Ključna beseda Submarine
Hitri in drzni 8 2017
Medtem ko Dom in Letty uživata na zasluženem poročnem potovanju na Kubi, tudi ostali zaživijo običajno življenje daleč stran od nevarnih preizkušenj in adrenalinskih podvigov, ki so v preteklosti spremljale njihov vsakdan. A Dom po srečanju s skrivnostno Cipher nima druge izbire, kot da se zaplete v nevaren svet kriminala in tako izda tiste, ki so mu najbližje. Družina se znajde pred največjo preizkušnjo do sedaj, ki jo mora za povrhu razrešiti še brez svojega vodje.
Brezno 1989
Lovec ubijalec 2018
Globoko v Arktičnem oceanu kapitan ameriške nuklearne podmornice Joe Glass dobi informacijo, da je prišlo do ruskega državnega udara, ki ogroža svetovni mir. Ruskega predsednika je namreč ugrabila skupina odpadnikov, ki skuša zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno. Kapitan Glass mora s svojo posadko in s pomočjo vojaškega poveljništva sestaviti elitno skupino tjulnjev, da bi rešili ugrabljenega predsednika in ustavili novo svetovno vojno.
Črna voda 2018
Greyhound 2020
Zgodba opisuje komandirja ameriške mornarice na prvi plovbi prek Atlantika kmalu po vstopu ZDA v drugo svetovno vojno v začetku leta 1942, med katero je zadolžen za varovanje konvoja trgovskih ladij pred napadi nemških podmornic.
Atlantida: Izgubljeno cesarstvo 2001
Najbolj visoko kvalificirano posadko arheologov in raziskovalcev vodi zgodovinar Milo Thatch, ko se vkrcajo na neverjetno podvodno podmornico Ulysses in se odpravijo globoko v morske skrivnosti. Podvodna odprava se nepričakovano obrne, ko mora misija ekipe preiti z raziskovanja Atlantide na njeno zaščito.
Babilon A.D. 2008
Močni kriminalec Gorsky (Gerard Depardieu) najame Toorop-a (Vin Diesel), da pripelje sestro Auroro iz ruskega samostana v New York. Na poti v New York so Aurora (Melanie Thierry), njena varovanka Rebekah (Michelle Yeoh) in Toorop cilj številnih plačancev, ki želijo ugrabiti Auroro.
Austin Powers v Zlatotiču 2002
Agent Austin Powers se zoperstavi dr. Evilu in njegovemu sostorilcu Mini-Me; da Austin Powers po pobegu iz zapora z največjo varnostjo ponovno ukrepa. Gold Member je skrivnostni lik, ki pomaga dr. Evilu, da oblikuje načrt za prevlado nad svetom. Zlobni bodo potovali v času in ugrabili očeta glavnega junaka .... Še en odličen uspešnica pustolovščin edinstvenega funky vohuna, v katerem igra slavni komik Mike Myers.
James Bond: Vohun, ki me je ljubil 1977
Velikansko podvodno plovilo ugrabi angleško in rusko podmornico. Svet se zaradi napetosti med velesilama vnovič znajde na robu vojne. Britanskega vohuna Jamesa Bonda (Roger Moore), ki združi moči s čedno rusko agentko Anyo Amasovo (Barbara Bach), sledi pripeljejo do ladijskega mogotca Karla Stromberga (Curt Jurgens). Ta v svojem velikanskem podvodnem domovanju pripravlja strašen načrt, s katerim namerava uničiti New York ter nazadnje zavladati svetu. Stromberg v boj proti Bondu pošlje neuničljivega velikana Jawsa (Richard Kiel) z jeklenimi zobmi, ostrimi kot rezilo. Zamero do Bonda pa goji tudi Anya, ki ima s slavnim agentom lastne načrte.
Gods of the Deep 2023
James Bond: Samo za tvoje oči 1981
V Jonskem morju potone britanska vohunska ladja. Britanska tajna služba najame morskega raziskovalca Timothyja Havelocka, da bi jo našel. Kajti na ladji se nahaja dragocen tovor: mogočni sistem A.T.A.C., ki bo najditelju omogočil nadzor nad jedrskimi podmornicami. Havelocka in njegovo ženo napade Kubanec Hector Gonzales ter ju ubije. Napad preživi le njuna čedna hči Melina (Carole Bouquet), ki je odločena, da bo maščevala smrt svojih staršev. Tako združi moči z Jamesom Bondom, ki mora najprej ugotoviti, kdo je Gonzalesa najel. Sledi ga pripeljejo do grškega poslovneža Kristatosa, nekdanjega nacističnega dvojnega agenta, ki zdaj dela za rusko obveščevalno službo.
Das Boot 1981
Nemška podmornica med drugo svetovno vojno lovi zavezniške ladje, a kmalu postane lovljena. Posadka skuša preživeti pod gladino, pri tem pa do skrajnih meja razteza tako plovilo kot sebe.
Crimson Tide 1995
Down Periscope 1996
Act of Valor 2012
Druzba pravih gospodov 2003
V viktorijanski Angliji hudobni človek zagreši svoja dejanja z namenom, da izzove svetovno vojno. Oblasti bodo skušale to preprečiti s posebnostjo: vsi literarni junaki. Izredno ligo Quatermaina sestavljajo stotnik Nemo, varuhinja Drakula Mina Harker, nevidni človek Rodney Skinner, ameriški agent tajne službe Sawyer, Dorian Gray in dr. Jekyll / g. Hyde. Ligo zaposluje enigmatični M. Člani lige so trmasti individualisti, pravzaprav izobčenci s preteklostmi, v katerih so luči in sence ter edinstvena darila, ki so jim hkrati prinesla veselje in žalost. Zdaj se morajo naučiti zaupati drug drugemu in delati kot ekipa za dobro in upanje civilizacije, z malo priprav in brez časa za zapravljanje.
