own stories, will board the plane for a destination.


Airplane Repo

Airplane Repo 2010


The Airplane Repo crew scour the ends of the earth to hunt down and recover high-value toxic assets from the nation’s wealthiest "1%." Dig deep into the minds of these high-flying daredevils to find out what makes them tick. Is it greed? Pride? Justice? Or just pure, unadulterated thrill-seeking? In each episode of Airplane Repo, these experts are hired by banks to repossess high-end and enormous luxury assets from wealthy individuals behind on their payments. From violent altercations with owners and potential incarceration, to the dangers of flying unfamiliar and possibly damaged planes, the Airplane Repo men and women put their lives on the line to get these luxurious mechanical giants back where they belong. These high-flying daredevils have the cool tools, experience and the cunning to outsmart bankrupt billionaires on the run, but with more obstacles than ever, will they be able to stay afloat in this risky business?


Pandora's Clock

Pandora's Clock 1996


A man infected with a deadly virus boards Quantum Airlines flight 66 in Frankfurt, Germany. The US government must stop the plane before it lands at JFK International Airport.



Wings 1988


Aviation history series which aired on the Discovery Channel family of networks. Originally called Great Planes.