Ključna beseda Bicycle
کیسەڵەکانیش دەفڕن 2005
Prehodi 2023
Režiser Tomas, ki živi v Parizu z dolgoletnim soprogom Martinom, se na zabavi po končanem snemanju filma zaplete v vročo romanco z mlado učiteljico Agathe. Razmerje z žensko je za Tomasa vznemirljiva novost, toda ko si ljubimca omisli tudi Martin, se v Tomasu prebudi ljubosumje...
Monella 1998
The Armstrong Lie 2013
The Way Way Back 2013
Das Mädchen Wadjda 2012
The Winning Season 2009
Happy-Go-Lucky 2008
Father and Daughter 2001
Half Nelson 2006
Xích lô 1996
Breaking Away 1979
BMX Bandits 1983
American Flyers 1985
Flåklypa Grand Prix 1975
Open All Hours 1976
Open All Hours is a BBC sitcom written by Roy Clarke and starring Ronnie Barker as a miserly shop keeper and David Jason as his put-upon nephew who works as his errand boy.
Tour de France: Unchained 2023
Through tears and triumph, this series follows several cycling teams as they compete in the 2022 installment of the world's most grueling bike race.
Go Ride 2023
Harlem Yu and five team members took on the challenge of cycling 1,200 kilometers around the country in 18 days, which was full of emotion and passion.