Nautilus 2024
The origin story of the iconic Captain Nemo: an Indian Prince robbed of his birthright and family, a prisoner of the East India Mercantile Company and a man bent on revenge against the forces that have taken everything from him.
Das Boot 2018
An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn between loyalty for her home country and the French resistance in the WWII drama.
seaQuest DSV 1993
In the early 21st century, mankind has colonized the oceans. The United Earth Oceans Organization enlists Captain Nathan Bridger and the submarine seaQuest DSV to keep the peace and explore the last frontier on Earth.
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea 1964
Join the crew of the Seaview aboard their super high-tech submarine, where no mission is too dangerous and no threat is too deadly, be it enemy agents, mad scientists, deadly sea creatures, or impending nuclear disaster.
The Deep 2015
The adventures of the Nekton family, a family of daring underwater explorers who live aboard a state-of-the-art submarine, The Aronnax, and explore uncharted areas of the earth's oceans to unravel the mysteries of the deep.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova 2013
By 2039, global warming had caused sea levels to rise and large amount of territory to be lost. As though in response, a mysterious group of warships clad in mist, “the Fleet of Mist,” appeared in every corner of the ocean, and began attacking human ships. In spite of humanity mustering all their strength, they were utterly defeated by the Mist's overwhelming force. All of humanity's trade routes were blockaded by the Fleet of Mist, their political economy was destroyed, and the human race was steadily beaten down. Seven years later, the Fleet of Mist's submarine I-401 appears before cadet Gunzo Chihaya. The humanoid life form that pilots the sub, who should be their enemy, is instead offering her services to mankind.
Fear the Walking Dead: Dead in the Water 2022
Riley is serving as a weapons officer aboard the USS Pennsylvania near the Gulf of Mexico when a mysterious outbreak forces the crew to strategize a way off the sub before it becomes their tomb, in this prequel to Fear the Walking Dead.
Last Resort 2012
When the crew of the U.S. ballistic missile submarine Colorado refuse to fire nuclear weapons at Pakistan without confirmation of the orders, they are fired upon and declared rogue enemies of their own country.
Yakamoz S-245 2022
After disaster strikes the Earth, a marine biologist on a research mission in a submarine must fight to advance the process into a conspiracy.
Blue Submarine No. 6 1998
The once famous and well respected scientist Zorndyke has bred a new genre of living being, one that thrives on the oceans and lives to destroy humans. Zorndyke believes it is time that the humans were relieved of their rule of the earth. It is up to Blue Submarine No. 6 and the rest of the Blue fleet to put an end to Zorndyke's madness and creations.
Operation Petticoat 1977
During World War II, a Navy officer commands a pink sub with a crew of five rescued Army nurses and a combat-phobic supply officer in this series based on the 1959 movie starring Cary Grant and Tony Curtis. Curtis's daughter Jamie Lee played one of the nurses (her first recurring role on network TV). First aired in 1977
Hell Below 2016
Hell Below is an event-based series charting the stealth game of sub sea warfare, tracking the dramatic narrative from contact to attack of the greatest submarine patrols of World War II. From the rise of the Wolfpack to the drive for victory in the Pacific, we profile the strategic masterminds and the rapid evolution of technology and tactics, as the threat of undersea warfare brings every sailor's worst nightmare to life. Expert analysis and stock footage are woven with narrative driven re-enactments filmed on authentic Second World War era submarines to place the characters at the heart of the action.
The Deep 2010
As the world's energy supplies dwindle, the Orpheus, a research submarine, delves into the deep of the Arctic Ocean searching for rare micro-organisms, but the crew soon find themselves in peril.
Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough 2015
Following his visit to the Great Barrier Reef in 1957, naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough returns and uses the latest filming techniques to unlock the secrets of the natural wonder.
The Undersea Adventures of Captain Nemo 1975
The Undersea Adventures of Captain Nemo was a series of five-minute cartoons produced in Canada in the mid-1970s. They told the story of Captain Mark Nemo and his young assistants, Christine and Robbie, in their nuclear-powered submarine, the Nautilus.
Combat Ships 2017
The very first submarine, which legend claims lurked beneath New York Harbor during the American Revolutionary War. The small ships that rescued thousands from Dunkirk. The destroyer that forced the easing of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Over the centuries, conflicts have prompted advances to ship designs, making vessels stronger, faster, smarter, and capable of changing the course of wars. Join us as we examine the world's greatest Combat Ships, and reveal how they shaped world history and inspired men and women to acts of incredible courage.
Warship 2001
The evolution of the modern naval warship, from the days of wooden vessels under sail to today's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, submarines, and missile cruisers.
The Silent War 2013
The story of the underwater war between US, UK and Soviet submarines in the second half of the 20th century.
Nuclear Sharks - Cold War Submarine Adventures 1998
'Nuclear Sharks' explores the silent, stealthy symbol of the Cold War. A war waged outside public view. A war about strategy and world domination. A war of technological advancement, with lethal consequences. By the early 1950's, the United States and the Soviet Union are entrenched in a harrowing conflict many fear will bring an end to humanity. This gripping series reveals the stories of submarines sunk to the bottom, their nuclear power plants in meltdown. Such incidents remained closely guarded military secrets both on the American and the Soviet sides.
Convoy: War Of The Atlantic 2009
The story of the Convoys is a tale of compelling drama, full of bravery and tragedy. It takes us into the lives of hundreds of thousands of unheralded men whose incredible everyday courage, played out in the cruel seas and cold skies of the North Atlantic changed the course of the war.