Kristusov pasijon

Kristusov pasijon 2004


Leto 33 naše dobe. V rimski provinci Judeji skrivnostni mizar, imenovan Jezus iz Nazareta, začne naznanjati prihod "božjega kraljestva" in se obkroža s skupino ponižnih ribičev: apostolov. Židovi so že stoletja čakali na prihod Mesije - providnostne osebnosti, ki bi osvobodila svojo sveto domovino in vzpostavila nov red, ki temelji na pravičnosti. Jezusovi nauki pritegnejo veliko množico privržencev, ki ga prepoznajo kot Mesijo. Prepričan nad situacijo, Sanhedrin s pomočjo Juda Iscariota, enega od dvanajstih apostolov, aretira Jezusa. Kristus je obtožen izdaje proti Rimu izročen Ponciju Pilatu, ki ga v izogib neredu obsoja na smrt na križu kot običajnega zločinca.


Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava

Zadnja Kristusova skušnjava 1988


Po romanu Nikosa Kazantzakisa se v svoji drami mojster režije Martin Scorsese poglablja v um in dušo Jezusa Kristusa ter njegovih notranjih bojev, ki jih doživlja, ko odkrije, da je Božji sin. Ob nominirancih Willemu Dafoeju (Kristus) in Harveyju Keitelu (Juda) je za svojo kontroverzno mojstrovino tudi Scorsese prejel nominacijo za oskarja za režijo. Preroški ali bogokleten? To presodite sami, a vendar studio Vanguard Cinema prinaša najbolj kontroverzen film desetletja. Globoko izpovedni in osebni film je režiserju Martinu Scorseseju prinesel nominacijo za najboljšo režijo leta 1988. Willem Dafoe ("Platoon") je Jezus iz Nazareta, ki se bojuje zoper neizbežno usodo. Igrajo tudi Barbara Hershey, Harvey Keitel in David Bowie.


The Book of Clarence

The Book of Clarence 2024


Jeruzalem, leta 33 našega štetja. Clarence je ulični prevarant, ki se rad drogira in snuje načrte za hitro obogatenje. Zagret je za lokalno lepotico, vendar je njenemu bratu dolžan ogromno vsoto kovancev. Clarence ne verjame v Boga in prav gotovo ne verjame, da je domačin po imenu Jezus sposoben delati čudeže. Zanj je to prevara. Poskuša postati 13. apostol, da bi poplačal svoje dolgove. Ko mu to ne uspe, se odloči, da se bo pretvarjal, da je tudi on mesija in bo tako dobil plačila za tako imenovane trike.


Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus of Nazareth 1977


Dramatizes the Birth, Life, Ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, largely according to the Holy Bible's New Testament Gospels.


A.D. The Bible Continues

A.D. The Bible Continues 2015


"A.D. The Bible Continues" picks up where the smash hit miniseries "The Bible" left off, continuing the greatest story ever told and exploring the exciting and inspiring events that followed the Crucifixion of Christ. The immediate aftermath of Christ's death had a massive impact on his disciples, his mother, Mary, and key political and religious leaders of the era, completely altering the entire world in an instant. Beginning at that fateful moment of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, "A.D. The Bible Continues" will focus on the disciples who had to go forward and spread the teachings of Christ to a world dominated by political unrest, and the start of a whole new religion that would dramatically reshape the history of the world.


The Living Christ

The Living Christ 1951


The first ever made for TV miniseries documents the story of Jesus Christ from birth to resurrection.


The Passion

The Passion 2008


The Passion is a television drama serial that tells the story of the last week in the life of Jesus.


St. Peter

St. Peter 2005


The life of Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own.


Jesus and Islam

Jesus and Islam 2015


Jesus of Nazareth, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Koran. Why? In what way? A deep investigation around the world exploring the rise of Islam during the time of prophet Muhammad.